Arkansas: tree honoring 1919 Elaine Massacre victims cut down

"Even after 64 they continued to support their candidates. They voted against the Bill and their voters continue to support them. "

I wish I could find a way t expand the mind of the typical conservative to a point where it was capable of understanding real facts and real data.

BlindBoo is a bit on the conservative side, but he's okay.

Holy shit, I've come full circle........

Did I wrong you, Boo?
"Even after 64 they continued to support their candidates. They voted against the Bill and their voters continue to support them. "

I wish I could find a way t expand the mind of the typical conservative to a point where it was capable of understanding real facts and real data.

BlindBoo is a bit on the conservative side, but he's okay.

Holy shit, I've come full circle........

Did I wrong you, Boo?

No no, just don't tell Uncensored2008 okay?

But seriously I think CATO explain it best.

Today, those who subscribe to the principles of the American Revolution — individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the rule of law — call themselves by a variety of terms, including conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, and liberal. We see problems with all of those terms. "Conservative" smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo. Only in America do people seem to refer to free-market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever-changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

"Classical liberal" is a bit closer to the mark, but the word "classical" fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

"Liberal" may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

This vision brings the wisdom of the American Founders to bear on the problems of today. As did the Founders, it looks to the future with optimism and excitement, eager to discover what great things women and men will do in the coming century. Market liberals appreciate the complexity of a great society, recognizing that socialism and government planning are just too clumsy for the modern world. It is — or used to be — the conventional wisdom that a more complex society needs more government, but the truth is just the opposite. The simpler the society, the less damage government planning does. Planning is cumbersome in an agricultural society, costly in an industrial economy, and impossible in the information age. Today collectivism and planning are outmoded and backward, a drag on social progress.

Libertarians have a cosmopolitan, inclusive vision for society. We applaud the progressive extension of the promises of the Declaration of Independence to more people, especially to women, African-Americans, religious minorities, and gay and lesbian people. Our greatest challenge today is to continue to extend the promise of political freedom and economic opportunity to those who are still denied it, in our own country and around the world.
Even after 64 they continued to support their candidates. They voted against the Bill and their voters continue to support them.

"Even after 64 they continued to support their candidates. They voted against the Bill and their voters continue to support them. "

I wish I could find a way t expand the mind of the typical conservative to a point where it was capable of understanding real facts and real data.

to suggest that DEMS voted against the bill proves that you don't really know the actual facts and data, you are just repeating a conservative lie.

you are a stooge

the data;

civil rights act 1964

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)

The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

you are a useful fool

You must realize we were talking exclusively about the Southern Bloc. (93% and 95% against) Their voters were loyal segregationist.

BTW the other party (in the South) was 100% against it but they only had 11 votes.

so when you said DEMS VOTED AGAINST IT (the civil rights act) you purposely chose to be vague so that you could slip a little lie in there?

how conservative of you.

So....when you say SOUTHERN BLOCK DEMOCRATS voted against it are you saying that SOUTHERN CHRISTIANS voted against it?

or are you saying that the south was populated by GOD HATING ATHEIST LIBERAL DEMOCRATS?

which insanity to you embrace?

Hahahaha you dumbfuck! I was responding to the following "but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal"

I was just saying they continued to vote Dem even after 64. Because they stayed loyal to their Congressmen, because their Congressmen voted against the Act. Nearly the whole South did.

The people of the south continued to vote Democrat right through the 90's, when the Gore, Carter and Clinton families ruled the South. In the Great State of North Carolina, Jesse Helms had to fight with every breath of his being to defeat the leftard crusades against him every 6 years, and that was long after the Civil Rights Act was enacted.

according to RIGHTARDS "all democrats are god hating liberal communists" (and scum)

the "people of the south" who voted democrat......

were they all god hating liberal communists and scum?

The south has been KNOWN for being very conservative and very evangelical christian. Where did all the god hating liberal communist scum come from?
Why do you tards keep perpetuating this lie?
Because it is the truth. But you fools don't like you perpetuate YOUR lies...and try to spread as much shit as you can.

Everyone with a brain knows about the ideological switch....but someone thinks that by trying to blame slavery on modern Dems..they can divert attention from the Repubs..and their small tent, non inclusive party.

So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

the switch took place after the new deal,,, started then...for sure...but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal..even though they were holding their noses when they did it. Remember that then, as now, there were two factions in the D party...the Northern faction was always "Progressive" in rhetoric...the Southern was Conservative....

Wasn't Woodrow Wilson considered a Progressive Democrat? FDR was a Progressive as well and didn't invite Jesse Owens to the White House after the Olympics.
Did I wrong you, Boo?
No no, just don't tell Uncensored2008 okay?

But seriously I think CATO explain it best. [...]

Thanks. Finding Uncensored2008 eminently ignorable, I am in no danger of telling him anything.

