Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Just when he took over He grew it on Obama's shoulders How'd you think he would have done if he came into office after GWB?
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Just when he took over He grew it on Obama's shoulders How'd you think he would have done if he came into office after GWB?
Great. The deregulation was the key. Obama just lowered rates to the floor and didn't do much else.
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
COVID is NOT going away by magic no matter what the nitwit says
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trump is also losing Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is Biden country

pennsylvania has joined up with NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, DE & MD to form a coalition against donny's incompetancy.

Those states got together to tow whatever line Nancy and Cuomo tell them to tow. This situation is now official 100% politics from here on.

& as the hayseed states follow donny's hunches - they will be the next hotspots if they aren't all ready, like s dakota... when they are still dropping like flies, the northeast & left coast will be back on our feet.
The hot spot in S Dakota is one immigrants community. They can drop like flies. That Chinese processing plant has been in need of a can of Raid since the Chinese took it over.

uh-huh. still vile as ever. kudos - at least you don't try to cover it up. btw - when the shelves are even more empty than they are now - don't say a fucking word about how you miss your bratwurst.
Are you trying to blame Trump for food shortages, asshole?

there aren't any food shortages, yet - but plants are closing because of disease & food is rotting because of people normally transporting it are getting sick & people can't pay for it. god damn yer stupid.

Wouldn't that be "tremendous" if the people starting to starve and it could be blamed on President Trump?

Unfortunately, this whole pandemic shit is way overblown. Most of the nation's doctors are sitting around with their thumbs up their butts as they are banned from doing their usual activities of administering colonoscopies and prostrate exams, and the Chinese Kung Flu patients aren't flocking into the hospital in the numbers the libs promised.
Hard not to blame him
He was willing to take the good, now he can take the bad

But the problem is that President Trump didn't start the Chinese Kung Flu, and he isn't the one driving the panic and hysteria around it.
Just walk on by Pole Right? Ignore it You go to the next trump rally along with 1000's of your republican friends Please ,,,I beg you Take bri and lantern with you
I love going to Trump rallies.
If there was a way I'd pay your transportation
You can transfer the money to my checking account by using my email address.
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
COVID is NOT going away by magic no matter what the nitwit says
Indeed not. But we can make it less painful. It was a virus created in a lab. We should be able to defeat it.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Trump was willing to ride Obama’s economy
Now he gets to ride this one
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Just when he took over He grew it on Obama's shoulders How'd you think he would have done if he came into office after GWB?
Great. The deregulation was the key. Obama just lowered rates to the floor and didn't do much else.
obama or the fed?
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
It will

Americans rallied around Bush after 9-11, will they rally around Trump?

Bush was able to show compassion after 9-11, an emotion Trump does not possess
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone

not just for america; the whole world will be:



The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Trump was willing to ride Obama’s economy
Now he gets to ride this one
So when the economy is booming, then it's Obama's economy, but the minute a little trouble appears, it becomes Trump's economy.

Can you be anymore transparent?
the senate needs to flip as well. i live in CT, but have been donating to a few senate races; i'm giving to susan collins' opponent in maine (sara gideon) , ms lindsey's opponent (jaime harris) in s. carolina, moscow mitch's opponent (amy mcgrath) in KY, & the bitch who took over john mccain's seat in AZ opponent (mark kelly, husband of gabby gifford)

Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
By Reid Wilson - 04/15/20 06:00 AM EDT

Retired astronaut Mark Kelly leads Sen. Martha McSally (R) by 9 points in Arizona, one of the states at the heart of the battle for control of the Senate in 2020.
A new Arizona Public Opinion Pulse survey conducted by the Phoenix-based nonpartisan polling firm OH Predictive Insights shows Kelly leading McSally by a 51 percent to 42 percent margin.
The company's last survey found Kelly leading by a 7-point margin, 49 percent to 42 percent.
Kelly, a first-time candidate and the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), leads McSally by 10 points in Maricopa County, which accounts for the vast majority of Arizona's vote. Only one candidate in recent history, former Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas (R) in 2015, has won statewide election in Arizona without carrying Maricopa County.
Kelly expands lead over McSally in Arizona
Arizona used to be a dependable Red State.
The land of Goldwater and John McCain.

