Arkansas: tree honoring 1919 Elaine Massacre victims cut down

So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The "Dixiecrats" were a short lived segregationist movement in 1948, which split from, and then re-joined the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

History books are abound at your local library. Try fucking reading one sometime.

Back at ya..ya fuckin' hack!

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

Bottomline: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a “small government” platform (which southern social conservatives embraced), and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a “big government” platform (which northern progressive liberals embraced). Today it is the opposite in many respects. Although what happened is complex and some voter bases and factions never switched, you can see evidence of the “big switches” by looking at the electoral map over time (where voter bases essentially flipped between 1896 and 2000). Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). Or, you can see the “solid conservative south switch” specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms. Any of those links will give you a look at the basics of what did and didn’t change, but the details are as complex as U.S. party history. Below we cover the details of what changes occurred and what they mean in context… and explain the history of the Democratic and Republican party in the process. To do that, we’ll start with an overview of the party systems.

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights

Lol @ factmyth - run by leftist soyboys. Fuck outta here.
LOL! Can't dispute attack the source..typical hack tactic.

History is what it is..and no amount of lying or revisionist rhetoric will change it. Republican and Democrats are really all one and the same anyway....puppets that our real masters use at will.

Political hacks such as yourself...blindly knee-jerking...are the real problem.

Elaine race riot - Wikipedia

Wow, how come this story has never been told ? Its a shocker..
This is America--and no one cares..that's why. Our bloody past..the racist murders..the Union busting that killed thousands....the sportive chasing of Chinese..burning them out..killing them while the authorities looked the other way. The internment of the Japanese. The racism directed at Mexican-Americans..especially in California and Texas. All that, and a whole lot more, is part of our history..and no one cares..not to hear it..not to talk about...and not to remember it. Our history is full of half-forgotten riots..suppressions and the like.
Elaine race riot - Wikipedia

Wow, how come this story has never been told ? Its a shocker..
This is America--and no one cares..that's why. Our bloody past..the racist murders..the Union busting that killed thousands....the sportive chasing of Chinese..burning them out..killing them while the authorities looked the other way. The internment of the Japanese. The racism directed at Mexican-Americans..especially in California and Texas. All that, and a whole lot more, is part of our history..and no one cares..not to hear it..not to talk about...and not to remember it. Our history is full of half-forgotten riots..suppressions and the like.

No, tard. We're well aware of our history. Unlike brainlets such as yourself, we choose not to dwell in it.

Learn the lessons and move forward.
willow trees do not live forever -----maybe it was dead or almost dead.
There should be some sort of memorial there

Planting a Willow tree for something like that is retarded. They have a short lifespan and are pretty fragile.

Put up some concrete or marble if you want a memorial.
Why do you tards keep perpetuating this lie?
Because it is the truth. But you fools don't like you perpetuate YOUR lies...and try to spread as much shit as you can.

Everyone with a brain knows about the ideological switch....but someone thinks that by trying to blame slavery on modern Dems..they can divert attention from the Repubs..and their small tent, non inclusive party.

So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The "Dixiecrats" were a short lived segregationist movement in 1948, which split from, and then re-joined the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

History books are abound at your local library. Try fucking reading one sometime.

Back at ya..ya fuckin' hack!

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

Bottomline: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a “small government” platform (which southern social conservatives embraced), and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a “big government” platform (which northern progressive liberals embraced). Today it is the opposite in many respects. Although what happened is complex and some voter bases and factions never switched, you can see evidence of the “big switches” by looking at the electoral map over time (where voter bases essentially flipped between 1896 and 2000). Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). Or, you can see the “solid conservative south switch” specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms. Any of those links will give you a look at the basics of what did and didn’t change, but the details are as complex as U.S. party history. Below we cover the details of what changes occurred and what they mean in context… and explain the history of the Democratic and Republican party in the process. To do that, we’ll start with an overview of the party systems.

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights

Jimmy Carter won the south , dear
Elaine race riot - Wikipedia

Wow, how come this story has never been told ? Its a shocker..
This is America--and no one cares..that's why. Our bloody past..the racist murders..the Union busting that killed thousands....the sportive chasing of Chinese..burning them out..killing them while the authorities looked the other way. The internment of the Japanese. The racism directed at Mexican-Americans..especially in California and Texas. All that, and a whole lot more, is part of our history..and no one cares..not to hear it..not to talk about...and not to remember it. Our history is full of half-forgotten riots..suppressions and the like.

No, tard. We're well aware of our history. Unlike brainlets such as yourself, we choose not to dwell in it.

Learn the lessons and move forward.
Let me know when you get to the moving forward part...with all those lessons learned and applied. That should be interesting. i do understand choosing not to dwell on it...for those of your must be quite see how it is that you lost..and then lost...and then lost..again.

