Arguments for vegetarianism or veganism


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
If nothing else, I'd argue this much.

Most healthy diets proposed by reasonable doctors would include a much larger amount of "real, whole or natural" foods than what the average, overweight, lazy, selfish American eats, much as they'd require more actual cooking than what a selfish, lazy slob contents himself with via fast food or microwavable meals.

The average person, male or female, is not a hunter, let alone a big game hunter, so if they childishly or effeminately compare eating fast food or processed food made of meat ingredients to actually being a seasoned hunter hunting for their own game, they're a joke, and would likely be laughed at or derided by any actual male or female hunter who'se stood the test of time.

In their case, it's probably more akin to being so lazy, fat, slovenly, and inept, that they can't go for more than 20 minutes without a big of processed food in their diet - sure, everyone has their vices, but not all vices are "equal" to those of others, much as a person who smokes or drinks only socially isn't the same as a heavier smoker, or how a person who eats fast food or at a restaurant on a special occasion isn't the same as a person who fast food, junk food, and sugar soda comprise 99% of their diet.

So if anything, veganism or vegetarianism would likely be a health improvement, as well as an act of self-discipline for the average American man or woman, and would correspond more to what a reasonable doctor would consider a healthy diet to begin with - reading into it anymore than that probably isn't worth my time, or anyone else.
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And if someone wants to bitch about "forcing morality on him", like a weakling who knows he can't defend himself from it to begin with were it to happen, in practice, the state as a whole probably won't force anyone not to be a fat, lazy slob or die an early death, it's merely a risk which they're allowed to take, though no one who knows or cares what's good for them would want to, for patently obvious reasons, nor would they whiney bitch about morality being forced on them (which already is the case, as far as the Common Law system as a whole is actually concerned, even if conflating unhealthy diets to illegal behaviors is considered quite a stretch), they would just do it of their own accord and not give it any second thought.

(Much as extremists at the other end of the spectrum, who equate eating meat with "murder", when I'd never consider the two equitable or comparable).

(in regards to "beauty standards", most deeper thoughts and philosophies on beauty or aesthetics aren't reducible solely to the banal or physical, as superficially minded people tend to assume, such as in arts, music theory, or arguably any endeavor which requires creativity and mastery, such as sports, or mastery of any craft or trade).

Nevertheless, on the physical level, they are linked to notions of good health, life, and fertility, as embodied in cultural notions and ideals which stand the test of time, even then not being solely reducible to the purely physical, but going above and beyond that as well.

Anything else on the subject, more banal, superfluous, or trivial than that, simply isn't worth talking to, about, or responding to in any sincere since or way.
Why would you ever call a well balanced diet including meat the equal of a burger and fries diet?
It took the biggest loser guy ( the trainer) it took him having a heart attack to wake his stupid ass up where he finally said " eat red meat" we need meat in our diets. lol buuuut it's all such a conspiracy.
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It took the biggest loser guy ( the trainer) it took him having a heart attack to wake his stupid ass up where he finally said " eat red meat" we need meat in our diets. lol buuuut it's all such a conspiracy.
To each their own on that one, I'm sure it's complicated, and ultimately a matter between a person and their doctors, or themselves, but not worth my time to get into in any more depth.
If nothing else, I'd argue this much.

Most healthy diets proposed by reasonable doctors would include a much larger amount of "real, whole or natural" foods than what the average, overweight, lazy, selfish American eats, much as they'd require more actual cooking than what a selfish, lazy slob contents himself with via fast food or microwavable meals.

The average person, male or female, is not a hunter, let alone a big game hunter, so if they childishly or effeminately compare eating fast food or processed food made of meat ingredients to actually being a seasoned hunter hunting for their own game, they're a joke, and would likely be laughed at or derided by any actual male or female hunter who'se stood the test of time.

In their case, it's probably more akin to being so lazy, fat, slovenly, and inept, that they can't go for more than 20 minutes without a big of processed food in their diet - sure, everyone has their vices, but not all vices are "equal" to those of others, much as a person who smokes or drinks only socially isn't the same as a heavier smoker, or how a person who eats fast food or at a restaurant on a special occasion isn't the same as a person who fast food, junk food, and sugar soda comprise 99% of their diet.

So if anything, veganism or vegetarianism would likely be a health improvement, as well as an act of self-discipline for the average American man or woman, and would correspond more to what a reasonable doctor would consider a healthy diet to begin with - reading into it anymore than that probably isn't worth my time, or anyone else.

I'll hazard to guess that you are a vegan or vegetiarian, in which case you demonstrate quite decisively that "you are what you eat".

Your post is a big steaming pile of sanctimonious poopycock.
And if someone wants to bitch about "forcing morality on him", like a weakling who knows he can't defend himself from it to begin with were it to happen, in practice, the state as a whole probably won't force anyone not to be a fat, lazy slob or die an early death, it's merely a risk which they're allowed to take, though no one who knows or cares what's good for them would want to, for patently obvious reasons, nor would they whiney bitch about morality being forced on them (which already is the case, as far as the Common Law system as a whole is actually concerned, even if conflating unhealthy diets to illegal behaviors is considered quite a stretch), they would just do it of their own accord and not give it any second thought.

