Arizona did the only thing


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

First of all illegal immigration is a federal crime and illegal should be treated as criminals and not like invited guests. We don’t let people come into our homes and robs it, why should we let illegal aliens come in to our country and take what is ours?
We cannot allow a million people to come into this country as will and homestead and expand and expand. 12 million easily became 20 million.

We do not have the resources, water, energy, food, money or garbage dumps, to support unlimited immigration. We are already rationing our water. Calif central valley don’t have enough water to grow their crops. We are importing food. Energy is a problem. Our economy cannot support the illegal aliens population of low wage earners. 20 million illegal aliens create lot of garbage. Where is it going to be dumped. Calif already wants to dump their garbage in Nevada. Hospitals have closed. Schools have to be bailed out and some are begging that taxes be raise.

We cannot afford immigration reform and no one know that better than Arizona and California. States budgets are being cut in all areas. Laws enforcement is being cut and who will protect us? Legal or illegal we will have to protect ourselves. Some areas police will not come if called. Immigration reform will cost and lots of your taxes will be needed.
I do no understand why black man oppose this laws, when they are the first to be displaced with illegal aliens and hurt the most.
We are exporting jobs and importing people to work. That s’ brilliant.Arizona not only did the right thing, but did the only thing.
People who oppose this bill, Mexican Americans and illegal aliens, complaining about human rights, what about the human right of Americans?
We have to allow many who are here to stay by giving them temporary status.

Then they get in the back of the immigration line.

Those who refuse to come forward and get tehir temporary status then they are just deported when found.

Then we MUST come up with a better system allow tempory visa for work and a much better system for them to become citizens.

We have to allow many who are here to stay by giving them temporary status.

Then they get in the back of the immigration line.

Those who refuse to come forward and get tehir temporary status then they are just deported when found.

Then we MUST come up with a better system allow tempory visa for work and a much better system for them to become citizens.


Let's get one thing straight, we don't have to allow any illegal alien shit! They are here illegally; and as such they and their children (whether they were born here or not) must be deported back to their native lands, and from their native lands, they can "get in the back of the immigration line". When are you pathetic morons going to stop making excuses for these criminals and smarten up. You're slitting your own Country's throat! :mad:
This law is unconstitutional and will never stand, all it will accomplish is wasting tax dollars.
We have to allow many who are here to stay by giving them temporary status.

Then they get in the back of the immigration line.

Those who refuse to come forward and get tehir temporary status then they are just deported when found.

Then we MUST come up with a better system allow tempory visa for work and a much better system for them to become citizens.


Let's get one thing straight, we don't have to allow any illegal alien shit! They are here illegally; and as such they and their children (whether they were born here or not) must be deported back to their native lands, and from their native lands, they can "get in the back of the immigration line". When are you pathetic morons going to stop making excuses for these criminals and smarten up. You're slitting your own Country's throat! :mad:

"Illegal alien shit"..."pathetic morons"... And you wonder why I call your posts stupid? Put your hysteria aside - maybe a bit of psychotherapy is in order.

First and foremost Ronald Reagan put the first cut in the our Country's throat. Why, because in my opinion and that of others, he liked business and industry getting cheap labor. Of course he was not the only one, every president since RR has ignored the problem.
Want reform? Don't call illegals names, or people who are sympathetic to them names, call out your neighbors who cruise the Home Depot looking for cheap labor; boycott the restuarants which hire cheap labor, and the landscape companies; demand the DOJ fine industry giants who hire illegals and hold the CEO's and other corporate types criminally responsible (put them in jail).
Going off on a man and his wife, and their kids, for trying to make a better life is reprehensiblea and cowardly.
This law is unconstitutional and will never stand, all it will accomplish is wasting tax dollars.

Wrong. The constitution allow for any state to protect itself from an alien invasion. Check it our for yourself.:clap2:
This law is unconstitutional and will never stand, all it will accomplish is wasting tax dollars.

As a matter of fact, the law is not unconstitutional. If you listen to the speech Gov. Jan Brewer gave just before she signed SB 1070 on Friday April 23, 2010 you will hear her say that the state bill was written "verbatim" from the federal version. If that is the case, and I have no reason to doubt her or call her a liar, the state law is unchallengeable and will remain on the books. The state was not able to uphold the federal law, and tired of waiting for Washington to do its job, they passed a law that gives them the right to do what Washington failed to do. :neutral:
This law is unconstitutional and will never stand, all it will accomplish is wasting tax dollars.

