Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward gives an update on the Maricopa County ballot audit

Scuzzy politicians invading the private lives of citizens and abusing their offices to discover and feed our private information to persons who have no right to it
Who doesn’t have a right to what exactly? You are rambling and not saying anything

To the extent that any governmental institution or government official facilitates the reveal of private information to the public or to private entities, they are directly out of order and, in so doing, reveal that they do not act to protect their citizens. Lots of scumbags in the private zone want to find out personal information on other citizens, and many are aided by sleazy politicians, and I have given you two examples already.
Scuzzy politicians invading the private lives of citizens and abusing their offices to discover and feed our private information to persons who have no right to it
Who doesn’t have a right to what exactly? You are rambling and not saying anything

To the extent that any governmental institution or government official facilitates the reveal of private information to the public or to private entities, they are directly out of order and, in so doing, reveal that they do not act to protect their citizens. Lots of scumbags in the private zone want to find out personal information on other citizens, and many are aided by sleazy politicians, and I have given you two examples already.
Again, what private information are you referring to?
Pauline you
Their supposedly looking for the former presidents watermarks of illegal ballots....
The Qanon secret watermark theory.

Maricopa County ballot printer weighs in
The CEO of Runbeck Election Services, the company that orders the ballot paper and prints ballots for the county, told The Arizona Republic on Wednesday that there are no tracking marks or watermarks on the paper they used in this election. Maricopa County's Election Department also said there are no watermarks on the paper.
What does Q Anon have to so with any of this?
Q claimed that the former president had put secret watermarks on Arizona's ballots so any ballot that didn't contain that watermark was illegal.

The cyber partisan ninja's have stopped using the UV light (after testing who knows how many ballots) as the whole idea of secret watermarks is fucking ignorant.
Who cares what Q says?
Nevermind the fact that Q never claimed any such thing. People confuse the things Q followers believe with things Q has actually posted. And it’s ridiculous because there’s an archive of every Q post that’s easily searchable.
Wow, now Q is part of the deep state...
Where did anyone even say that in this discussion?
Q entered the discussion because of the cyber ninja use of UV light to check ballots for watermarks.

Just as Q claimed.
I’m going to ask you to do something really simple.. link the Q post that claims there were ballot watermarks. I’ll even help you out and give you a link to all of the Q posts - :: posts by
Paulie your deep in aren’t you.

Are you a defender of the Q?
Just provide the link or shut up
bripat9643 said:
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.
The "audit" has no impact.

The results of Maricopa County's vote in 2020 have been certified under state law and supported by real Maricopa County audits.

The owner of "Cyber Ninjas", Doug Logan, has promoted falsehoods that the Arizona election was stolen from Trump.

Neither Logan nor his subcontractors have any experience with an election audit.

The Republican-controlled Senate contribution of taxpayer money to the farce is dwarfed by two unprecedented funding sources that have no connection to the Legislature.

Both organizations are led by people who promote the falsehood that the election was stolen from Trump: Christina Bobb, a personality with the far right-wing One America News Network, and former chief executive and Trump megafan Patrick Byrne.


Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 8.50.43 AM.png

"It makes us look like idiots!
Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous.
It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."
Arizona State Sen. Paul Boyer (R)
[Arizona GOP State Sen. Regrets Supporting 'Ridiculous' Audit That 'Makes Us Look Like Idiots']


bripat9643 said:
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.
The "audit" has no impact.

The results of Maricopa County's vote in 2020 have been certified under state law and supported by real Maricopa County audits.

The owner of "Cyber Ninjas", Doug Logan, has promoted falsehoods that the Arizona election was stolen from Trump.

Neither Logan nor his subcontractors have any experience with an election audit.

The Republican-controlled Senate contribution of taxpayer money to the farce is dwarfed by two unprecedented funding sources that have no connection to the Legislature.

Both organizations are led by people who promote the falsehood that the election was stolen from Trump: Christina Bobb, a personality with the far right-wing One America News Network, and former chief executive and Trump megafan Patrick Byrne.


