Arizona - Bannon and the Turtle square off

Flake has been the most unpopular senators for years now, he just squeaked out his last reelection by 3 points, Trump won AZ by 20 points. Donors have not been supporting him and he's just trying to save face, he sees the writing on the wall.

Kelli Ward came the closest of anyone of unseating McCain and has a good chance of winning the nomination for Flakes seat.


Ummm...Trump only beat Hillary in Arizona by 3.5%

I guess the gal I saw on Fox this morning was misinformed. But I just checked Trump actually beat the bitch by 4.1% so you were both wrong.

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That's not a lot.

Can you say, it was "enough"?

Sure it was. But we're talking about a new day. Lots of water has gone under the bridge since then. We'll see. Don't be too overconfident that this Traveling Circus will keep them coming in indefinitely.

Average people aren't paying much attention to all the hyperbole. If the kitchen table economics continue to improve, they will support the administration. If the economy turns south, all bets are off.

Can Sheriff Joe serve in both McCains and Flakes Senate seats?

Arpaio was booted out of the sheriff's office by voters. He may be a worse candidate than Ward.
He's 83 or something like that! There really ought to be a law that you can't run after 80.

So you want to limit voter choices based on age? What's next? Limits based on the candidates race? sex? religion?
80 is a reasonable age to say no new terms from here on. A senator could run at 79 and serve out a term past 80, but no new terms from 80 on.

If 80 is too old, let the voters decide it is too old
from the National Review:

"The animus between McConnell & Bannon came bursting out during a conference call Bannon convened last Monday with friends and political allies, including Breitbart editor Matt Boyle, former Trump aide Sam Nunberg, Bannon’s political consigliere Andrew Surabian, GOP operative Arthur Schwartz, and Bannon’s comms czar Alexandra Preate. During the call, one participant suddenly noticed that the president was about to hold an impromptu news conference in the White House Rose Garden with McConnell. The group switched on their TVs to watch.

When Trump and the Majority Leader stressed that they were longtime “friends” who are now “closer than ever,” the call erupted into laughter, loud jeering, and insults. Bannon and his cohorts started yelling at their screens, according to three people on the call. “Oh, my god, this is amazing, we got ’em running scared!” Bannon said

“We are living rent-free in this guy’s head, mother fucker!” one of the people on the call giddily shouted, referring to the Majority Leader. And when McConnell proclaimed that "winners make policy and losers go home," Bannon and his friends began heckling the Republican leader, exclaiming “Tell that to Luther Strange!”

One of the sources, describing the entire call to The Daily Beast, called it “a poetic moment.” The Breitbart chairman, as well as several others, referred to the presser footage as a “hostage video” with McConnell playing the role of detainee."

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