Arizona to allow concealed weapons without permit

this is not smart

Wanna expand on that a little, or is it just self-evident?

Personally, I have much more peace of mind since getting my permit. I haven't had a occasion to brandish my gun or ventilate anyone, but I think the confidence it's given me has helped to avoid situations which might have otherwise turned ugly.

Hardly empirical evidence I know, but I would encourage everyone, especially women, to get a gun and concealed carry permit.
But we encourage Joe Bob down the road who loveds to drink and thinks aliens are taking over our govt to carry a gun?

That's a very bigoted statement.
What does =home invasions have to do with no permit concealed carry? Unless I am mistaken you can concealed carry on your own property now with no permit.

I'm guessing you don't realize your automobile and any hotel motel or house you lodge in is covered by the castle doctrine.
Yeah right we complain aoubt cops shooting the wrong persons, etc and they have training and rules. But we encourage Joe Bob down the road who loveds to drink and thinks aliens are taking over our govt to carry a gun?

We emerged from the wild west to law and order for very good reasons.

well until we all have a personal cop to tag along with us.. I'll protect myself,, you stand there all alone with your you know what in yer hand iffen you want to.
I have a concealed carry permit.
And since I am fairly well to do now and no longer physically able to defend myself I do usually carry. However I seldom go anywhere either....
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I have a concealed carry permit.
And since I am fairly well to do now and no longer physically able to defend myself I do usually carry. However I seldom go anywhere either....

You made some money but lost your health? If there was a choice I wouldn't have made that trade. Hope you get better.
Yikes, tread softly while in Arizona. Can one imagine everyone armed? What lunacy, and we wonder why so many die unnecessarily from handguns in America. Anyone butts in line or bumps into you make sure they're not armed if you speak up, or you could just shoot them first.

MORON ALERT. You are the STUPIDEST person on this board in regards this issue. The anti gunners have been claiming that wild west shoot outs would occur in every State that has passed open carry and concealed carry. And guess what fuck stain? It has NOT HAPPENED. Less than 1000 people a year die to accidental gun issues and most of the people KILLED by gunfire are either killed by a cop, suicide or they were using an ILLEGAL weapon to begin with.
Yeah right we complain aoubt cops shooting the wrong persons, etc and they have training and rules. But we encourage Joe Bob down the road who loveds to drink and thinks aliens are taking over our govt to carry a gun?

We emerged from the wild west to law and order for very good reasons.

And as I told the other idiot on this issue, the anti gunners have been claiming there would be wild west shoot outs in every State that has passed open carry and concealed carry. Guess what dumb ass? Has not happened.
What does =home invasions have to do with no permit concealed carry? Unless I am mistaken you can concealed carry on your own property now with no permit.

That varies by State. If you live in some liberal haven like Conneticut, Massachusetts, New York or New Jersey if you are found to have a concealed weapon on you while on your property you just committed a felony. i have one friend who lived in massachusetts and was bragging about himself finally getting a CCW for 1 gun in Mass. He was a goody 2 shoes, politically connected and it STILL took him 6 years. I told him I went to the Sheriff's office in my State and a few weeks later I could carry a H&K MP5 concealed if I wanted to. We went through the same background check.....

True some states are more difficult and unreasonable on this, but I do not think AZ is one of them. KY is no problem, Open carry still rules, CC permits are easy to get. As long asd you background check is clean.
Having read everyone's opinion on this, I still have an issue with this change in the law. What is everyone's problem with requiring people who want to carry a weapon in a public place to get a permit?

If the best answer is that it is unconstitutional, or takes too long, or is a pain in the butt to get a permit, that's not good enough. Carrying a gun is a big responsibility.

If you feel you need to carry a gun in public, I'll be the first one to support your right to do so. But get a permit.
Yikes, tread softly while in Arizona. Can one imagine everyone armed? What lunacy, and we wonder why so many die unnecessarily from handguns in America. Anyone butts in line or bumps into you make sure they're not armed if you speak up, or you could just shoot them first.

Pay no attention to the facts that when more people are armed there is less crime, not more.
Having read everyone's opinion on this, I still have an issue with this change in the law. What is everyone's problem with requiring people who want to carry a weapon in a public place to get a permit?

If the best answer is that it is unconstitutional, or takes too long, or is a pain in the butt to get a permit, that's not good enough. Carrying a gun is a big responsibility.

