Zone1 Argument: USMB is a safe space for right wing politics

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To be clear, I don't mean this to be a taunt or something incendiary since, as a leftist, I don't think safe spaces are entirely a bad thing. I'm just making the point that, given how right-wingers' derogatory posts often go untouched by mods here while similar left wing posts tend to get the full deletion-and-warning treatment, there may be a little doublemindedness in admins' approach here. It seems a lot like the cancel culture rightwingers claim to hate.

If you want to cancel this post and lock it or ban me or whatever go ahead I guess.
Fewer than 80 posts a year since you dropped in here, and you come sniveling with this weak-assed shit?

Ideas seem to be the whole reason for deletion here. Zone 1 seems to be a place where those on the right can feel comfortable not having their ideas challenged. I'd say the same for "the badlands forum" as well. These are places where those on the right can feel safe and protected, free to call lefties names while hiding behind the moderators and making faces.
If it helps any, I am making a face at you this very minute, and I'm not hiding it at all.
Fewer than 80 posts a year since you dropped in here, and you come sniveling with this weak-assed shit?

View attachment 787497
It is noteworthy how often rightwingers' response to my posts follows along the lines of "go away" eg "get out of my safe space." Do you deny that you feel comfortable here where rightwingers can give eachother "awards" for shouting down leftists and where, if a leftist post makes you too uncomfortable, an admin is sure to delete it, while ignoring all the "dems are scum" and "fucking sock" and "piece of shit libtards" etc etc - again, I'm not complaining, just wondering why it seems like you can't take getting back what you give.
To be clear, I don't mean this to be a taunt or something incendiary since, as a leftist, I don't think safe spaces are entirely a bad thing. I'm just making the point that, given how right-wingers' derogatory posts often go untouched by mods here while similar left wing posts tend to get the full deletion-and-warning treatment, there may be a little doublemindedness in admins' approach here. It seems a lot like the cancel culture rightwingers claim to hate.

If you want to cancel this post and lock it or ban me or whatever go ahead I guess.

Okay, Saul.

It is noteworthy how often rightwingers' response to my posts follows along the lines of "go away" eg "get out of my safe space." Do you deny that you feel comfortable here where rightwingers can give eachother "awards" for shouting down leftists and where, if a leftist post makes you too uncomfortable, an admin is sure to delete it, while ignoring all the "dems are scum" and "fucking sock" and "piece of shit libtards" etc etc - again, I'm not complaining, just wondering why it seems like you can't take getting back what you give.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Somebody's looking to get another thread booted out of the leftists' "safe zone".

We don't use the "safe zone" here to set up our pouty-parties.

To be clear, I don't mean this to be a taunt or something incendiary since, as a leftist, I don't think safe spaces are entirely a bad thing. I'm just making the point that, given how right-wingers' derogatory posts often go untouched by mods here while similar left wing posts tend to get the full deletion-and-warning treatment, there may be a little doublemindedness in admins' approach here. It seems a lot like the cancel culture rightwingers claim to hate.

If you want to cancel this post and lock it or ban me or whatever go ahead I guess.

Left wingers - “The moderators are shills for the Republicans!”

Right wingers - “The moderators are a bunch of Soros funded Commies!”

Wash, rinse, repeat
It is noteworthy how often rightwingers' response to my posts follows along the lines of "go away" eg "get out of my safe space." Do you deny that you feel comfortable here where rightwingers can give eachother "awards" for shouting down leftists and where, if a leftist post makes you too uncomfortable, an admin is sure to delete it, while ignoring all the "dems are scum" and "fucking sock" and "piece of shit libtards" etc etc - again, I'm not complaining, just wondering why it seems like you can't take getting back what you give.
It sounds like you have been programmed to say the same thing over and over again.

You should start hanging out with C.Clayton.Jones.
To be clear, I don't mean this to be a taunt or something incendiary since, as a leftist, I don't think safe spaces are entirely a bad thing. I'm just making the point that, given how right-wingers' derogatory posts often go untouched by mods here while similar left wing posts tend to get the full deletion-and-warning treatment, there may be a little doublemindedness in admins' approach here. It seems a lot like the cancel culture rightwingers claim to hate.

If you want to cancel this post and lock it or ban me or whatever go ahead I guess.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Somebody's looking to get another thread booted out of the leftists' "safe zone".

We don't use the "safe zone" here to set up our pouty-parties.

The "safe zone" for me would be the rubber room since that seems to be the only place my posts don't get deleted.
To be clear, I don't mean this to be a taunt or something incendiary since, as a leftist, I don't think safe spaces are entirely a bad thing. I'm just making the point that, given how right-wingers' derogatory posts often go untouched by mods here while similar left wing posts tend to get the full deletion-and-warning treatment, there may be a little doublemindedness in admins' approach here. It seems a lot like the cancel culture rightwingers claim to hate.

If you want to cancel this post and lock it or ban me or whatever go ahead I guess.
How would you know if a conservative post is deleted? It was deleted. Oh yeah, if the posters goes into the flame zone and tears the mods a new one. I have had quite a few post or responses deleted, because some critter i wont name didnt like the post or response.

Can we have some concrete examples of right wing posts that are protected, and left-wing posts that are not?

I have to say that the worst I see mods do to me is move my thread to the badlands. Usually it's because a thread got out of hand, not becuase there was anything wrong with the OP.

Even then, who cares? Threads in the Badlands are visible when you click "New Posts" or whatever, so what have I lost?
Can we have some concrete examples of right wing posts that are protected, and left-wing posts that are not?

I have to say that the worst I see mods do to me is move my thread to the badlands. Usually it's because a thread got out of hand, not becuase there was anything wrong with the OP.

Even then, who cares? Threads in the Badlands are visible when you click "New Posts" or whatever, so what have I lost?
I have been banned a few times for inappropriate language. Sometimes i have to bite my tongue, make sure the zone isnt 1 and if it is the rubber room or flame zone, then i go off like a marine corps sergeant.
Can we have some concrete examples of right wing posts that are protected, and left-wing posts that are not?

I have to say that the worst I see mods do to me is move my thread to the badlands. Usually it's because a thread got out of hand, not becuase there was anything wrong with the OP.

Even then, who cares? Threads in the Badlands are visible when you click "New Posts" or whatever, so what have I lost?
I've had my posts removed from the badlands without me swearing, directly insulting anyone etc. In the midst of rightwingers ranting "demscum," "piece of shit," "bitch" etc - I get canceled for making allegory about the daddy party treating the mommy party like crap.

Again, I don't mind the insults. I'm not complaining. I'm challenging these rightwinger members and admins'view that they don't engage in cancel culture because they do. This site is a shelter for the rightwing to feel generally safe and secure.
To be clear, I don't mean this to be a taunt or something incendiary since, as a leftist, I don't think safe spaces are entirely a bad thing. I'm just making the point that, given how right-wingers' derogatory posts often go untouched by mods here while similar left wing posts tend to get the full deletion-and-warning treatment, there may be a little doublemindedness in admins' approach here. It seems a lot like the cancel culture rightwingers claim to hate.

If you want to cancel this post and lock it or ban me or whatever go ahead I guess.
Translation: You stumbled on a board that isn't full woketard, where we can actually counter proggy BS with facts/truth & you can't comprehend that your hive mind bubble isn't as popular as you were conditioned to feel.

What you are feeling is called cognitive dissonance
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