Arizona councilman (Reublican) mocks George Floyd's last words "I can't breathe"

I'm impressed, do you have any other opinions form people that have never examined Floyd?

You mean experts in that field.

Sure, I can try to find some more of them who can spell this out for you if you like. But it doesn't seem to help because you don't want to read it. You seem to get really defensive about this for some reason. The experts in this field are telling you you're wrong and rather than soaking in this new information, you lash out against it, despite your lack of knowledge regarding their work.

The two experts who did examine Floyd agree.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain.

Another autopsy, conducted by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office, stated that Floyd died from "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression" while being restrained."

Both ruled homicide.

You're free to disagree with their assessments. But you're just arguing against the experts in this field.

I bet you think homicide is the same as murder, don't ya? You commies crack me up.


True leaders understand they are held to a higher standard. Given pigs insistence they are leaders among rhe community, holding them to a higher standard would make sense.

Instead we live in sine dystopian joke where instead, they are liable for none of their actions. Pathetic. Any conservative who thinks law and order means Gov't officials operate outside of it, is a hypocritical dumb ass. It only looks worse when you prove just how incapable of rational thought you truly are when the racist bullshit starts flying.

Riddle me this poor little commie. Why are all these problems happening in blue cities, with predominately black administrations, from the police chiefs to the mayors? Most have had a half century to fix the problems, simple question, why haven't they? If the system is racist, who's fault is it?

The Snowflake Republican apologizes: Scottsdale councilman apologizes for saying 'I can't breathe' at anti-mask rally
Guy Phillips, the racist Reublican from one of the largest cities in Arizona said "I can't breathe" before taking off his mask and sighing in feigned relief during a right-wing anti-mask event. Video here:

Yeah a dopey thing to do.
I bet you think homicide is the same as murder, don't ya? You commies crack me up.


What makes you think that? The definition of homicide is pretty easy to understand and it's not the same as murder. Here, I'll bold it for you:

Homicide is the act of one human killing another.[1] A homicide requires only a volitional act by another person that results in death, and thus a homicide may result from accidental, reckless, or negligent acts even if there is no intent to cause harm.[2] Homicides can be divided into many overlapping legal categories, including murder, manslaughter, justifiable homicide, killing in war (either following the laws of war or as a war crime), euthanasia, and capital punishment, depending on the circumstances of the death. These different types of homicides are often treated very differently in human societies; some are considered crimes, while others are permitted or even ordered by the legal system.

Both autopsies ruled that it's a homicide. That means one person killed another person. Chauvin killed Floyd.

Floyd didn't just fall over and mysteriously die. Another person, Chauvin, killed him. Homicide.

Was it Chauvin, or was it the guy on his back that caused Floyd to kick it? Chauvins knee was no where near the airway or the carotid artery. But hey, let's not things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right comrade?


The two autopsy reports state asphyxia and neck compression. So the one that was near his neck, Chauvin.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

"Another autopsy, conducted by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office, stated that Floyd died from "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression" while being restrained."

You're free to argue otherwise. But you're going to be doing so against what the experts said about this.

Can you explain to me how they both ruled it a homicide if it wasn't asphyxia? What is your explanation?

Preexisting conditions, covid, illegal drugs and the stress of being restrained and arrested. The perfect storm, doesn't make it murder. But with all the publicity, where could you find an impartial jury? The rain forest of the Amazon, maybe.

I'm impressed, do you have any other opinions form people that have never examined Floyd?

You mean experts in that field.

Sure, I can try to find some more of them who can spell this out for you if you like. But it doesn't seem to help because you don't want to read it. You seem to get really defensive about this for some reason. The experts in this field are telling you you're wrong and rather than soaking in this new information, you lash out against it, despite your lack of knowledge regarding their work.

The two experts who did examine Floyd agree.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain.

Another autopsy, conducted by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office, stated that Floyd died from "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression" while being restrained."

Both ruled homicide.

You're free to disagree with their assessments. But you're just arguing against the experts in this field.

