Ariel Castro died from being a deviant freak, not suicide

but now you feel like you can throw away the pretense shield and finally be what you really are - chauvinistic misogynistic fucktards whose main aim always was to USE women as a commodity without any further responsibility.

Vox, you understand that women are intelligent beings that can actually consent to sex and even desire it, right?

Oh wait, you actually don't understand that. You have, shall we say, some issues to work through in that area.

no, they are not. as silence in response to this horrendous law is proving.
at least not the leftard ones - those are sheeple :lol:
Look at all the righties here seething in jealously of Ariel Castro, because he did what they can only dream of, which is physically enslaving women. Since they'll get tossed in jail if they act like Castro, these poor perv righties have to settle for vicariously enslaving women through forced-birth laws.

You're insane.
I would have to say that Castro was probably right wing. He was obviously suffering from some profound sociopathy, and was likely using authoritarianism and threats of violence to push his agenda. That sounds like a right winger to me.

Registered democrat, paid into campaign funds.
Twist it how you like.
He was Obamacult, he allowed himself to be caught to divert attention from his messiahs corruption.

That's got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read on this board and that's really saying something. This board is known for the maroon rw's who post their hate and blatant racism here. But this is beyond merely dumb - it is mind numbingly stooopid.

Castro was not lib or rw. It really doesn't matter how or if he voted. What matters is that -

He was crazy.
He was Obamacult.
Coincidences don't happen.
His messiah was being hit by 3 high profile scandals then he got caught, by his own actions!!
Why did he choose that day to unlock one of his prisoners?
It's fanatical loyalty to his messiah.
but now you feel like you can throw away the pretense shield and finally be what you really are - chauvinistic misogynistic fucktards whose main aim always was to USE women as a commodity without any further responsibility.

Vox, you understand that women are intelligent beings that can actually consent to sex and even desire it, right?

Oh wait, you actually don't understand that. You have, shall we say, some issues to work through in that area.

no, they are not. as silence in response to this horrendous law is proving.
at least not the leftard ones - those are sheeple :lol:

What law are you talking about?
So um.

What was that about liberals being for women and all that? I mean I did just get through with someone for advocating non-physician abortion in another thread which would endanger the life of the woman, after claiming that outlawing abortion would do the same.

You liberals don't give a crap about women.
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Templar, where did you get the insane idea that allowing NP's do abortions endangers women? Oh wait, you're just mindlessly parroting your cult's latest mantra. You need that daily hate-fix, and don't really care what stupid things you have to say to get it.

So, do you advocate making it illegal for NP's to be certified midwives? Just a consistency check. After all, childbirth is much more dangerous than abortion, so if you actually cared about women, then by your standards, you would have to demand that NP's be banned from doing childbirth. Do you care about women, or are you slavering at the thought of NP midwives butchering women in childbirth?
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Look at all the righties here seething in jealously of Ariel Castro, because he did what they can only dream of, which is physically enslaving women. Since they'll get tossed in jail if they act like Castro, these poor perv righties have to settle for vicariously enslaving women through forced-birth laws.

You need to dial your intake of Schedule 1 controlled substances WAY back.
So um.

What was that about liberals being for women and all that? I mean did just get through with someone for advocating non-physician abortion in another thread which would endanger the life of the woman, after claiming that outlawing abortion would do the same.

You liberals don't give a crap about women.

Sure they do! As long as the women are stupid enough to vote for dems/libs. Conservative women, yeah, they don't give a crap about them or their values.
As long as their libtarded sluts abort their kids, they won't ever have to cough up child support.
Templar, where did you get the insane idea that allowing NP's do abortions endangers women? Oh wait, you're just mindlessly parroting your cult's latest mantra. You need that daily hate-fix, and don't really care what stupid things you have to say to get it.

So, do you advocate making it illegal for NP's to be certified midwives? Just a consistency check. After all, childbirth is much more dangerous than abortion, so if you actually cared about women, then by your standards, you would have to demand that NP's be banned from doing childbirth. Do you care about women, or are you slavering at the thought of NP midwives butchering women in childbirth?

You idiot. If you weren't paying attention to what Kermit Gosnell was doing, you're woefully oblivious. If you ignored that fact, you're stupid. Yes, NPs should be banned from doing either childbirth or abortion, unless they happen to be the father with his wife/girlfriend on their way to the hospital.

I do care about women. Why do I have a pink avie supporting breast cancer awareness? If you cared about women, you would ensure people like Governor Jerry Brown didn't sign laws that made it okay for women to seek less than professional help for an abortion. I might be against it, but that doesn't mean I support her having one done by some random Joe on the street.

I thought you cared about women's health? Is this about her health? Or is this about your twisted version of politics?
I would have to say that Castro was probably right wing. He was obviously suffering from some profound sociopathy, and was likely using authoritarianism and threats of violence to push his agenda. That sounds like a right winger to me.

True..most conservatives lack emotions or empathy.

In fact..the death of others make them giddy with joy.

May be for you conservatives lack emotions ..... on the other hand, for me some liberals are nothing more than bleeding hearts.

You see... it's all a matter of perspective.
You idiot. If you weren't paying attention to what Kermit Gosnell was doing, you're woefully oblivious.

Since you and the pro-lifers created Gosnell, you ought to take more pride in that accomplishment. You wanted to force all the reputable doctors out, and you got that. And just as the liberals predicted, hacks jumped in to fill the void.

Luckily, the liberals are remedying that doctor shortage by allowing NPs to do early-term vacuum aspiration abortions. It's an anti-Gosnell bill, hence pro-lifers hate it.

If you ignored that fact, you're stupid. Yes, NPs should be banned from doing either childbirth or abortion, unless they happen to be the father with his wife/girlfriend on their way to the hospital.

Good. At least you're consistent. A little detached from reality, but consistent. Good luck with banning NP midwives.

I do care about women. Why do I have a pink avie supporting breast cancer awareness?

A pink ribbon? Your dedication is extraordinary. No point in further discussion.

Now, I represent the reality-based community. Which, as usual, has actual data instead of gut feelings, this time showing no difference in serious complications from abortions done by doctors or NPs, and only a small difference in minor complications.

Safety of Aspiration Abortion Performed by Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse Midwives, and Physician Assistants Under a California Legal Waiver

So, no safety difference, and early-term abortions more available, meaning fewer Gosnells and fewer more dangerous late-term abortions. An excellent advance for women's health, so hopefully more states will follow California's example.

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