Article 4 Section 4 requires the the Federal Government protect the states from invasion and domestic violence. They have failed to do so, which thus should allow the states to do what they must to protect themselves IAW the 10th Amendment. Furthermore those who have been victims of illegal alien crime should gather together to file a class action law suit against the Federal Government for Failure to Protect under their Article 4 obligation. I would name all those who specifically propose/d or voted for Amnesty and disreguarded FEDERAL LAWS (contributing to the massive invasion) in the suit.
Fact is that after thinking about it we do need immigration reform.

1. We need to completely do away with anchor babies.

2. We need to start deporting illegals that are in our prisons.

3. We need to seal all our borders so that only legal visitors or immigrants can enter.

4. As other illegals surface they need to also be deported.

5. Split families? Give them a choice to leave with the illegal member or not. And if they chose to leave, they lose their citizenship.

We all saw 2 years ago how much these illegals care about the USA when they first marched and waved their Mexican flags. Until their organizers saw the outcry and suddenly they had American flags. Sorry I don't buy it for a minute. Too many criminals from other countries pouring into the USA.
We have to allow many who are here to stay by giving them temporary status.

Then they get in the back of the immigration line.

Those who refuse to come forward and get tehir temporary status then they are just deported when found.

Then we MUST come up with a better system allow tempory visa for work and a much better system for them to become citizens.


Let's get one thing straight, we don't have to allow any illegal alien shit! They are here illegally; and as such they and their children (whether they were born here or not) must be deported back to their native lands, and from their native lands, they can "get in the back of the immigration line". When are you pathetic morons going to stop making excuses for these criminals and smarten up. You're slitting your own Country's throat! :mad:

"Illegal alien shit"..."pathetic morons"... And you wonder why I call your posts stupid? Put your hysteria aside - maybe a bit of psychotherapy is in order.

First and foremost Ronald Reagan put the first cut in the our Country's throat. Why, because in my opinion and that of others, he liked business and industry getting cheap labor. Of course he was not the only one, every president since RR has ignored the problem.
Want reform? Don't call illegals names, or people who are sympathetic to them names, call out your neighbors who cruise the Home Depot looking for cheap labor; boycott the restuarants which hire cheap labor, and the landscape companies; demand the DOJ fine industry giants who hire illegals and hold the CEO's and other corporate types criminally responsible (put them in jail).
Going off on a man and his wife, and their kids, for trying to make a better life is reprehensiblea and cowardly.
Call illegal aliens what they are, Wryboy. CRIMINALS, who have no right to be here whatsoever. Deport the fuckers!

Going off on a man and his wife who are blatantly BREAKING THE LAW is the right thing to do. Liberal candycoating of the fact that they are lawbreakers, is not what this great country needs. This great country needs to start deporting the fuckers forthwit. Now is the prime time to do it. With this inept president of ours further trashing the economy and costing jobs by the boatload, there are less of the lil' cockroaches scurrying over the border like the dirty lil' bugs they are, seeking employment. Secure the borders, and let the mass deportation of the lil' buggers who are here ILLEGALLY begin.

Now Wryboy, we all know you're a liberal moonbat who hates capitalism and corporations. You know, the very things that help drive this great country. But then, we all know you hate this great country so, your liberal moonbat views shouldn't be taken seriously. But, the lil' mom and pop businesses should be held accountable also. If they hire an illegal, or illegals, they should be fined deeply for the first offense. Second offense should result in doubling of the fine and suspension of business license for one year. Any further violations should result in one last massive fine and revocation of the ability to obtain a business license for life. And, any mayor of any city or town who declares "Sanctuary", should be tossed from office, and arrested for aiding and abeting federal criminals!

RIGHT ON ARIZONA!....It's about time a state of people had the balls to start doing what's right!

We have to allow many who are here to stay by giving them temporary status.

Then they get in the back of the immigration line.

Those who refuse to come forward and get tehir temporary status then they are just deported when found.

Then we MUST come up with a better system allow tempory visa for work and a much better system for them to become citizens.


Let's get one thing straight, we don't have to allow any illegal alien shit! They are here illegally; and as such they and their children (whether they were born here or not) must be deported back to their native lands, and from their native lands, they can "get in the back of the immigration line". When are you pathetic morons going to stop making excuses for these criminals and smarten up. You're slitting your own Country's throat! :mad:

"Illegal alien shit"..."pathetic morons"... And you wonder why I call your posts stupid? Put your hysteria aside - maybe a bit of psychotherapy is in order.

First and foremost Ronald Reagan put the first cut in the our Country's throat. Why, because in my opinion and that of others, he liked business and industry getting cheap labor. Of course he was not the only one, every president since RR has ignored the problem.
Want reform? Don't call illegals names, or people who are sympathetic to them names, call out your neighbors who cruise the Home Depot looking for cheap labor; boycott the restuarants which hire cheap labor, and the landscape companies; demand the DOJ fine industry giants who hire illegals and hold the CEO's and other corporate types criminally responsible (put them in jail).
Going off on a man and his wife, and their kids, for trying to make a better life is reprehensiblea and cowardly.