View attachment 488626
"It makes us look like idiots!
Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous.
It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."
Arizona State Sen. Paul Boyer (R)
[Arizona GOP State Sen. Regrets Supporting 'Ridiculous' Audit That 'Makes Us Look Like Idiots']


Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

bripat9643 said:
Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

It's a hoot!

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 9.21.21 AM.png

"Don't bleed on bamboo, Lady!
After fingernails, we send to Maricopa County!"
bripat9643 said:
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.
The "audit" has no impact.

The results of Maricopa County's vote in 2020 have been certified under state law and supported by real Maricopa County audits.

The owner of "Cyber Ninjas", Doug Logan, has promoted falsehoods that the Arizona election was stolen from Trump.

Neither Logan nor his subcontractors have any experience with an election audit.

The Republican-controlled Senate contribution of taxpayer money to the farce is dwarfed by two unprecedented funding sources that have no connection to the Legislature.

Both organizations are led by people who promote the falsehood that the election was stolen from Trump: Christina Bobb, a personality with the far right-wing One America News Network, and former chief executive and Trump megafan Patrick Byrne.


View attachment 488626
"It makes us look like idiots!
Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous.
It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."
Arizona State Sen. Paul Boyer (R)
[Arizona GOP State Sen. Regrets Supporting 'Ridiculous' Audit That 'Makes Us Look Like Idiots']


Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

"unfair" is the wrong adjective, fucking moron. There's nothing unfair about it since it's meaningless in that it has no effect on the election. "moronic", "wasteful", "embarrassing" ... those are more appropriate adjectives.
bripat9643 said:
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.
The "audit" has no impact.

The results of Maricopa County's vote in 2020 have been certified under state law and supported by real Maricopa County audits.

The owner of "Cyber Ninjas", Doug Logan, has promoted falsehoods that the Arizona election was stolen from Trump.

Neither Logan nor his subcontractors have any experience with an election audit.

The Republican-controlled Senate contribution of taxpayer money to the farce is dwarfed by two unprecedented funding sources that have no connection to the Legislature.

Both organizations are led by people who promote the falsehood that the election was stolen from Trump: Christina Bobb, a personality with the far right-wing One America News Network, and former chief executive and Trump megafan Patrick Byrne.


View attachment 488626
"It makes us look like idiots!
Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous.
It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."
Arizona State Sen. Paul Boyer (R)
[Arizona GOP State Sen. Regrets Supporting 'Ridiculous' Audit That 'Makes Us Look Like Idiots']


Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

"unfair" is the wrong adjective, fucking moron. There's nothing unfair about it since it's meaningless in that it has no effect on the election. "moronic", "wasteful", "embarrassing" ... those are more appropriate adjectives.
Then why all the petulant infantile whining? If it's big nothing, they why would any Biden voter give a rat's ass?
bripat9643 said:
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.
The "audit" has no impact.

The results of Maricopa County's vote in 2020 have been certified under state law and supported by real Maricopa County audits.

The owner of "Cyber Ninjas", Doug Logan, has promoted falsehoods that the Arizona election was stolen from Trump.

Neither Logan nor his subcontractors have any experience with an election audit.

The Republican-controlled Senate contribution of taxpayer money to the farce is dwarfed by two unprecedented funding sources that have no connection to the Legislature.

Both organizations are led by people who promote the falsehood that the election was stolen from Trump: Christina Bobb, a personality with the far right-wing One America News Network, and former chief executive and Trump megafan Patrick Byrne.


View attachment 488626
"It makes us look like idiots!
Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous.
It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."
Arizona State Sen. Paul Boyer (R)
[Arizona GOP State Sen. Regrets Supporting 'Ridiculous' Audit That 'Makes Us Look Like Idiots']


Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

"unfair" is the wrong adjective, fucking moron. There's nothing unfair about it since it's meaningless in that it has no effect on the election. "moronic", "wasteful", "embarrassing" ... those are more appropriate adjectives.
Then why all the petulant infantile whining? If it's big nothing, they why would any Biden voter give a rat's ass?

You mistake laughing at you with giving a rat's ass.
bripat9643 said:
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.
The "audit" has no impact.