Cato is fine, as far as it goes. If your home is flooded, not least because of a lack of planning, you learn about the benefits thereof. Also, if progress walks over millions starving to death, Cato just shrugs, as they do over Koch Industry poisoning everyone's drinking water, and also over challenges like global warming. Otherwise, they sound really nice.
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Because it is the truth. But you fools don't like you perpetuate YOUR lies...and try to spread as much shit as you can.

Everyone with a brain knows about the ideological switch....but someone thinks that by trying to blame slavery on modern Dems..they can divert attention from the Repubs..and their small tent, non inclusive party.

So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

the switch took place after the new deal,,, started then...for sure...but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal..even though they were holding their noses when they did it. Remember that then, as now, there were two factions in the D party...the Northern faction was always "Progressive" in rhetoric...the Southern was Conservative....

Wasn't Woodrow Wilson considered a Progressive Democrat? FDR was a Progressive as well and didn't invite Jesse Owens to the White House after the Olympics.
Progressive then and Progressive now--two very different ideologies.
Because it is the truth. But you fools don't like you perpetuate YOUR lies...and try to spread as much shit as you can.

Everyone with a brain knows about the ideological switch....but someone thinks that by trying to blame slavery on modern Dems..they can divert attention from the Repubs..and their small tent, non inclusive party.

So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

the switch took place after the new deal,,, started then...for sure...but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal..even though they were holding their noses when they did it. Remember that then, as now, there were two factions in the D party...the Northern faction was always "Progressive" in rhetoric...the Southern was Conservative....

Wasn't Woodrow Wilson considered a Progressive Democrat? FDR was a Progressive as well and didn't invite Jesse Owens to the White House after the Olympics.

FDR, as libs forget, organized a Racist Jim Crow Army to fight WWII.

At the time Roosevelt came into office, the US military was very small, it would have been easy to integrate, especially after WWII commenced.
So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

the switch took place after the new deal,,, started then...for sure...but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal..even though they were holding their noses when they did it. Remember that then, as now, there were two factions in the D party...the Northern faction was always "Progressive" in rhetoric...the Southern was Conservative....

Wasn't Woodrow Wilson considered a Progressive Democrat? FDR was a Progressive as well and didn't invite Jesse Owens to the White House after the Olympics.
Progressive then and Progressive now--two very different ideologies.
Na, It’s the same concept they have hatred and disdain for those they disagree with that’s the progressive way... fact
So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

the switch took place after the new deal,,, started then...for sure...but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal..even though they were holding their noses when they did it. Remember that then, as now, there were two factions in the D party...the Northern faction was always "Progressive" in rhetoric...the Southern was Conservative....

Wasn't Woodrow Wilson considered a Progressive Democrat? FDR was a Progressive as well and didn't invite Jesse Owens to the White House after the Olympics.

FDR, as libs forget, organized a Racist Jim Crow Army to fight WWII.

At the time Roosevelt came into office, the US military was very small, it would have been easy to integrate, especially after WWII commenced.
FDR was a New York aristocrat..he couldn't have cared less about the Blacks. OTH..Eleanor did care..and FDR gave her a relatively free hand.
The US army would have rebelled at the wholesale integration of blacks prior to 1941...after..maybe...somehow I doubt it.
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

the switch took place after the new deal,,, started then...for sure...but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal..even though they were holding their noses when they did it. Remember that then, as now, there were two factions in the D party...the Northern faction was always "Progressive" in rhetoric...the Southern was Conservative....

Wasn't Woodrow Wilson considered a Progressive Democrat? FDR was a Progressive as well and didn't invite Jesse Owens to the White House after the Olympics.

FDR, as libs forget, organized a Racist Jim Crow Army to fight WWII.

At the time Roosevelt came into office, the US military was very small, it would have been easy to integrate, especially after WWII commenced.
FDR was a New York aristocrat..he couldn't have cared less about the Blacks. OTH..Eleanor did care..and FDR gave her a relatively free hand.
The US army would have rebelled at the wholesale integration of blacks prior to 1941...after..maybe...somehow I doubt it.
Socialist entitlement basically started in the Woodrow Wilson area but it was really took hold in the FDR years now we’re fucked because of it...
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

the switch took place after the new deal,,, started then...for sure...but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal..even though they were holding their noses when they did it. Remember that then, as now, there were two factions in the D party...the Northern faction was always "Progressive" in rhetoric...the Southern was Conservative....

Wasn't Woodrow Wilson considered a Progressive Democrat? FDR was a Progressive as well and didn't invite Jesse Owens to the White House after the Olympics.

FDR, as libs forget, organized a Racist Jim Crow Army to fight WWII.

At the time Roosevelt came into office, the US military was very small, it would have been easy to integrate, especially after WWII commenced.
FDR was a New York aristocrat..he couldn't have cared less about the Blacks. OTH..Eleanor did care..and FDR gave her a relatively free hand.
The US army would have rebelled at the wholesale integration of blacks prior to 1941...after..maybe...somehow I doubt it.

