Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception

What is with all the low-rep weirdos who keep negging me to tell me that nobody likes me?

Is there some sort of extremist nose picker hater club???
What is with all the low-rep weirdos who keep negging me to tell me that nobody likes me?

Is there some sort of extremist nose picker hater club???

Well, there is a general consensus that finds nose picking distasteful...

then again, you might be the sort of no-class snatch that attracts that activity.

Figure it out for yourself - we aren't here to be your unpaid therapists.
the first amendment give you the freedom to practice your own religion, but it does not give you the right to force your religious values on others.


And this is where many on the right get confused: they incorrectly infer that the First Amendment’s prohibition of conjoining church and State somehow ‘infringes’ on their right to religious practice. Nothing could be further from the truth. They may exhibit their beliefs in any venue they wish, public or private; it may not be done at the behest of a given government entity, however, Federal, state or local.

Actually, you all are the ones who proposed government in the bedroom, when you decided to force schools and insurance companies to pay for birth control.


The Constitution authorizes Congress to regulate labor conditions, including compensation such as wages and health insurance benefits, since these factors effect interstate commerce. See: United States v. Darby

Indeed, Congress has a responsibility to ensure there is an equal and consistent application of healthcare benefits, including contraceptive therapies. Such requirements in no way violate any religious belief, as no person is forced to use a contraceptive.

As for Catholic-affiliated employers, many already provide contraception coverage, rendering the ‘violation of religion’ argument moot.
Wow, one so rarely meets a female misogynist.

BTW, you are now dismissed. Obviously you are out of your depth, and overwrought. I donate my hour on the couch to you. I don't think it's normal to speak of yourself in third person.
the first amendment give you the freedom to practice your own religion, but it does not give you the right to force your religious values on others.


And this is where many on the right get confused: they incorrectly infer that the First Amendment’s prohibition of conjoining church and State somehow ‘infringes’ on their right to religious practice. Nothing could be further from the truth. They may exhibit their beliefs in any venue they wish, public or private; it may not be done at the behest of a given government entity, however, Federal, state or local.

Actually, you all are the ones who proposed government in the bedroom, when you decided to force schools and insurance companies to pay for birth control.


The Constitution authorizes Congress to regulate labor conditions, including compensation such as wages and health insurance benefits, since these factors effect interstate commerce. See: United States v. Darby

Indeed, Congress has a responsibility to ensure there is an equal and consistent application of healthcare benefits, including contraceptive therapies. Such requirements in no way violate any religious belief, as no person is forced to use a contraceptive.

As for Catholic-affiliated employers, many already provide contraception coverage, rendering the ‘violation of religion’ argument moot.

Pontificating gobbledygook.
Now explain to us all your "enlightened" views regarding women...

start with your belief that they should start on birth control very young...

finish up with abortion for all, especially youngsters...because sometimes you just gotta kill to protect life.

Throw in how advantageous it is for employers to sterilize their female workforce, and I will personally send you a Dr. Death badge.
the first amendment give you the freedom to practice your own religion, but it does not give you the right to force your religious values on others.


And this is where many on the right get confused: they incorrectly infer that the First Amendment’s prohibition of conjoining church and State somehow ‘infringes’ on their right to religious practice. Nothing could be further from the truth. They may exhibit their beliefs in any venue they wish, public or private; it may not be done at the behest of a given government entity, however, Federal, state or local.

Actually, you all are the ones who proposed government in the bedroom, when you decided to force schools and insurance companies to pay for birth control.


The Constitution authorizes Congress to regulate labor conditions, including compensation such as wages and health insurance benefits, since these factors effect interstate commerce. See: United States v. Darby

Indeed, Congress has a responsibility to ensure there is an equal and consistent application of healthcare benefits, including contraceptive therapies. Such requirements in no way violate any religious belief, as no person is forced to use a contraceptive.

As for Catholic-affiliated employers, many already provide contraception coverage, rendering the ‘violation of religion’ argument moot.

Churches are not forcing their views on others here. It's the liberals that are forcing people to do things they are spiritually against. Big difference. The libs started this one.
This is an example of erroneous thought process promoted by the union based education system and reinforced by blind hatred on the left. The law in question allows employers to refuse to cover prescriptions that are not used for their intended purpose. Now here's the kicker and all you left wing whiners listen up, women in Arizona would still be able to ....gasp....spend the ten bucks a month and buy their own damn pills.

This is a continuation of the Obama war on the Catholic Church - pure and simple.

The scumbag left has torn a page out of Hitler's war on the Jews and is engaging in the "Big Lie" technique. There is zero truth to the claims the scumbags are making, it's just a concerted campaign of demagoguery.
looky looky at WHO is LYING now....

The Catholic Church and their Diocese is not forced to carry birth control on their policy....Churches ARE why lie like you are doing?

Catholic charities IS NOT the Catholic Church. Catholic charties is a non profit business, with board of directors filled with secular people.....

Catholic charities received 50% of its funding last year from the USA GOVERNMENT tax payers and IF the Catholic Charities were the Catholic Church as you continually lie about, then our TAX monies would not and could not fund them, it would break the First Amendment....

So why do you keep lying about this? Is it that you can not get your head around it? What is stopping you from understanding that the Catholic Church and Catholic Diocese is DIFFERENT than the Catholic Charities?

In addition to this, the Catholic charities is CHARGING their students for this health care is mandatory that every student at Georgetown carry their health insurance or an equal coverage plan.