But as long as you throw shit in the game..such as falsely labeling today's Dems with the sins of the the past...or deciding that Nazi's are Leftist..or any of the others stupid revisionist tales going around---you have zero credibility.
Because it is the truth. But you fools don't like you perpetuate YOUR lies...and try to spread as much shit as you can.

Everyone with a brain knows about the ideological switch....but someone thinks that by trying to blame slavery on modern Dems..they can divert attention from the Repubs..and their small tent, non inclusive party.

So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The "Dixiecrats" were a short lived segregationist movement in 1948, which split from, and then re-joined the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

History books are abound at your local library. Try fucking reading one sometime.

Back at ya..ya fuckin' hack!

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

Bottomline: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a “small government” platform (which southern social conservatives embraced), and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a “big government” platform (which northern progressive liberals embraced). Today it is the opposite in many respects. Although what happened is complex and some voter bases and factions never switched, you can see evidence of the “big switches” by looking at the electoral map over time (where voter bases essentially flipped between 1896 and 2000). Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). Or, you can see the “solid conservative south switch” specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms. Any of those links will give you a look at the basics of what did and didn’t change, but the details are as complex as U.S. party history. Below we cover the details of what changes occurred and what they mean in context… and explain the history of the Democratic and Republican party in the process. To do that, we’ll start with an overview of the party systems.

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights

Jimmy Carter won the south , dear
Yup...did he win because he was a Democrat..or did he win because he was from Georgia? this day and age...Democrats are indeed making a comeback in the South--not good news for R's.
So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The "Dixiecrats" were a short lived segregationist movement in 1948, which split from, and then re-joined the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

History books are abound at your local library. Try fucking reading one sometime.

Back at ya..ya fuckin' hack!

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

Bottomline: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a “small government” platform (which southern social conservatives embraced), and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a “big government” platform (which northern progressive liberals embraced). Today it is the opposite in many respects. Although what happened is complex and some voter bases and factions never switched, you can see evidence of the “big switches” by looking at the electoral map over time (where voter bases essentially flipped between 1896 and 2000). Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). Or, you can see the “solid conservative south switch” specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms. Any of those links will give you a look at the basics of what did and didn’t change, but the details are as complex as U.S. party history. Below we cover the details of what changes occurred and what they mean in context… and explain the history of the Democratic and Republican party in the process. To do that, we’ll start with an overview of the party systems.

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights

Jimmy Carter won the south , dear
Yup...did he win because he was a Democrat..or did he win because he was from Georgia? this day and age...Democrats are indeed making a comeback in the South--not good news for R's.

So now you admitting they didn't flip?
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The "Dixiecrats" were a short lived segregationist movement in 1948, which split from, and then re-joined the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

History books are abound at your local library. Try fucking reading one sometime.

Back at ya..ya fuckin' hack!

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

Bottomline: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a “small government” platform (which southern social conservatives embraced), and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a “big government” platform (which northern progressive liberals embraced). Today it is the opposite in many respects. Although what happened is complex and some voter bases and factions never switched, you can see evidence of the “big switches” by looking at the electoral map over time (where voter bases essentially flipped between 1896 and 2000). Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). Or, you can see the “solid conservative south switch” specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms. Any of those links will give you a look at the basics of what did and didn’t change, but the details are as complex as U.S. party history. Below we cover the details of what changes occurred and what they mean in context… and explain the history of the Democratic and Republican party in the process. To do that, we’ll start with an overview of the party systems.

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights

Jimmy Carter won the south , dear
Yup...did he win because he was a Democrat..or did he win because he was from Georgia? this day and age...Democrats are indeed making a comeback in the South--not good news for R's.

So now you admitting they didn't flip? do you get that out of what I said?
People are not monolithic..they vote for whom they please..we are talking about ideological shifts..and indeed..the Southern Democrats have undergone a radical shift since 1864.

The attempt to saddle today's Democrats with the actions of the far past is just plain stupid.
The Dems of the south...embrace the ideology of today...not generations ago.

I note that you did not answer my question as to why Carter won.
The democrats ran Alabama in 1919
Yes, before the parties swapped sides.

Old timey democrats believed in many of the same ideas that animate the party today.
The Democratic Party is still the only political party where they endorse bigotry, as they publicly marginalize and disparage people for their skin color, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc...

Every man running in the dem primary had to make a public mea culpa, apologizing for being a man. The white guys had to make two apologies, one for being a man, the other for being white.
You have no idea what you're talking about. The "Dixiecrats" were a short lived segregationist movement in 1948, which split from, and then re-joined the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

History books are abound at your local library. Try fucking reading one sometime.

