Arguments for Atheism as a Religion

Creation vs Nothing: It takes a lot of faith to believe in the religion of materialism.
I wouldn't be so quick to trot out Don Patton as an expert on anything. He's just another christian funded loon who is as clueless as you are.

Annals of the Texas Board of Education Pharyngula
I think anyone here arguing with us about this is trying to convince themselves not us. And they certainly not listening to the evidence why their thinking is flawed and their arguments have holes. Either they want to believe or are afraid not to. And they must realize by now we arent evil for not believing.

I use to believe so I think I understand their thinking. And I know atheism is a process. I didn't become one overnight so I have to remember to be patient with them for they know not what they do.
Encyclopedia of American Loons Search results for Hovind

Kent Hovind needs no introduction, and plumbing the abyss of his cluelessness is probably not a hygienic enterprise, so we’ll restrict ourselves to the basics (and some examples). Hovind used to be the head of Creation Science Evangelism, a young earth creationist activist group. He also operated a small museum and amusement park known as "Dinosaur Adventure Land". In 2006, during the run-up to Hovind's trial for tax evasion, much of the park was shut down due to Hovind's refusal to secure a building permit. He was convicted on the tax evasion charges and is now serving a 10-year sentence.


Diagnosis: Hovind is a riot of insanity, ignorance, crackpottery, delusion, lunacy and idiocy. Thus, he has had rather far-reaching influence. His jail-time may have halted his career, and he seems to have grown even more unhinged during his time in prison. What happens when he is let out in 2015 will be interesting.
There are atheist religions, but atheism wouldn't be a religion, any more than theism would.
Science & Reason v. Atheism Religion

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Science & Reason v. Atheism Religion

It comes down to the speaker really. I don't fit in with other Atheists, and don't devote my time to pushing non-theism.

Reason is that I find the rhetoric a bit much, and being an atheist or a believer doesn't make someone a necessarily better person.

To explain this, I have been on a few Atheist forums, and at first it was cordial, but when they brought up nations outside Europe the racism and prejudice was astounding.

They hated Muslims, they hated religious people, and most of all they hated New Zealand, Australia, and America. The reason? All three have laws against religious hatred, and believe in getting along with religious minorities (rather than attacking religious beliefs or allowing violent religious protests).

You can't judge all Theists or Atheists based on a institution, which is why I like to stay clear of religious debates with a 'us' vs 'them' themes.

Creation vs Nothing: It takes a lot of faith to believe in the religion of materialism.

Hi MaxGrit
I would say it is a belief that is shared. If there were a protocol of rituals to follow then that would be a religion.

For example
right to health care is a belief
but now that Obama has pushed ACA mandates, refused to make them optional to follow or remove the requirements,
that has become a national religion with steps to follow in order to comply or else face punishment.

political belief is just the concept
but the practice makes it a religion

same with my denomination of Constitutionalism
I believe in isonomy as the belief
if this were to be instituted in a state, it would become isocracy which would be a political religion
God is infinite in that he created all the stars and galaxies, but he also has microscopic vision, and can see every cell and the blood flowing through your body.

God knows every time a bird falls from the sky. Jesus explicitly said so.

So yes, God is concerned with the big stuff AND the small stuff.

If you could have snapped your fingers and stopped those planes from flying into those buildings on 9 11 would you have done it? So you are kinder than your own god.

And anything that would hide and say if we don't believe you that it exists will send us to burn in hell forever is sadistic and not worth worshipping.

sealybobo even God cannot make 1 plus 2 magically equal to 10.
once you set certain cause and effect in motion, some things are not reversible past a certain momentum.

Like if you are driving a car. if you are only going 10 mph maybe you can brake in time to avoid hitting someone.
but if you are going 100 the reaction time of a human being may not be fast enough.

thus we are meant to learn not to go 100 mph in order that we CAN avoid accidents due to excessive speed.

sealybobo if God could magically stop all wrecks liek that, then people could just drive like
maniacs, not pay attention or CARE, because God would magically stop all wrecks.
that isn't what we're supposed to do.

we are supposed to learn cause and effect so we can prevent 9/11 the right way
by not setting ourselves up for conflicts and oppression to escalate to that point.

if we can prevent all the steps that went wrong going into 9/11 how many other disasters
can we stop that are related to any of those factors? we have toaddress them all. so that is why and what we have to learn.
Why would we HAVE to look up to a more superior race if we found them out there somewhere?

Isn't the answer self evident?


The highest likely probability of finding a superior species out there is that they would be extremely predatory. Your idiotic vision of an "ET" would probably get everyone on this planet killed...and eaten. Almost every form of life that exists eats something else. The dumbest thing we could do is ring the dinner bell.
God is infinite in that he created all the stars and galaxies, but he also has microscopic vision, and can see every cell and the blood flowing through your body.

God knows every time a bird falls from the sky. Jesus explicitly said so.

So yes, God is concerned with the big stuff AND the small stuff.

If you could have snapped your fingers and stopped those planes from flying into those buildings on 9 11 would you have done it? So you are kinder than your own god.

And anything that would hide and say if we don't believe you that it exists will send us to burn in hell forever is sadistic and not worth worshipping.

sealybobo even God cannot make 1 plus 2 magically equal to 10.
once you set certain cause and effect in motion, some things are not reversible past a certain momentum.

Like if you are driving a car. if you are only going 10 mph maybe you can brake in time to avoid hitting someone.
but if you are going 100 the reaction time of a human being may not be fast enough.

thus we are meant to learn not to go 100 mph in order that we CAN avoid accidents due to excessive speed.

sealybobo if God could magically stop all wrecks liek that, then people could just drive like
maniacs, not pay attention or CARE, because God would magically stop all wrecks.
that isn't what we're supposed to do.

we are supposed to learn cause and effect so we can prevent 9/11 the right way
by not setting ourselves up for conflicts and oppression to escalate to that point.

if we can prevent all the steps that went wrong going into 9/11 how many other disasters
can we stop that are related to any of those factors? we have toaddress them all. so that is why and what we have to learn.

So god never interfers or intervenes? Then don't tell me someone was ever saved by a miracle. We know that was just luck. If you want to show me a miracle do it for all the world to see. God should have had that plane fly through the building unharmed. Then I'd believe in miracles. One person out of 100 surviving a plane crash is not a miracle.

I don't expect god to always intervene but once I'd like to see a real miracle. Every "miracle" so far has been miraculous but not a miracle.

Do you believe god ever performs miracles? Of course you do you believe in god.
Funny how many people who survive a car crash claim it was a miracle. The word is seriously overused.

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