The results of Maricopa County's vote in 2020 have been certified under state law and supported by real Maricopa County audits.

The owner of "Cyber Ninjas", Doug Logan, has promoted falsehoods that the Arizona election was stolen from Trump.

Neither Logan nor his subcontractors have any experience with an election audit.

The Republican-controlled Senate contribution of taxpayer money to the farce is dwarfed by two unprecedented funding sources that have no connection to the Legislature.

Both organizations are led by people who promote the falsehood that the election was stolen from Trump: Christina Bobb, a personality with the far right-wing One America News Network, and former chief executive and Trump megafan Patrick Byrne.


View attachment 488626
"It makes us look like idiots!
Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous.
It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."
Arizona State Sen. Paul Boyer (R)
[Arizona GOP State Sen. Regrets Supporting 'Ridiculous' Audit That 'Makes Us Look Like Idiots']


Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

"unfair" is the wrong adjective, fucking moron. There's nothing unfair about it since it's meaningless in that it has no effect on the election. "moronic", "wasteful", "embarrassing" ... those are more appropriate adjectives.
Then why all the petulant infantile whining? If it's big nothing, they why would any Biden voter give a rat's ass?

You mistake laughing at you with giving a rat's ass.
Your laughter is fake. We can all see that
bripat9643 said:
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.
The "audit" has no impact.

The results of Maricopa County's vote in 2020 have been certified under state law and supported by real Maricopa County audits.

The owner of "Cyber Ninjas", Doug Logan, has promoted falsehoods that the Arizona election was stolen from Trump.

Neither Logan nor his subcontractors have any experience with an election audit.

The Republican-controlled Senate contribution of taxpayer money to the farce is dwarfed by two unprecedented funding sources that have no connection to the Legislature.

Both organizations are led by people who promote the falsehood that the election was stolen from Trump: Christina Bobb, a personality with the far right-wing One America News Network, and former chief executive and Trump megafan Patrick Byrne.


View attachment 488626
"It makes us look like idiots!
Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous.
It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."
Arizona State Sen. Paul Boyer (R)
[Arizona GOP State Sen. Regrets Supporting 'Ridiculous' Audit That 'Makes Us Look Like Idiots']


Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

"unfair" is the wrong adjective, fucking moron. There's nothing unfair about it since it's meaningless in that it has no effect on the election. "moronic", "wasteful", "embarrassing" ... those are more appropriate adjectives.
Then why all the petulant infantile whining? If it's big nothing, they why would any Biden voter give a rat's ass?

You mistake laughing at you with giving a rat's ass.
Your laughter is fake. We can all see that
Nope. I laugh at you all the time. You're like a clown at the circus whose job it is to get people to laugh at you.
bripat9643 said:
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.
The "audit" has no impact.

The results of Maricopa County's vote in 2020 have been certified under state law and supported by real Maricopa County audits.

The owner of "Cyber Ninjas", Doug Logan, has promoted falsehoods that the Arizona election was stolen from Trump.

Neither Logan nor his subcontractors have any experience with an election audit.

The Republican-controlled Senate contribution of taxpayer money to the farce is dwarfed by two unprecedented funding sources that have no connection to the Legislature.

Both organizations are led by people who promote the falsehood that the election was stolen from Trump: Christina Bobb, a personality with the far right-wing One America News Network, and former chief executive and Trump megafan Patrick Byrne.


View attachment 488626
"It makes us look like idiots!
Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous.
It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."
Arizona State Sen. Paul Boyer (R)
[Arizona GOP State Sen. Regrets Supporting 'Ridiculous' Audit That 'Makes Us Look Like Idiots']


Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

"unfair" is the wrong adjective, fucking moron. There's nothing unfair about it since it's meaningless in that it has no effect on the election. "moronic", "wasteful", "embarrassing" ... those are more appropriate adjectives.
you couldn't embarrass spoilt child if you had her credit history and DNA. (not that I'm for personal details. LOL)
bripat9643 said:
Here's an interesting inside take on the audit.
The "audit" has no impact.

The results of Maricopa County's vote in 2020 have been certified under state law and supported by real Maricopa County audits.

