Argument about inherent biological characteristics of the Gypsies


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club

Quote Originally Posted by sparkle star View Post "Honest Gypsy" is an oxymoron. The fact that it is an oxymoron is a matter of definition, and that gypsy is a dirty word like rogue or crook. Many say that it is a gypsy, actually a crook or thief or rascal. A bad guy. Just a matter of concept and lexicon. But still you don't let anyone who was born with origin or biology not be a non-Gypsy. That means you are born into it and that is a form of caste or racism. In India, untouchability has been illegal since Ghandi. Racism is illegal in the United States, even though it has been so for centuries or millennia. You still fight with aftermath. But there are already Untouchable Presidents of India. A millionaire commerce of the Untouchables etc. In Europe we are not there yet. I don't see why biologically the untouchables would be able to do more than the gypsies, there is no difference unless you say it's because of their European and middle eastern blood because they mixed there. But the Europeans and Iranians and Arabs are also civilized. There is simply no reason to believe that Gypsy and honesty is an oxymoron in terms of race. The Gypsies need self-determination that means first and foremost they decide and define who they are.
Who is this "sparkle star" and where can I view this post?
Uncle Ferd had a crush onna Gypsy girl growin' up...

... but den her momma said she'd cut out his liver...

... an' eat it fer breakfast if he tried anything...

... so he didn't.
Uncle Ferd had a crush onna Gypsy girl growin' up...

... but den her momma said she'd cut out his liver...

... an' eat it fer breakfast if he tried anything...

... so he didn't.

That is racist of that gypsy woman or protective of her daughter. Rednecks are the same and there are something like shotgun weddings and they cut out the liver of a negroe if he tried anything. Im a tolerant open minded person though.

Yes american media still portrays gypsies as thieves as evil. I saw many movies. Actually they would not dare to that with any other minority only gypsies. They also appropriate gypsy culture or do brown face gypsy face. Im not PC and dont mind some such small details but actually it is not equal with other minorities because they dont do black face for example.

Yes american media still portrays gypsies as thieves as evil. I saw many movies. Actually they would not dare to that with any other minority only gypsies. They also appropriate gypsy culture or do brown face gypsy face. Im not PC and dont mind some such small details but actually it is not equal with other minorities because they dont do black face for example.

Wouldn't dare to do it to other minorities huh?

Do you have any idea what the logos of some of our NFL teams are? :71:

Yes american media still portrays gypsies as thieves as evil. I saw many movies. Actually they would not dare to that with any other minority only gypsies. They also appropriate gypsy culture or do brown face gypsy face. Im not PC and dont mind some such small details but actually it is not equal with other minorities because they dont do black face for example.

Wouldn't dare to do it to other minorities huh?

Do you have any idea what the logos of some of our NFL teams are? :71:

What are they? And does it say blacks or natives are evil, or criminal? Do Gypsies have affirmative action? Do Gypsies have protection from hate crime?

Yes american media still portrays gypsies as thieves as evil. I saw many movies. Actually they would not dare to that with any other minority only gypsies. They also appropriate gypsy culture or do brown face gypsy face. Im not PC and dont mind some such small details but actually it is not equal with other minorities because they dont do black face for example.

Dumbass, that was from the 60's or 70's. Let's see, 50+ years ago. Please, don't immigrate here, we have enough dumbasses.

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