I bet you think homicide is the same as murder, don't ya? You commies crack me up.


True leaders understand they are held to a higher standard. Given pigs insistence they are leaders among rhe community, holding them to a higher standard would make sense.

Instead we live in sine dystopian joke where instead, they are liable for none of their actions. Pathetic. Any conservative who thinks law and order means Gov't officials operate outside of it, is a hypocritical dumb ass. It only looks worse when you prove just how incapable of rational thought you truly are when the racist bullshit starts flying.

Riddle me this poor little commie. Why are all these problems happening in blue cities, with predominately black administrations, from the police chiefs to the mayors? Most have had a half century to fix the problems, simple question, why haven't they? If the system is racist, who's fault is it?

The Snowflake Republican apologizes: Scottsdale councilman apologizes for saying 'I can't breathe' at anti-mask rally

Yeah, if he was stupid enough to apologize, he's definitely a snowflake. Republican apologies never satisfy the mob, he should have just flipped them off.

I'm impressed, do you have any other opinions form people that have never examined Floyd?

You mean experts in that field.

Sure, I can try to find some more of them who can spell this out for you if you like. But it doesn't seem to help because you don't want to read it. You seem to get really defensive about this for some reason. The experts in this field are telling you you're wrong and rather than soaking in this new information, you lash out against it, despite your lack of knowledge regarding their work.

The two experts who did examine Floyd agree.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain.

Another autopsy, conducted by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office, stated that Floyd died from "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression" while being restrained."

Both ruled homicide.

You're free to disagree with their assessments. But you're just arguing against the experts in this field.

I bet you think homicide is the same as murder, don't ya? You commies crack me up.


True leaders understand they are held to a higher standard. Given pigs insistence they are leaders among rhe community, holding them to a higher standard would make sense.

Instead we live in sine dystopian joke where instead, they are liable for none of their actions. Pathetic. Any conservative who thinks law and order means Gov't officials operate outside of it, is a hypocritical dumb ass. It only looks worse when you prove just how incapable of rational thought you truly are when the racist bullshit starts flying.

Riddle me this poor little commie. Why are all these problems happening in blue cities, with predominately black administrations, from the police chiefs to the mayors? Most have had a half century to fix the problems, simple question, why haven't they? If the system is racist, who's fault is it?


You seem awful slow, maybe go read a few posts and reconsider your label. I know your father probably beat it out of you, but its ok if your lips move. Whatever helps you understand better.

The system isn't designed to be racist so much as classist. The courts are simply an economic recovery tool for the state. Police have ticket quotas, not distress call response quotas, and thats for a reason. As we all know, because libtards scream it every chance they get "and poor people are predominantly minorities and people of color, so xyz malady afflicting poor communities is racist." Couple the financial warfare (how else do you describe revoking someone's ability to travel to work for an inability to pay a fine or fee?) with unchecked aurhority that results from qualified immunity and the Blue Wall of Silence, and this is what we get.

The rich white GOP doesn't give a fuck if the courts are about purchase power, because they hold the purchasing power. Poor white trash is too poorly educated to get it, and the left is too irate about perceived racial injustice that fundamentally seems to be focused on financial recouperation, rather than race.

If people start to see how painfully simple it all is, this country explodes.

Do not get me wrong, racist intent is alive, and it does exist. But this is simply allowed as a byproduct of larger fundamental failings within the system, rather than being the driving factor behind broader injustices.
Preexisting conditions, covid, illegal drugs and the stress of being restrained and arrested. The perfect storm, doesn't make it murder. But with all the publicity, where could you find an impartial jury? The rain forest of the Amazon, maybe.


If he died from pre-existing conditions, then the autopsy reports wouldn't have ruled homicide. Homicide means that he was killed by another person.

The experts disagree with you.
I bet you think homicide is the same as murder, don't ya? You commies crack me up.