Maybe professional soldiers who served in peacetime before WWII commenced , may have not liked it. But America was in a depression, I think they would have accepted it rather than be discharged.

The draftees that came in starting in 1941, they were unfamiliar with the army way, and would have accepted anything that was being done.
the switch took place after the new deal,,, started then...for sure...but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal..even though they were holding their noses when they did it. Remember that then, as now, there were two factions in the D party...the Northern faction was always "Progressive" in rhetoric...the Southern was Conservative....

Wasn't Woodrow Wilson considered a Progressive Democrat? FDR was a Progressive as well and didn't invite Jesse Owens to the White House after the Olympics.

FDR, as libs forget, organized a Racist Jim Crow Army to fight WWII.

At the time Roosevelt came into office, the US military was very small, it would have been easy to integrate, especially after WWII commenced.
FDR was a New York aristocrat..he couldn't have cared less about the Blacks. OTH..Eleanor did care..and FDR gave her a relatively free hand.
The US army would have rebelled at the wholesale integration of blacks prior to 1941...after..maybe...somehow I doubt it.

Maybe professional soldiers who served in peacetime before WWII commenced , may have not liked it. But America was in a depression, I think they would have accepted it rather than be discharged.

The draftees that came in starting in 1941, they were unfamiliar with the army way, and would have accepted anything that was being done.
The thing is...the racism of the time was visceral. The officers would not have gone with it. Once the army was integrated..we had race riots aboard ships,,more than a few took nam and the civil rights movement to quiet that down. Remember this was still Jim Crow South....the implications of training and arming a million or so blacks..had to have occurred to someone?
So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

the switch took place after the new deal,,, started then...for sure...but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal..even though they were holding their noses when they did it. Remember that then, as now, there were two factions in the D party...the Northern faction was always "Progressive" in rhetoric...the Southern was Conservative....

Wasn't Woodrow Wilson considered a Progressive Democrat? FDR was a Progressive as well and didn't invite Jesse Owens to the White House after the Olympics.
Progressive then and Progressive now--two very different ideologies.

how so???

they were anti constitution communist then and anti constitution communist now..
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

the switch took place after the new deal,,, started then...for sure...but the South was not lost..forever..until 1964. Many people in the South continued to vote D..after the New Deal..even though they were holding their noses when they did it. Remember that then, as now, there were two factions in the D party...the Northern faction was always "Progressive" in rhetoric...the Southern was Conservative....

Wasn't Woodrow Wilson considered a Progressive Democrat? FDR was a Progressive as well and didn't invite Jesse Owens to the White House after the Olympics.
Progressive then and Progressive now--two very different ideologies.

how so???

they were anti constitution communist then and anti constitution communist now..
Not how I see it all---
Communist? What part of Communism did they espouse? Hatred for the bourgeoisie? How attentive to the dialectic were they?
Technically, they..mostly FDR, introduced some Socialist elements into our Govt. I think socialism is like salt..a little is good..a lot spoils everything.
Are we going that way? Maybe--maybe not.

How does the fact that they tried...a do something for the good of the little guy--Anti-Constitution? You meant to say, Anti-my view-Constitution, right?
Arkansas: tree honoring 1919 Elaine Massacre victims cut down

Officials are investigating after someone cut down a willow tree that was planted earlier this year to honor the victims of the 1919 Elaine Massacre in eastern Arkansas.

The willow was planted in April in remembrance of the victims of the massacre, one of the largest racial mass killings in US history.

It occurred during the summer of 1919, when hundreds of African Americans died across the country, at the hands of white mob violence during what came to be known as the “Red Summer”.

Estimates of how many African Americans were killed in Elaine range from the low hundreds to more than 800, which would make it the deadliest such massacre in US history. Mass graves are thought to be situated around the town.

Events are planned for later next month to mark the 100th anniversary of the massacre. An Elaine Massacre Memorial will be unveiled, the committee behind it including descendants of those killed and those who carried out the killing.

This is all very sad, Will the President be attending the ceremony ?

I see 5 General Lee statues removed and raise you one itty bitty willow tree......:ack-1:.
Arkansas: tree honoring 1919 Elaine Massacre victims cut down

Officials are investigating after someone cut down a willow tree that was planted earlier this year to honor the victims of the 1919 Elaine Massacre in eastern Arkansas.

The willow was planted in April in remembrance of the victims of the massacre, one of the largest racial mass killings in US history.

It occurred during the summer of 1919, when hundreds of African Americans died across the country, at the hands of white mob violence during what came to be known as the “Red Summer”.

Estimates of how many African Americans were killed in Elaine range from the low hundreds to more than 800, which would make it the deadliest such massacre in US history. Mass graves are thought to be situated around the town.

Events are planned for later next month to mark the 100th anniversary of the massacre. An Elaine Massacre Memorial will be unveiled, the committee behind it including descendants of those killed and those who carried out the killing.

This is all very sad, Will the President be attending the ceremony ?

Democrats murdered those Black people......will democrats have the decency to not attend the ceremony....?

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