Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception

Duh dittoheads, it cheaper to provide birth control than not, IT DOESN'T COST ANYTHING!! The biggest group on welfare is single mothers, so give poor women BC...FERCHRISSAKE MORONS. Give women the choice. Do you need a fegging diagram ya fascist idiots? tyvm
This isn't about the church, it's about their secular doesn't cost ANYTHING to ANYBODY...D'OH! Duped AGAIN!!
so much for separation of church and state.

The government took a stand on polygamy because there were human rights violations taking place in the name of "religion". Not providing free birth control is not a human rights violation.

The GOVERNMENT attempted to exert control over the church which resulted in the salem witch trials..when you have government officials trying people for their religious beliefs there's always trouble.

And WHY the First Amendments exists.
the first amendment give you the freedom to practice your own religion, but it does not give you the right to force your religious values on others.
Actually, you all are the ones who proposed government in the bedroom, when you decided to force schools and insurance companies to pay for birth control.

It's all you, you fascist pigs.
thats it, call me names. that will definitely make your argument more valid.

its not my fault you cant read or comprehend.
Oh, my point is valid. You guys are the ones who invited and then insisted the government march into our bedrooms. Now you're going to piss and moan because you don't like them there? Too bad.
catholic charities IS NOT the catholic church, period.

if it were the catholic church as being claimed then our gvt is taking our tax monies and funding a CHURCH, which is unconstitutional.... 50% of the money to fund catholic charities last year came from the government, came from our taxes.
the basic republican argument is, well.................... we've never done it before..... but seriously this time you can totally trust us to do it...

Do what? Use the Federal Government to force the Catholic Church to provide contraception in direct violation of their religion and the First Amendment?

Oh wait, that isn't the Republicans, that's you fascists.

Carry on with the Big Lie.....

Nope, to fly in the face of establishment by allowing the Catholic Church to circumvent established discrimination law in order to discriminate, and to force their insurance carrier to do so as well, at an added medical cost to us all. :clap2:
Arizona legislators have advanced an unprecedented bill that would require women who wish to have their contraception covered by their health insurance plans to prove to their employers that they are taking it to treat medical conditions. The bill now moves to the state Senate for a full vote.

Apparently, the conservative agenda to take away a women's right choice now includes birth control.

Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception For Non-Medical Reasons

It amazes me that employers don't realize they have a vested interest in their employees not having unplanned pregnancies.

That is the EXACT argument the Nazis used! No shit!:clap2:
the basic republican argument is, well.................... we've never done it before..... but seriously this time you can totally trust us to do it...

Do what? Use the Federal Government to force the Catholic Church to provide contraception in direct violation of their religion and the First Amendment?

Oh wait, that isn't the Republicans, that's you fascists.

Carry on with the Big Lie.....

Nope, to fly in the face of establishment by allowing the Catholic Church to circumvent established discrimination law in order to discriminate, and to force their insurance carrier to do so as well, at an added medical cost to us all. :clap2:


Though I like the big hand you give yourself at the end. That makes it MUCH more coherent.
Yup. The GOP won't stay out of our bedrooms, our bathrooms or our lives. Hypocrites.

The GOP isn't trying to "get in your bedroom" at all.

Where has the GOP advocated the govt provide things you would use in the bedroom such as birth control? They haven't so they are actually staying out of your bedroom silly.

The progressives are the ones who have dragged the government into the bedroom. When they decided the government needs to force people to provide birth control that's what they did.

They did the same thing with the whole gay scene. They are the ones who decided to make homosexual political. Then they piss and moan because "government" is interested in their sex lives. Yes, because they insisted that government needs to be involved in those things, sanction them, and put their seal of approval on homosexuality. Well now, there government sits, at your own behest. You like it there.

horseshit, and I hope you stepped in it.
so much for separation of church and state.

The government took a stand on polygamy because there were human rights violations taking place in the name of "religion". Not providing free birth control is not a human rights violation.

The GOVERNMENT attempted to exert control over the church which resulted in the salem witch trials..when you have government officials trying people for their religious beliefs there's always trouble.
I don't believe access to birth control is a human rights issue in the US. The reason for the health insurance requirement is to increased access to birth control medication which can help prevent sickness and reduce health care costs.

One of the primary goals of the Right has been to eliminate abortions and reduce welfare which is exactly what the prevention of wanted pregnancies will do.
Do what? Use the Federal Government to force the Catholic Church to provide contraception in direct violation of their religion and the First Amendment?

Oh wait, that isn't the Republicans, that's you fascists.

Carry on with the Big Lie.....

Nope, to fly in the face of establishment by allowing the Catholic Church to circumvent established discrimination law in order to discriminate, and to force their insurance carrier to do so as well, at an added medical cost to us all. :clap2:


Though I like the big hand you give yourself at the end. That makes it MUCH more coherent.

You're not from around here, are you? The "big hand" was given to the previous post. Your "huh?" deserves a big hand of its own.
Not in the mood, though.
Arizona legislators have advanced an unprecedented bill that would require women who wish to have their contraception covered by their health insurance plans to prove to their employers that they are taking it to treat medical conditions. The bill now moves to the state Senate for a full vote.

Apparently, the conservative agenda to take away a women's right choice now includes birth control.

Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception For Non-Medical Reasons

It amazes me that employers don't realize they have a vested interest in their employees not having unplanned pregnancies.

That is the EXACT argument the Nazis used! No shit!:clap2:

considering your comments, that right there is some funny assed shit.
The GOP isn't trying to "get in your bedroom" at all.

Where has the GOP advocated the govt provide things you would use in the bedroom such as birth control? They haven't so they are actually staying out of your bedroom silly.

The progressives are the ones who have dragged the government into the bedroom. When they decided the government needs to force people to provide birth control that's what they did.

They did the same thing with the whole gay scene. They are the ones who decided to make homosexual political. Then they piss and moan because "government" is interested in their sex lives. Yes, because they insisted that government needs to be involved in those things, sanction them, and put their seal of approval on homosexuality. Well now, there government sits, at your own behest. You like it there.

horseshit, and I hope you stepped in it.

Another stellar post!

The progressives are the ones who have dragged the government into the bedroom. When they decided the government needs to force people to provide birth control that's what they did.

They did the same thing with the whole gay scene. They are the ones who decided to make homosexual political. Then they piss and moan because "government" is interested in their sex lives. Yes, because they insisted that government needs to be involved in those things, sanction them, and put their seal of approval on homosexuality. Well now, there government sits, at your own behest. You like it there.

horseshit, and I hope you stepped in it.

Another stellar post!


and again you violate your own, I dunno, standard?
Silly bitch, you are. But hey, you like the last word? Have at it. I'd bet good money most of your men cede it just to shut you up.
Obviously you think highly of men cede to shut me up? Silly bitch? Lol...

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