Arizona will require Obama to provide birth cert if he wants to be on ballot

so then ahhhhnold can run for presidenete and you guys won't ask for proof??? I see Jose..
Is it a Federal Law you cannot be a Christian?

You seem to not get the fact that such a bill is unconstitutional. Since this is about Obama, you don't care. However, for people such as yourself who cry about the condition being pissed on, you don't seem to mind about pissing on it yourself at the moment.
I just want to see his transcripts.

It was good enough for Dubya.

It was good enough for Lerch.

It was good enough for Billy and Bob, and Al.

Why is Obama held to a lower standard in this regard?
Nothing unconstitutional about it.

Silly rabbit.

Arizona ‘birther’ bill forces Obama to show birth certificate | Raw Story

The Republic notes that there are concerns about the bill's constitutionality.

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett also expressed concern about Burges' amendment, saying that creating state-level eligibility requirements to run for federal office could violate the U.S. Constitution.

"While everyone has an interest in ensuring that only eligible citizens run for president, there are obvious issues with states implementing what could become a patchwork of different tests for a presidential candidate to prove his/her citizenship," said Bennett's spokesman, Matthew Benson, in an e-mail.

While I'm sure you have no problem with states passing laws that you can't run for President if you're not a Christian, if you're gay, or if you're a atheist, the rest of us sane folk do.

Ayup! This one will be struck down PDQ and legal precedence will be established.

Thanks to Arizona for springing the birther trap early.

Way to go guys!
I smell the birfers pulling a fast one and using the full faith and credit challenge after Obama's BC is turned down as a back door to get into court, since nothing they've put up has ever gotten to the merits. :eusa_whistle:

They are currently 66-0, btw.
so then ahhhhnold can run for presidenete and you guys won't ask for proof??? I see Jose..

Proof has been provided. The state of Hawaii has confirmed Obama's status as a natural born citizen. Twice. Thus, the legal standard has been met.

The fact that such proof is not sufficient for the birfoons and they demand extra standards be emplaced is not anyone else's problem.
I smell the birfers pulling a fast one and using the full faith and credit challenge after Obama's BC is turned down as a back door to get into court, since nothing they've put up has ever gotten to the merits. :eusa_whistle:

They are currently 66-0, btw.

Thanks, I'd lost count back around 40. Some people never learn.

Yeah, I didn't make that number up. I checked the count.

Of course, 56 of those failed cases belonged to Orly Taitz, so that explains a little bit.
Isn't it already a Federal requirement to be a natural born citizen of the US in order to be prez?? why yes I think it is.. therefore it is not unreasonable to require proof.. ie a birth certificate.

It's unreasonable and unconstitutional for a specific state to be making these sort of requirements. How would you like it if 20 states banned Christians running for public office? I highly doubt you'd like that at all.

How exactly does religion factor into presenting a birth certificate?
I smell the birfers pulling a fast one and using the full faith and credit challenge after Obama's BC is turned down as a back door to get into court, since nothing they've put up has ever gotten to the merits. :eusa_whistle:

How exactly would the full faith and credit clause effect the law in any state other than Arizona here?
Is it a Federal Law you cannot be a Christian?

You seem to not get the fact that such a bill is unconstitutional. Since this is about Obama, you don't care. However, for people such as yourself who cry about the condition being pissed on, you don't seem to mind about pissing on it yourself at the moment.

How exactly is it unconstitutional to request proof of eligibility before you can get your name on the ballot?
Arizona Republicans are afraid Obama is going to win their State. Heck, he almost took it from McCain. Bush stole Tennessee from Gore just like he stole Florida and Ohio. Little known fact.
so then ahhhhnold can run for presidenete and you guys won't ask for proof??? I see Jose..

Proof has been provided. The state of Hawaii has confirmed Obama's status as a natural born citizen. Twice. Thus, the legal standard has been met.

The fact that such proof is not sufficient for the birfoons and they demand extra standards be emplaced is not anyone else's problem.

If the legal standard is met, why on earth are you complaining? He will be on the ballot.
How exactly is it unconstitutional to request proof of eligibility before you can get your name on the ballot?

He has already done so, as according to the law, twice. A federal law is a big difference than a state law. A state law sets precedent for certain other kind of tests in order to be eligible to be President. It's unconstitutional.
Arizona Republicans are afraid Obama is going to win their State. Heck, he almost took it from McCain. Bush stole Tennessee from Gore just like he stole Florida and Ohio. Little known fact.

See, this is where you guys make no sense.

You say it's obvious that President Obama is was born in Hawaii and you have shown the certificate to prove it. So what's the issue? He and every other candidate provides the info and they are on the ballot. How does this keep him off the ballot unless he can't provide it?

I think the birther movement is completely stupid and a waste of time. Yet, you guys are scared of candidates providing proof of eligibility when if what you say is correct, Obama has done so many times. Why are you upset then? It makes absolutely no sense.

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