Argentina budget cuts spark student protests

Hypotheticals that can never happen, for $500 Alex.

But that is essentially what they did in Argentina. That is the point.

If you want to introduce libertarianism it cannot be done cold turkey.
This is why libertarianism can never succeeded. One cannot just do a 100% u-turn, going from all to nothing.

If social security were taken away today, would you blame those that were relying on it to survive for being upset?

As for Argentina, there is nothing libertarian about pumping up military.
As for Argentina, there is nothing libertarian about pumping up military.


Libs normally want to gut the military

But the rate of inflation in Argentina is so high and the need for military spending so tiny that it does seem backward

Or maybe why not cut both till inflation is under control?

As for Argentina, there is nothing libertarian about pumping up military.


Libs normally want to gut the military

But the rate of inflation in Argentina is so high and the need for military spending so tiny that it does seem backward

Or maybe why not cut both till inflation is under control?

One day you might learn the difference between a Liberal and a Libertarian. Though I do not hold out much hope for you.

And yes, it is backwards. They are not threatened by any of their neighbors, and likely they could not build up their military enough if they were. Argentina also has a long history of neutrality on world affairs and Melei has changed that, which is a very unLibertarian thing to do.
One day you might learn the difference between a Liberal and a Libertarian. Though I do not hold out much hope for you.

And yes, it is backwards. They are not threatened by any of their neighbors, and likely they could not build up their military enough if they were. Argentina also has a long history of neutrality on world affairs and Melei has changed that, which is a very unLibertarian thing to do.
In your case there is not much difference

Argentina is an example of how NOT to reduce government spending

Boosting one interest group at the expense of another group is bound to fail

The only sensible approach is across the board spending cuts
One day you might learn the difference between a Liberal and a Libertarian. Though I do not hold out much hope for you.

And yes, it is backwards. They are not threatened by any of their neighbors, and likely they could not build up their military enough if they were. Argentina also has a long history of neutrality on world affairs and Melei has changed that, which is a very unLibertarian thing to do.

Melei isn't a libertarian. He's an Argentine nationalist.
Naturally I have little interest in Argentina

What I care about is the US budget and economy

We need across the board spending cut in America

indeed we do.

but only a few of us ever vote for anyone that will do that.

and you are not one of those voters
indeed we do.

but only a few of us ever vote for anyone that will do that.

and you are not one of those voters
Neither are you since you waste your vote on a 3rd party loser that has no chance of being elected

What you should do is decide which party best represents your views and work to improve that party

But making tough decisions is not your forte
Neither are you since you waste your vote on a 3rd party loser that has no chance of being elected

They are willing to do it, that you will not vote for them is not their fault.

What you should do is decide which party best represents your views and work to improve that party

The answer is neither party comes close. Both have a few things that come close to my views, but since there is not much difference between the two parties most of their views are far from mine.

But making tough decisions is nit your forte

Just the opposite in fact. There is nothing hard about being a mindless partisan drone like you. You do not need to think or do anything other than vote for the (R). There is no decision making involved.
Thats your problem

You expect to have your wants fulfilled on a silver platter with no effort by you

Not at all, I do not expect people like you to ever agree with my views.

I view it much like when the wife and I left our church about a decade ago. There were things going on we did not agree with and we pushed back, but most people were fine with the comfortable status quo so in the end we had to decide if we were willing to give up our principles to stay a part of the church. We were not. Same concept applies to the political parties, or even the country.

And I can assure you, coming to those decisions is far harder than being a mindless drone like you that will vote for their party no matter what
Not at all, I do not expect people like you to ever agree with my views.
You are never going to get universal or in many cases even majority agreement

We are too divided for that

So you wander off in frustration and waste your vote on a 1 percenter

I pick the candidate that that most closely represents me AND HAS A REASONABLE CHANCE TO WIN
You are never going to get universal or in many cases even majority agreement

We are too divided for that

Indeed we are. And that is by design.

So you wander off in frustration and waste your vote on a 1 percenter

Yep. At least I still have my soul and self-respect.

I pick the candidate that that most vlosely represents me AND HAS A REASONABLE CHANCE TO WIN

Which is why are stuck with such shitty choices, decades of settling has lead us to where we are today. And it will just keep getting worse till "we the people" stop settling for the less shitty candidate

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