(Much as extremists at the other end of the spectrum, who equate eating meat with "murder", when I'd never consider the two equitable or comparable).

(in regards to "beauty standards", most deeper thoughts and philosophies on beauty or aesthetics aren't reducible solely to the banal or physical, as superficially minded people tend to assume, such as in arts, music theory, or arguably any endeavor which requires creativity and mastery, such as sports, or mastery of any craft or trade).

Nevertheless, on the physical level, they are linked to notions of good health, life, and fertility, as embodied in cultural notions and ideals which stand the test of time, even then not being solely reducible to the purely physical, but going above and beyond that as well.

Anything else on the subject, more banal, superfluous, or trivial than that, simply isn't worth talking to, about, or responding to in any sincere since or way.

You're trying so hard to sound like what you think a smart person sounds like, but you're failing drastically.
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If nothing else, I'd argue this much.

Most healthy diets proposed by reasonable doctors would include a much larger amount of "real, whole or natural" foods than what the average, overweight, lazy, selfish American eats, much as they'd require more actual cooking than what a selfish, lazy slob contents himself with via fast food or microwavable meals.

The average person, male or female, is not a hunter, let alone a big game hunter, so if they childishly or effeminately compare eating fast food or processed food made of meat ingredients to actually being a seasoned hunter hunting for their own game, they're a joke, and would likely be laughed at or derided by any actual male or female hunter who'se stood the test of time.

In their case, it's probably more akin to being so lazy, fat, slovenly, and inept, that they can't go for more than 20 minutes without a big of processed food in their diet - sure, everyone has their vices, but not all vices are "equal" to those of others, much as a person who smokes or drinks only socially isn't the same as a heavier smoker, or how a person who eats fast food or at a restaurant on a special occasion isn't the same as a person who fast food, junk food, and sugar soda comprise 99% of their diet.

So if anything, veganism or vegetarianism would likely be a health improvement, as well as an act of self-discipline for the average American man or woman, and would correspond more to what a reasonable doctor would consider a healthy diet to begin with - reading into it anymore than that probably isn't worth my time, or anyone else.

I'll hazard to guess that you are a vegan or vegetiarian, in which case you demonstrate quite decisively that "you are what you eat".

Your post is a big steaming pile of sanctimonious poopycock.
I'm not, just poking fun at the average idiot who denies this, or what any reasonable doctor would say is a healthy diet (a fast food or junk food diet is not), and the expense of healthier people, and simply wants to justify being a fat, lazy slob, simply because they want to.

Nor is a hapless idiot eating meat served to him at a restaurant or in a processed meal anywhere equivalent to a man or woman who hunts their own game either.

Supposedly in ancient cultures (e.x. hunter gatherer), it was the hunters who got the first pick of the meat, those too weak or effeminate to hunt (which most people who "eat meat" are) would have been lucky to get the scraps thrown to them, if even that at all, it's a luxury they'd otherwise never have been able to afford, and most of them are so morbidly obese that they'd make a better "big game target" than they would a hunter anyway, bah ha ha
If nothing else, I'd argue this much.

Most healthy diets proposed by reasonable doctors would include a much larger amount of "real, whole or natural" foods than what the average, overweight, lazy, selfish American eats, much as they'd require more actual cooking than what a selfish, lazy slob contents himself with via fast food or microwavable meals.

The average person, male or female, is not a hunter, let alone a big game hunter, so if they childishly or effeminately compare eating fast food or processed food made of meat ingredients to actually being a seasoned hunter hunting for their own game, they're a joke, and would likely be laughed at or derided by any actual male or female hunter who'se stood the test of time.

In their case, it's probably more akin to being so lazy, fat, slovenly, and inept, that they can't go for more than 20 minutes without a big of processed food in their diet - sure, everyone has their vices, but not all vices are "equal" to those of others, much as a person who smokes or drinks only socially isn't the same as a heavier smoker, or how a person who eats fast food or at a restaurant on a special occasion isn't the same as a person who fast food, junk food, and sugar soda comprise 99% of their diet.

So if anything, veganism or vegetarianism would likely be a health improvement, as well as an act of self-discipline for the average American man or woman, and would correspond more to what a reasonable doctor would consider a healthy diet to begin with - reading into it anymore than that probably isn't worth my time, or anyone else.

I'll hazard to guess that you are a vegan or vegetiarian, in which case you demonstrate quite decisively that "you are what you eat".

Your post is a big steaming pile of sanctimonious poopycock.
I'm not, just poking fun at the average idiot who denies this, or what any reasonable doctor would say is a healthy diet (a fast food or junk food diet is not), and the expense of healthier people, and simply wants to justify being a fat, lazy slob, simply because they want to.

Nor is a hapless idiot eating meat served to him at a restaurant or in a processed meal anywhere equivalent to a man or woman who hunts their own game either.

Supposedly in ancient cultures (e.x. hunter gatherer), it was the hunters who got the first pick of the meat, those too weak or effeminate to hunt (which most people who "eat meat" are) would have been lucky to get the scraps thrown to them, if even that at all, it's a luxury they'd otherwise never have been able to afford, and most of them are so morbidly obese that they'd make a better "big game target" than they would a hunter anyway, bah ha ha

OK Snowflake.

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