It is now definitely in play for the Democrats. Arizona has already shown they do not want McSally. The Hispanic vote is growing in influence and Trump will have to fight hard to retain Arizona
You must really love Cuba, Venezuela and other assorted communist and banana republics. You get the whole package when you vote Prog. That is why you blame everyone else. You can not just understand why your agendas are not utopia.

ummmm .... welcome to donny's amerika.

What a fucking moron. How is Trump responsible for any of that?

he's responsible for ignoring the warnings & outright evidence the virus was coming here. there never was a federal track & containment phase when it could have worked & kept the infectious rate manageable & a lot of needless deaths could have been prevented. because of THAT ignorance on fat donny 2 scoop's watch, people have run outa cash because they aren't drawing a paycheck & had to wait even longer for him to put his fucking name on the checks being mailed out, so hopefully some will be bought off with a vote his way.

duh fucking DUH.

Why do you lie?

i never lie, no need to. why do you grab yer ankles for a carnival barker?
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
It will

Americans rallied around Bush after 9-11, will they rally around Trump?

Bush was able to show compassion after 9-11, an emotion Trump does not possess

sociopaths are incapable of human emotion. they only feel self gratification.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Trump was willing to ride Obama’s economy
Now he gets to ride this one
So when the economy is booming, then it's Obama's economy, but the minute a little trouble appears, it becomes Trump's economy.

Can you be anymore transparent?

Trump was born on Third Base and celebrated like he just hit a Triple.

Same thing happened with the Obama economy. Strange thing is.......with the Coronavirus, he just got picked off third
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trump is also losing Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is Biden country

pennsylvania has joined up with NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, DE & MD to form a coalition against donny's incompetancy.

Those states got together to tow whatever line Nancy and Cuomo tell them to tow. This situation is now official 100% politics from here on.

& as the hayseed states follow donny's hunches - they will be the next hotspots if they aren't all ready, like s dakota... when they are still dropping like flies, the northeast & left coast will be back on our feet.
The hot spot in S Dakota is one immigrants community. They can drop like flies. That Chinese processing plant has been in need of a can of Raid since the Chinese took it over.

uh-huh. still vile as ever. kudos - at least you don't try to cover it up. btw - when the shelves are even more empty than they are now - don't say a fucking word about how you miss your bratwurst.
Are you trying to blame Trump for food shortages, asshole?

there aren't any food shortages, yet - but plants are closing because of disease & food is rotting because of people normally transporting it are getting sick & people can't pay for it. god damn yer stupid.

Wouldn't that be "tremendous" if the people starting to starve and it could be blamed on President Trump?

Unfortunately, this whole pandemic shit is way overblown. Most of the nation's doctors are sitting around with their thumbs up their butts as they are banned from doing their usual activities of administering colonoscopies and prostrate exams, and the Chinese Kung Flu patients aren't flocking into the hospital in the numbers the libs promised.
Hard not to blame him
He was willing to take the good, now he can take the bad

But the problem is that President Trump didn't start the Chinese Kung Flu, and he isn't the one driving the panic and hysteria around it.
Just walk on by Pole Right? Ignore it You go to the next trump rally along with 1000's of your republican friends Please ,,,I beg you Take bri and lantern with you
I love going to Trump rallies.
If there was a way I'd pay your transportation
You can transfer the money to my checking account by using my email address.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Just when he took over He grew it on Obama's shoulders How'd you think he would have done if he came into office after GWB?
Great. The deregulation was the key. Obama just lowered rates to the floor and didn't do much else.
obama or the fed?
Fed but that was all Obama really rode on. Cheap debt. His sequester damaged military contractors and super low rates were there for almost the entirety of his 8 yrs. Corporate inversions were happening at record pace.
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
It will

Americans rallied around Bush after 9-11, will they rally around Trump?

Bush was able to show compassion after 9-11, an emotion Trump does not possess

sociopaths are incapable of human emotion. they only feel self gratification.
Trump is 100% a sociopath. Most CEOs are.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Trump was willing to ride Obama’s economy
Now he gets to ride this one
So when the economy is booming, then it's Obama's economy, but the minute a little trouble appears, it becomes Trump's economy.

Can you be anymore transparent?

Trump was born on Third Base and celebrated like he just hit a Triple.

Same thing happened with the Obama economy. Strange thing is.......with the Coronavirus, he just got picked off third
One person does not control the economy. You're both wrong

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