First and foremost, don't quote me out of context, you pathetic troll. Secondly, who gives a shit what Ronald Reagan did; it has nothing to do with this topic. Thirdly you moron, SB 1070 will, and I quote, "call out your neighbors who cruise the Home Depot looking for cheap labor; boycott the restuarants which hire cheap labor, and the landscape companies; demand the DOJ fine industry giants who hire illegals and hold the CEO's and other corporate types criminally responsible (put them in jail)".

Go ahead Wry Catcher, keep it up, I'll bury you with knowledge. :lol:
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First let me say this, if someone enters the country illegally, in doing so they have committed a Federal crime. Now given that fact, the proponents of " it's a Federal matter and the state has no business detaining these individuals" would want to have it limited to this one and only Federal crime. If that were the case then perhaps state law enforcement need not pay attention to Federal arrest warrants for Bank robbery, or white collar crime, or any number of inter-state federal issues. No, the issue here is that no matter the moral or ethical principal invollved a person or persons that have broken the law should be arrested and treated the same as any other person that does. If this particular crime does not agree with people, then perhaps the best thing to do is not to advocate for allowing a pass for the people that have broken the law, but rather advocate for changing the law itself.

"Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."

Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):

A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:

* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or

* encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or

* knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.

USCIS - Immigration and Nationality Act

Even people that assist in those that have broken the law are subject to the law as well.

Perhaps the best solution here is to actually reform the immigration system itself that encourages people to break the law in the first place? One method of doing so would be to effectivly change the immigration system so that the process of becoming a citizen is less cumbersome and working in the US on a temporary basis is well regulated. We are all the products of immigrants at one time or the other at least most of us and some very brave Americans (immigrants included) have given their very lives for the nation that we all cherish. As this is true it is no excuse for breaking the law, and it is also no excuse in the heat of the moment to single out people simply because they wish to build a better life for themselves and their families.
This law is unconstitutional and will never stand, all it will accomplish is wasting tax dollars.

Article 4 Section 4 requires the the Federal Government protect the states from invasion and domestic violence. They have failed to do so, which thus should allow the states to do what they must to protect themselves IAW the 10th Amendment. Furthermore those who have been victims of illegal alien crime should gather together to file a class action law suit against the Federal Government for Failure to Protect under their Article 4 obligation. I would name all those who specifically propose/d or voted for Amnesty and disreguarded FEDERAL LAWS (contributing to the massive invasion) in the suit.

How are they going to establish "reasonable cause"?

It also goes against Article 6, the 4th amendment, and the 14th amendment.

So, please tell me how are they going to establish "reasonable cause"?
Hi Lil-Lady:


Calm down, take a breath and lend me your ear for two minutes:

1. The USA needs 'no' Immigration Reform. Zip, Zero, NADA, NONE. We have been through 'all' of this already and the result of allowing up to 3 Million Illegal Aliens to become 'legal' was the "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986" (Wiki).

2. The USA needs Obama and our corrupt Congress to ENFORCE the perfectly good Immigration Laws already on the books. Period.

Now, take another deep breath and pay very close attention to this very important point:

3. If Obama and our Open Border Lobby bought-and-paid-for Congress is NOT going to see these Immigration Laws ENFORCED right now and today, then the same corrupt politicians can NOT be trusted to draw up any new laws that they will also NOT ENFORCE. Period.

The right answer all along has been to enforce our laws, which Obama is NEVER going to do; just like Bush, Clinton and Bush. Any debate about Immigration Reform was made illegal by the provisions of the Immigration
Reform and Control Act of 1986, which states that ANYONE assisting an Illegal Alien to obtain the appearance of 'legal status' is guilty of a felony and must spend a minimum of 5 years in a federal prison. That means any member of Congress helping Illegal Aliens obtain 'legal status' is already guilty of a felony. Hiring Illegal Aliens is a CRIME right now in the USA. Aiding and abetting Illegal Aliens is a CRIME right now in the USA.

Harboring Illegal Aliens is a CRIME right now in the USA without any new Arizona Laws and the county sheriff in every county in the USA is responsible for enforcing ALL THE LAWS that are local, state 'and' federal in nature. Therefore, we do not have to afford any immigration reform at all. We only need all law enforcement officers, already on the payroll, to ENFORCE the immigration and employment laws already on the books.

Our job is to remind all Americans of these truths ...


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