Arizona man fatally mauled by black bear

Yup. In part.

It isn’t based on just development in your immediate area, but on multiple factors. Development including interstates break up normal movement, and shift populations into areas they might not ordinarily occupy. And there is no question we are building further and further into former wilderness areas.

Some of these animals are adapting more and more to living in suburban and urban areas: coyotes, foxes, even deer. Bears have long found it feasible to hang out in human areas since we are pretty garbagy creatures and we’re stupid about feeding them.

It is fair to say there are fewer natural predators as well. Wolves, which are large enough to kill deer have exterminated in most states and have a lifestyle that requires larger territories than the suburbs.

One of which is actually, evolution in progress
No development like that in fifty years yet we have increasing incessant wildlife and now bear.
This is the result of humans enhancing wildlife populations and not displacement.
Blame tree-hugging granola-cruncher idiots.


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