If you feel you need to carry a gun in public, I'll be the first one to support your right to do so. But get a permit.

Actually, the question is "what is everyone's problem with requiring people who want to concealed carry a weapon in a public place to get a permit?"

I dont need a permit to open carry my gun in Virginia.
Yikes, tread softly while in Arizona. Can one imagine everyone armed? What lunacy, and we wonder why so many die unnecessarily from handguns in America. Anyone butts in line or bumps into you make sure they're not armed if you speak up, or you could just shoot them first.

Pay no attention to the facts that when more people are armed there is less crime, not more.

You just don't get it, do you? Anyone that wants to carry a gun MUST be nuts and is clearly not civilized. They're all just itching to shoot someone! So it stands to reason that if more of them are armed the death toll will skyrocket.

I bet if I tried I could find an example of an isolated tragedy and then you'd understand.

Having read everyone's opinion on this, I still have an issue with this change in the law. What is everyone's problem with requiring people who want to carry a weapon in a public place to get a permit?

If the best answer is that it is unconstitutional, or takes too long, or is a pain in the butt to get a permit, that's not good enough. Carrying a gun is a big responsibility.

If you feel you need to carry a gun in public, I'll be the first one to support your right to do so. But get a permit.

Actually, the question is "what is everyone's problem with requiring people who want to concealed carry a weapon in a public place to get a permit?"

I dont need a permit to open carry my gun in Virginia.

Actually, that's your question, not mine.

I think permits should be needed for all handguns, one type for having a handgun in one's home / car, and and extension for those who wish to carry one in public, whether concealed or open.
Having read everyone's opinion on this, I still have an issue with this change in the law. What is everyone's problem with requiring people who want to carry a weapon in a public place to get a permit?

If the best answer is that it is unconstitutional, or takes too long, or is a pain in the butt to get a permit, that's not good enough. Carrying a gun is a big responsibility.

If you feel you need to carry a gun in public, I'll be the first one to support your right to do so. But get a permit.

Actually, the question is "what is everyone's problem with requiring people who want to concealed carry a weapon in a public place to get a permit?"

I dont need a permit to open carry my gun in Virginia.

Actually, that's your question, not mine.

I think permits should be needed for all handguns, one type for having a handgun in one's home / car, and and extension for those who wish to carry one in public, whether concealed or open.

That seems a bit over the top IMHO...however I certainly do NOT object to background investigations...and as a matter of fact they are conducted in Arizona when the weapon is purchased...another check for a CCW is redundant. The simple fact is this. Crime rates are lowered when criminals fear their victims.
I dont live in Arizona and will likely never go there as long as this is in place.

I will never fear you people BTW.
Actually, the question is "what is everyone's problem with requiring people who want to concealed carry a weapon in a public place to get a permit?"

I dont need a permit to open carry my gun in Virginia.

Actually, that's your question, not mine.

I think permits should be needed for all handguns, one type for having a handgun in one's home / car, and and extension for those who wish to carry one in public, whether concealed or open.

That seems a bit over the top IMHO...however I certainly do NOT object to background investigations...and as a matter of fact they are conducted in Arizona when the weapon is purchased...another check for a CCW is redundant. The simple fact is this. Crime rates are lowered when criminals fear their victims.

That may well be so, and I guess to a large extent my views are colored by the fact that I come from a country where all firearms are very strictly controlled. As such, I find the sight of people wandering around in public with guns very disquieting.

I've never really understood why the 2nd amendment is such a sacred cow. In a 21st century democracy, do people really need to have a small arsenal available to them in case the government suddenly decides it's going to turn on them?

I doubt it, and I think the constitution is used by many as a means of ducking the question, but I'm clearly in a minority and I accept that.

However, if you need a permit to operate something designed for something other than killing (like a car), I can't see what the problem is in asking people to get a permit for something like a gun.

My views are probably considered hopelessly naive by people familiar with this discussion, but that's OK. I have no problem with gun ownership (I owned a shotgun myself in Britain years ago - I won't bother telling you what the application process was like), but if people are going to carry them around in public I want to be certain that these people are (a) aware of their responsibility, (b) fully aware of how to use them properly, (c) mentally capable of bearing that responsibility and (d), not people who have already abused their right to own a firearm.

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