Argentine Catholic Church in the dock over snatching of babies during military dictatorship


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
High-ranking officials of the Argentine Catholic Church were implicated in the appropriation of babies from detainees who were held in Cordoba province’s La Perla clandestine concentration camp during the last military dictatorship, journalist and writer Horacio Verbitsky, the head of the CELS human rights group, testified.

Speaking at the massive trial that is examining the dictatorship-era crimes that took place at one of Argentina's most emblematic illegal detention centers, Verbitsky accused late former bishop Raul Primatesta of giving consent to military officials to drop off babies snatched from detainees in a Córdoba foster home.

Verbitsky gave his testimony from Buenos Aires City via video-conference following a request by the head of the Córdoba chapter of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, Sonia Torres. The CELS president and journalist explained the nuns managing the orphanage were in charge of the victims’ babies and would help find families to adopt them, all with the knowledge of Primatesta.
Argentine Catholic Church in the dock over snatching of babies during military dictatorship

It takes way too long to resolve these issues.
As early as the first century A.D., Christians were saving babies who were abandoned by their pagan parents.

Pagans, Christianity, and Infanticide

These babies were suffering in a concentration camp. How long would they have lived if they weren't rescued?

And the Church placed these babies in loving homes.

This is total bullshit.
It's not enough to hate the Church for the mistakes it's made, now Church will be prosecuted for it's good deeds as well.
Did the Church have the obligation to give these starving women paperwork to give up their parental rights to their babies.

Some of them would refuse, and their babies would die with them.
The Catholic Church has survived 2000 years, despite the efforts of Roman Emperors, Communist dictators, and other tyrants. The Church will obey the law if it is just. But if the laws are unjust, the Catholic Church will break them, as necessary.

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