What makes you think that? The definition of homicide is pretty easy to understand and it's not the same as murder. Here, I'll bold it for you:

Homicide is the act of one human killing another.[1] A homicide requires only a volitional act by another person that results in death, and thus a homicide may result from accidental, reckless, or negligent acts even if there is no intent to cause harm.[2] Homicides can be divided into many overlapping legal categories, including murder, manslaughter, justifiable homicide, killing in war (either following the laws of war or as a war crime), euthanasia, and capital punishment, depending on the circumstances of the death. These different types of homicides are often treated very differently in human societies; some are considered crimes, while others are permitted or even ordered by the legal system.

Both autopsies ruled that it's a homicide. That means one person killed another person. Chauvin killed Floyd.

Floyd didn't just fall over and mysteriously die. Another person, Chauvin, killed him. Homicide.

Was it Chauvin, or was it the guy on his back that caused Floyd to kick it? Chauvins knee was no where near the airway or the carotid artery. But hey, let's not things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right comrade?


The two autopsy reports state asphyxia and neck compression. So the one that was near his neck, Chauvin.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."

"Another autopsy, conducted by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office, stated that Floyd died from "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression" while being restrained."

You're free to argue otherwise. But you're going to be doing so against what the experts said about this.

Can you explain to me how they both ruled it a homicide if it wasn't asphyxia? What is your explanation?

Preexisting conditions, covid, illegal drugs and the stress of being restrained and arrested. The perfect storm, doesn't make it murder. But with all the publicity, where could you find an impartial jury? The rain forest of the Amazon, maybe.

The fucking pig smiled for the camera whike digging his knee in further. He's deserves a slow, agonizing, prolonged, tortuous death. Perhaps while watching his ex (she filed before he was cuffed, iirc, probably been beaten to a pulp the last few years. Numbers dont lie.) service a brother.
Guy Phillips, the racist Reublican from one of the largest cities in Arizona said "I can't breathe" before taking off his mask and sighing in feigned relief during a right-wing anti-mask event. Video here:

So who gives a shit?
I'm impressed, do you have any other opinions form people that have never examined Floyd?

You mean experts in that field.

Sure, I can try to find some more of them who can spell this out for you if you like. But it doesn't seem to help because you don't want to read it. You seem to get really defensive about this for some reason. The experts in this field are telling you you're wrong and rather than soaking in this new information, you lash out against it, despite your lack of knowledge regarding their work.

The two experts who did examine Floyd agree.

"Attorneys for Floyd's family released the results of an independent autopsy report Monday afternoon showing that Floyd's death was caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain.

Another autopsy, conducted by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office, stated that Floyd died from "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression" while being restrained."

Both ruled homicide.

You're free to disagree with their assessments. But you're just arguing against the experts in this field.

I bet you think homicide is the same as murder, don't ya? You commies crack me up.


True leaders understand they are held to a higher standard. Given pigs insistence they are leaders among rhe community, holding them to a higher standard would make sense.

Instead we live in sine dystopian joke where instead, they are liable for none of their actions. Pathetic. Any conservative who thinks law and order means Gov't officials operate outside of it, is a hypocritical dumb ass. It only looks worse when you prove just how incapable of rational thought you truly are when the racist bullshit starts flying.

Riddle me this poor little commie. Why are all these problems happening in blue cities, with predominately black administrations, from the police chiefs to the mayors? Most have had a half century to fix the problems, simple question, why haven't they? If the system is racist, who's fault is it?


You seem awful slow, maybe go read a few posts and reconsider your label. I know your father probably beat it out of you, but its ok if your lips move. Whatever helps you understand better.

The system isn't designed to be racist so much as classist. The courts are simply an economic recovery tool for the state. Police have ticket quotas, not distress call response quotas, and thats for a reason. As we all know, because libtards scream it every chance they get "and poor people are predominantly minorities and people of color, so xyz malady afflicting poor communities is racist." Couple the financial warfare (how else do you describe revoking someone's ability to travel to work for an inability to pay a fine or fee?) with unchecked aurhority that results from qualified immunity and the Blue Wall of Silence, and this is what we get.