Back at ya..ya fuckin' hack!

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

Bottomline: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a “small government” platform (which southern social conservatives embraced), and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a “big government” platform (which northern progressive liberals embraced). Today it is the opposite in many respects. Although what happened is complex and some voter bases and factions never switched, you can see evidence of the “big switches” by looking at the electoral map over time (where voter bases essentially flipped between 1896 and 2000). Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). Or, you can see the “solid conservative south switch” specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms. Any of those links will give you a look at the basics of what did and didn’t change, but the details are as complex as U.S. party history. Below we cover the details of what changes occurred and what they mean in context… and explain the history of the Democratic and Republican party in the process. To do that, we’ll start with an overview of the party systems.

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights

Jimmy Carter won the south , dear
Yup...did he win because he was a Democrat..or did he win because he was from Georgia? this day and age...Democrats are indeed making a comeback in the South--not good news for R's.

So now you admitting they didn't flip? do you get that out of what I said?
People are not monolithic..they vote for whom they please..we are talking about ideological shifts..and indeed..the Southern Democrats have undergone a radical shift since 1864.

The attempt to saddle today's Democrats with the actions of the far past is just plain stupid.

I note that you did not answer my question as to why Carter won.

It was jobs..nothing racist
Back at ya..ya fuckin' hack!

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

Bottomline: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a “small government” platform (which southern social conservatives embraced), and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a “big government” platform (which northern progressive liberals embraced). Today it is the opposite in many respects. Although what happened is complex and some voter bases and factions never switched, you can see evidence of the “big switches” by looking at the electoral map over time (where voter bases essentially flipped between 1896 and 2000). Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). Or, you can see the “solid conservative south switch” specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms. Any of those links will give you a look at the basics of what did and didn’t change, but the details are as complex as U.S. party history. Below we cover the details of what changes occurred and what they mean in context… and explain the history of the Democratic and Republican party in the process. To do that, we’ll start with an overview of the party systems.

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights

Jimmy Carter won the south , dear
Yup...did he win because he was a Democrat..or did he win because he was from Georgia? this day and age...Democrats are indeed making a comeback in the South--not good news for R's.

So now you admitting they didn't flip? do you get that out of what I said?
People are not monolithic..they vote for whom they please..we are talking about ideological shifts..and indeed..the Southern Democrats have undergone a radical shift since 1864.

The attempt to saddle today's Democrats with the actions of the far past is just plain stupid.

I note that you did not answer my question as to why Carter won.

It was jobs..nothing racist
I agree....along with the fact that the South loves its own.
The democrats ran Alabama in 1919
Yes, before the parties swapped sides.

Old timey democrats believed in many of the same ideas that animate the party today.
The Democratic Party is still the only political party where they endorse bigotry, as they publicly marginalize and disparage people for their skin color, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc...

Every man running in the dem primary had to make a public mea culpa, apologizing for being a man. The white guys had to make two apologies, one for being a man, the other for being white.
Link to those apologies/ Thanx....
You have no idea what you're talking about. The "Dixiecrats" were a short lived segregationist movement in 1948, which split from, and then re-joined the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

History books are abound at your local library. Try fucking reading one sometime.

Back at ya..ya fuckin' hack!

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

Bottomline: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a “small government” platform (which southern social conservatives embraced), and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a “big government” platform (which northern progressive liberals embraced). Today it is the opposite in many respects. Although what happened is complex and some voter bases and factions never switched, you can see evidence of the “big switches” by looking at the electoral map over time (where voter bases essentially flipped between 1896 and 2000). Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). Or, you can see the “solid conservative south switch” specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms. Any of those links will give you a look at the basics of what did and didn’t change, but the details are as complex as U.S. party history. Below we cover the details of what changes occurred and what they mean in context… and explain the history of the Democratic and Republican party in the process. To do that, we’ll start with an overview of the party systems.

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights

Jimmy Carter won the south , dear
Yup...did he win because he was a Democrat..or did he win because he was from Georgia? this day and age...Democrats are indeed making a comeback in the South--not good news for R's.

So now you admitting they didn't flip? do you get that out of what I said?
People are not monolithic..they vote for whom they please..we are talking about ideological shifts..and indeed..the Southern Democrats have undergone a radical shift since 1864.

The attempt to saddle today's Democrats with the actions of the far past is just plain stupid.
The Dems of the south...embrace the ideology of today...not generations ago.

I note that you did not answer my question as to why Carter won.

People in Georgia voted for him. I still remember the billboards saying they apologize for voting for him.
The democrats ran Alabama in 1919
Yes, before the parties swapped sides.