The owner of "Cyber Ninjas", Doug Logan, has promoted falsehoods that the Arizona election was stolen from Trump.

Neither Logan nor his subcontractors have any experience with an election audit.

The Republican-controlled Senate contribution of taxpayer money to the farce is dwarfed by two unprecedented funding sources that have no connection to the Legislature.

Both organizations are led by people who promote the falsehood that the election was stolen from Trump: Christina Bobb, a personality with the far right-wing One America News Network, and former chief executive and Trump megafan Patrick Byrne.


View attachment 488626
"It makes us look like idiots!
Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous.
It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."
Arizona State Sen. Paul Boyer (R)
[Arizona GOP State Sen. Regrets Supporting 'Ridiculous' Audit That 'Makes Us Look Like Idiots']


Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

"unfair" is the wrong adjective, fucking moron. There's nothing unfair about it since it's meaningless in that it has no effect on the election. "moronic", "wasteful", "embarrassing" ... those are more appropriate adjectives.
you couldn't embarrass spoilt child if you had her credit history and DNA. (not that I'm for personal details. LOL)
Post #304 shows some of them are embarrassed.
bripat9643 said:
Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

It's a hoot!

View attachment 488632
"Don't bleed on bamboo, Lady!
After fingernails, we send to Maricopa County!"
Then what are you whining about it for?
Whining? Christ, the charade is all about maga whining.
Demanding accountability is "whining" only on the part of totalitarian scumbags.
bripat9643 said:
If it's big nothing, they why would any Biden voter give a rat's ass?
Can't you enjoy a good farce that fleeces the Arizona taxpayer?

"Ninjas for Trump" is hilarious!

And they're taking their zany act on the road! Ronan roaming the desert until high school kids have had their fill of pomp and circumstance and madcap frivolity again prevails!

The Arizona Senate-ordered audit of Maricopa County's general election will take a one-week hiatus at the end of the week to make way for high school graduations at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix.
The plan is to move the ballots and equipment to another area of the Arizona State Fairgrounds...
“They’ve told us that once the graduations are over, we can come back"
Precedent? Priorities?

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 5.33.53 PM.png

"We'll have to suspend our frivolous business, Good Sirs,
and abscond to the taverns and brothels whilst the dandies
reclaim this dancehall and make merry."

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 5.43.04 PM.png

"High school babes eager to party!
YES! I'm stayin'"

bripat9643 said:
If it's big nothing, they why would any Biden voter give a rat's ass?
Can't you enjoy a good farce that fleeces the Arizona taxpayer?

"Ninjas for Trump" is hilarious!

And they're taking their zany act on the road! Ronan roaming the desert until high school kids have had their fill of pomp and circumstance and madcap frivolity again prevails!

The Arizona Senate-ordered audit of Maricopa County's general election will take a one-week hiatus at the end of the week to make way for high school graduations at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix.
The plan is to move the ballots and equipment to another area of the Arizona State Fairgrounds...
“They’ve told us that once the graduations are over, we can come back"
Precedent? Priorities?

View attachment 488805
"We'll have to suspend our frivolous business, Good Sirs,
and abscond to the taverns and brothels whilst the dandies

reclaim this dancehall and make merry."

View attachment 488811
"High school babes eager to party!
YES! I'm stayin'"

If it's a farce, then why are you crying about it?
bripat9643 said:
If it's a farce, then why are you crying about it?

Stop whimpering! This fiasco is such a hoot!

Let's hope the high school grads don't boobytrap their port-a-potties if they allow them to return.

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 7.23.49 PM.png

"Nap time, Cyber-Ninjas!
Try to remember about how many you counted
for if and when the kids let us come back!"


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bripat9643 said:
Look at the SJW toddler whining that the audit is unfair!

It's a hoot!

View attachment 488632
"Don't bleed on bamboo, Lady!
After fingernails, we send to Maricopa County!"
Then what are you whining about it for?
Whining? Christ, the charade is all about maga whining.
Demanding accountability is "whining" only on the part of totalitarian scumbags.
There’s no accountability on the line with the AZ charade.

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