The rich white GOP doesn't give a fuck if the courts are about purchase power, because they hold the purchasing power. Poor white trash is too poorly educated to get it, and the left is too irate about perceived racial injustice that fundamentally seems to be focused on financial recouperation, rather than race.

If people start to see how painfully simple it all is, this country explodes.

Do not get me wrong, racist intent is alive, and it does exist. But this is simply allowed as a byproduct of larger fundamental failings within the system, rather than being the driving factor behind broader injustices.

Wow, that was a real load of tripe. Do you understand what "qualified" means? And no matter your income level, if you don't break the law you don't have to worry about paying fines or fees. I haven't paid a traffic ticket since the 1970s.

Preexisting conditions, covid, illegal drugs and the stress of being restrained and arrested. The perfect storm, doesn't make it murder. But with all the publicity, where could you find an impartial jury? The rain forest of the Amazon, maybe.


If he died from pre-existing conditions, then the autopsy reports wouldn't have ruled homicide. Homicide means that he was killed by another person.

The experts disagree with you.

Once again, homicide does not necessarily mean murder.

Once again, homicide does not necessarily mean murder.


I didn't say anything about murder. I said homicide. The definition of homicide is killing another person.

"Homicide is the act of one human killing another."

What do you think homicide means?

Wow, do you have ADD? You keep posting the same meaningless crap over and over.


Get used to it.

I have the fucker on ignore.
If you truely can’t breathe then you can’t talk. You may get the words out once but that exhausts your air because remember that you can’t breath; so you either pass out or desperately suck in what little air you can get and are certainly unable to repeat over and over in an audible fashion with all kinds of noise making mayhem going on around you.
It is as always -Fake
Once again, homicide does not necessarily mean murder.


I didn't say anything about murder. I said homicide. The definition of homicide is killing another person.

"Homicide is the act of one human killing another."

What do you think homicide means?

Wow, do you have ADD? You keep posting the same meaningless crap over and over.


Get used to it.

I have the fucker on ignore.

Personally, I don't believe in ignore. Never had anyone on it, never plan to. Though I'm probably on many others list.

Guy Phillips, the racist Reublican from one of the largest cities in Arizona said "I can't breathe" before taking off his mask and sighing in feigned relief during a right-wing anti-mask event. Video here: you are PRO criminal--fuck ALL criminals--black white red green etc
Wow, do you have ADD? You keep posting the same meaningless crap over and over.

Notice that you're attacking me instead of my argument. I'm just showing you that the experts disagree with you.

You think he died from pre-existing conditions. Both autopsies concluded that it was a homicide. Homicide means that another person killed him, not that he died on his own. Therefore the experts disagree with you. QED.

This really isn't that complicated and you're getting very defensive about it. You can think what you want, but you're not in agreement with the experts. The experts say that he was killed by another person.
Wow, do you have ADD? You keep posting the same meaningless crap over and over.

Notice that you're attacking me instead of my argument. I'm just showing you that the experts disagree with you.

You think he died from pre-existing conditions. Both autopsies concluded that it was a homicide. Homicide means that another person killed him, not that he died on his own. Therefore the experts disagree with you. QED.

This really isn't that complicated and you're getting very defensive about it. You can think what you want, but you're not in agreement with the experts. The experts say that he was killed by another person.

Poor little commie, if he were healthy and not all doped up, he probably wouldn't have died. It's as simple as that.

Wow, do you have ADD? You keep posting the same meaningless crap over and over.

Notice that you're attacking me instead of my argument. I'm just showing you that the experts disagree with you.

You think he died from pre-existing conditions. Both autopsies concluded that it was a homicide. Homicide means that another person killed him, not that he died on his own. Therefore the experts disagree with you. QED.

This really isn't that complicated and you're getting very defensive about it. You can think what you want, but you're not in agreement with the experts. The experts say that he was killed by another person.

Poor little commie, if he were healthy and not all doped up, he probably wouldn't have died. It's as simple as that.


You can think all sorts of nonsense. But the experts disagree with you. They claim he was killed.
Simple as that.

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