In 2011-2012, the amount charged to students such as Sandra Fluke is +/- $2000 a year....that gets added to their tuition costs.
This is an example of erroneous thought process promoted by the union based education system and reinforced by blind hatred on the left. The law in question allows employers to refuse to cover prescriptions that are not used for their intended purpose. Now here's the kicker and all you left wing whiners listen up, women in Arizona would still be able to ....gasp....spend the ten bucks a month and buy their own damn pills.

This is a continuation of the Obama war on the Catholic Church - pure and simple.

The scumbag left has torn a page out of Hitler's war on the Jews and is engaging in the "Big Lie" technique. There is zero truth to the claims the scumbags are making, it's just a concerted campaign of demagoguery.
looky looky at WHO is LYING now....

The Catholic Church and their Diocese is not forced to carry birth control on their policy....Churches ARE why lie like you are doing?

Catholic charities IS NOT the Catholic Church. Catholic charties is a non profit business, with board of directors filled with secular people.....

Catholic charities received 50% of its funding last year from the USA GOVERNMENT tax payers and IF the Catholic Charities were the Catholic Church as you continually lie about, then our TAX monies would not and could not fund them, it would break the First Amendment....

So why do you keep lying about this? Is it that you can not get your head around it? What is stopping you from understanding that the Catholic Church and Catholic Diocese is DIFFERENT than the Catholic Charities?

In addition to this, the Catholic charities is CHARGING their students for this health care is mandatory that every student at Georgetown carry their health insurance or an equal coverage plan.

In 2011-2012, the amount charged to students such as Sandra Fluke is +/- $2000 a year....that gets added to their tuition costs.

Thanks for clarifying that, Care...
This is not the first time nor will it be last, when government clashed with church doctrine.

It IS the first time that the Federal Government has openly violated the 1st Amendment.

We've seen this with the government stand on polygamy in 1800's,

It would be interesting to see that challenged, given the gay marriage moves. I suspect it may be challenged soon, not by Mormons but by Muslims.

the Salem Witch trials,

History ain't your strong suit, that was the 1600's - long before the nation was founded.

church bans on the use of medical technology, the draft, and gay rights.

Do you think that churches should be allowed to hold positions that are in conflict with the policies of the state?
catholic charities IS NOT the catholic church, period.

You figure they are Muslim, do you? (Wait, if they were, the left would support them.)

if it were the catholic church as being claimed then our gvt is taking our tax monies and funding a CHURCH, which is unconstitutional.... 50% of the money to fund catholic charities last year came from the government, came from our taxes.

So why hasn't Dear Leader stopped these faith based charities? Wasn't that one of his campaign pledges?
Nope, to fly in the face of establishment by allowing the Catholic Church to circumvent established discrimination law in order to discriminate,

So to hold opinions and beliefs not assigned by the central authority is to discriminate?

and to force their insurance carrier to do so as well, at an added medical cost to us all. :clap2:

You mean, they choose what products and services they buy, rather than having our GLORIOUS RULER dictate what they will buy?

Guess you'll march them to the showers for that....
render unto Cesar.

Caesar thought he was a god, too.

Everyone works under the laws of the state they live in.

Obama doesn't - he openly defies the 1st Amendment. No doubt you view Obama as the only law, ergo all are to unquestioningly obey him.

Hell, why weren't you bitching about the ones against butt-fucking underage boys? It's the CHURCH, after all...:doubt:

Ah yes, a red herring will alter the fact that Obama is revoking the 1st Amendment.
render unto Cesar.

Caesar thought he was a god, too.

Everyone works under the laws of the state they live in.

Obama doesn't - he openly defies the 1st Amendment. No doubt you view Obama as the only law, ergo all are to unquestioningly obey him.

Hell, why weren't you bitching about the ones against butt-fucking underage boys? It's the CHURCH, after all...:doubt:

Ah yes, a red herring will alter the fact that Obama is revoking the 1st Amendment.

This would be an attempt to change the subject after the argument is already lost. obama is on record saying he doesn't like the Bill of Rights.
looky looky at WHO is LYING now....

The Catholic Church and their Diocese is not forced to carry birth control on their policy....Churches ARE why lie like you are doing?

In fact, our Ruler attempted to force the actual churches to provide abortion, but backed off.

The fact that Dear Leader and his toadies would attempt to force ANY religious institution to provide contraception in direct violation of the 1st Amendment and the concept of separation of church and state is chilling, though unsurprising for the little tin-horn dictator in Washington.

Catholic charities IS NOT the Catholic Church.

You think they are an adjunct of the Muslims, huh?

Catholic charties is a non profit business, with board of directors filled with secular people.....


Board of Trustees - Catholic Charities USA

The crap you leftists make up is simply amazing.

Catholic charities received 50% of its funding last year from the USA GOVERNMENT tax payers and IF the Catholic Charities were the Catholic Church as you continually lie about,

Nipping the sauce a bit early, aren't you?

Where did I claim they were the church? You making shit up and attributing it to me isn't a lie on my part.

then our TAX monies would not and could not fund them, it would break the First Amendment....

So why do you keep lying about this? Is it that you can not get your head around it? What is stopping you from understanding that the Catholic Church and Catholic Diocese is DIFFERENT than the Catholic Charities?

In addition to this, the Catholic charities is CHARGING their students for this health care is mandatory that every student at Georgetown carry their health insurance or an equal coverage plan.

In 2011-2012, the amount charged to students such as Sandra Fluke is +/- $2000 a year....that gets added to their tuition costs.

Then Fluke is welcome to get an alternate plan. What she and our dictator are NOT welcome to do, is to piss on the 1st Amendment and require a Catholic institution to violate their own ecumenical laws and provide contraception.

I realize that you of the left hate liberty and yearn for authoritarian dictatorship, but I will continue to oppose you in your quest.

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