Old timey democrats believed in many of the same ideas that animate the party today.
The Democratic Party is still the only political party where they endorse bigotry, as they publicly marginalize and disparage people for their skin color, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc...

Every man running in the dem primary had to make a public mea culpa, apologizing for being a man. The white guys had to make two apologies, one for being a man, the other for being white.

"The Democratic Party is still the only political party where they endorse bigotry, as they publicly marginalize and disparage people for their skin color, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc..."

meanwhile 99% of the republican is white and christian.

let's go to the "blacks are criminals" thread and you can explain to me how all blacks are criminals and you are NOT a racist.....
The democrats ran Alabama in 1919

Democrats of 1919 would have embraced Trumpybear's racist tendencies. Though they probably would have thought of him as a light weight pussy as far as racist pricks of the time go.

Can you specifically point to one Trump Russian, I mean "racist tendency"?

"Trump has assembled a long record of comment on issues involving African Americans as well as Mexicans, Hispanics more broadly, Native Americans, Muslims, Jews, immigrants, women, and people with disabilities. His statements have been reflected in his behavior—from public acts (placing ads calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent) to private preferences (“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” a former employee of Trump’s Castle, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, told a writer for The New Yorker). Trump emerged as a political force owing to his full-throated embrace of “birtherism,” the false charge that the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, was not born in the United States. His presidential campaign was fueled by nativist sentiment directed at nonwhite immigrants, and he proposed barring Muslims from entering the country."

An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry
Because it is the truth. But you fools don't like you perpetuate YOUR lies...and try to spread as much shit as you can.

Everyone with a brain knows about the ideological switch....but someone thinks that by trying to blame slavery on modern Dems..they can divert attention from the Repubs..and their small tent, non inclusive party.

So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The "Dixiecrats" were a short lived segregationist movement in 1948, which split from, and then re-joined the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

History books are abound at your local library. Try fucking reading one sometime.

Back at ya..ya fuckin' hack!

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

Bottomline: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a “small government” platform (which southern social conservatives embraced), and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a “big government” platform (which northern progressive liberals embraced). Today it is the opposite in many respects. Although what happened is complex and some voter bases and factions never switched, you can see evidence of the “big switches” by looking at the electoral map over time (where voter bases essentially flipped between 1896 and 2000). Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). Or, you can see the “solid conservative south switch” specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms. Any of those links will give you a look at the basics of what did and didn’t change, but the details are as complex as U.S. party history. Below we cover the details of what changes occurred and what they mean in context… and explain the history of the Democratic and Republican party in the process. To do that, we’ll start with an overview of the party systems.

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights

Jimmy Carter won the south , dear

Gov. or Georgia. Navy Vet. Nixon/Ford.

Clinton split the south, twice.
So FDR was a Republican eh?

Could've fooled me. :rolleyes:
That's for sure..fooling you can hardly be all the great a feat!

FDR was President in the 1940's...the switch did not take place until the early 60's..with the passage of the civil rights act and the departure of the Dixiecrats from the party.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The "Dixiecrats" were a short lived segregationist movement in 1948, which split from, and then re-joined the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

History books are abound at your local library. Try fucking reading one sometime.

Back at ya..ya fuckin' hack!

Democrats and Republicans Switched Platforms - Fact or Myth?

Bottomline: The parties changed over time as platform planks, party leaders, factions, and voter bases essentially switched between parties. Third parties aside, the Democratic Party used to be favored in the rural south and had a “small government” platform (which southern social conservatives embraced), and the Republican party used to be favored in the citied north and had a “big government” platform (which northern progressive liberals embraced). Today it is the opposite in many respects. Although what happened is complex and some voter bases and factions never switched, you can see evidence of the “big switches” by looking at the electoral map over time (where voter bases essentially flipped between 1896 and 2000). Or, you can see it by comparing which congressional seats were controlled by which parties over time (try comparing the 115th United States Congress under Trump to the 71st United States Congress under Hoover for example). Or, you can see the “solid conservative south switch” specifically by looking at the electoral map of the solid south over time. Or, you can dig through the historic party platforms. Any of those links will give you a look at the basics of what did and didn’t change, but the details are as complex as U.S. party history. Below we cover the details of what changes occurred and what they mean in context… and explain the history of the Democratic and Republican party in the process. To do that, we’ll start with an overview of the party systems.

How Republicans and Democrats switched on civil rights

Jimmy Carter won the south , dear

Gov. or Georgia. Navy Vet. Nixon/Ford.

Clinton split the south, twice.

So what/ They were ideological brothers of the current day Right wing. Only fools get hung up on a name...long after the meaning has changed.

Yep, and only liars keep being "confused" having had it explained to them dozens of times.

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