Arkansas state senator at committee hearing asks transgender pharmacist “Do you have a penis?”

The tranny was trying to get him to call him by a faked pronoun. I wouldn't care to ask THAT question, but I wouldn't call that creature "she." The rule is that if they are labeled as trannies, all their pronouns are reversed, so just reverse them back. That is, if he says he's a she, call him he.

If Mr. Herzig wouldn't have mentioned that he was a She-male, Sen. McKee might have figured that Herzig was just a very homely broad and called him "she" anyhow.

But that wouldn't have been acceptable to the Tranny, as it wouldn't specifically be affirming his tranny status.

Herzig was trying to make Sen. McKee eat shit and bend a knee to wokeness.
She never brought up her genitalia
"She" sure did if he used the fake word transgender. Bravo for that legislator, because all these worthless types need to be challenged whenever they are prancing around showing off and we must simply refuse to cooperate with their reality denial. It's a spiritual issue, IMO, cooperating with denial of plain reality.
This is an extraordinary photo!! Reminds me of the Anne Coulter and the Adam's apple problem.
Inside the head of the nazi transgendered, the word is real, not fake. Inside the body of the nazi transgendered, the signifier is fake, because of the (physical betrayal of sexual fate [italics]). The violence of the contradiction is a contradiction between faiths (= beliefs).

The science of secular faith produced the tranny drugs. The pharmacist tries to confiscate this secular, scientific faith by controlling the drugs while practicing the religious faith of transgenderism, the latter being just as illusory as all other religious faiths.
The tranny was trying to get him to call him by a faked pronoun. I wouldn't care to ask THAT question, but I wouldn't call that creature "she." The rule is that if they are labeled as trannies, all their pronouns are reversed, so just reverse them back. That is, if he says he's a she, call him he.
If it still has the stem and hanging fruit, The title would be Mr. Herzig, followed by a respectful, "Continue your testimony, Sir".
it just highlights Republican contempt for Transexuals
Maybe it's a courage of convictions thing. I'm not a Republican, but even I can respect somebody that has the courage of their convictions, knowing their own mind, even if I disagree on the decision-making process and outcome. If they have the courage of their convictions, they should cut it off first and then go through the hormone thing to make it work. Just saying you are now a guy, or now a woman, doesn't get it, while you make up your mind.
I’m waiting for legally married homos to have sex with each other in front of government officials to justify and prove their legal homo marriage and the tax breaks it comes with.
Otherwise, two dude business partners could claim to be homo and get married just to get the tax breaks.
I’m waiting for legally married homos to have sex with each other in front of government officials to justify and prove their legal homo marriage and the tax breaks it comes with.
Otherwise, two dude business partners could claim to be homo and get married just to get the tax breaks.

Do heterosexual couples have to have sex in front of government officials to prove they love each other?
The American taliban literally wants to rule over everyones life and force everyone to kiss their gods ass. Fuck this pig.
If IT cannot figure out it’s gender (something most of us were able to determine at age 3), why should the Republicans be expected to accept anything else it says as factual and correct?
none of their business
none of their business
Is it the parents’ business to know what is happening to their child at school? Legal analysts say hiding information from a student’s parents is unconstitutional. . But… New Jersey is siding with students and telling schools they must allow kids to change genders -- even if their parents don't know about it or don't want it to happen….The debate is just the latest in a series of questions … What pronoun should teachers use when talking about the student?. Which bathroom should a student use?. What name should be printed in the yearbook? <<< So teachers can decide, but parents not allowed to even know about this. - - - Same with secret abortions assisted by some school officials without parental notification - - -

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