Arkansas: tree honoring 1919 Elaine Massacre victims cut down

Tommy, you struck a racist nerve there somewhere.
So it would seem. Of course the tree could have been cut down by bored kids. But in the age of trump the racists seem to be growing in confidence. Many of them are on this thread trying to claim that democrats are more racist than the GOP .

A lot like the racist in Wales, it seems you are jealous of our diversity which has made us a great nation, while your country sits stuck in the same culture it had 500 years ago. Time maybe for your country to move forward and progress as we have.
Arkansas: tree honoring 1919 Elaine Massacre victims cut down

Officials are investigating after someone cut down a willow tree that was planted earlier this year to honor the victims of the 1919 Elaine Massacre in eastern Arkansas.

The willow was planted in April in remembrance of the victims of the massacre, one of the largest racial mass killings in US history.

It occurred during the summer of 1919, when hundreds of African Americans died across the country, at the hands of white mob violence during what came to be known as the “Red Summer”.

Estimates of how many African Americans were killed in Elaine range from the low hundreds to more than 800, which would make it the deadliest such massacre in US history. Mass graves are thought to be situated around the town.

Events are planned for later next month to mark the 100th anniversary of the massacre. An Elaine Massacre Memorial will be unveiled, the committee behind it including descendants of those killed and those who carried out the killing.

This is all very sad, Will the President be attending the ceremony ?

That is awful.
It's great that they will plant a new tree.
Wonder if it was a hate crime or just another hate crime hoax.
Interracial murder is terrible.
What was the interracial murder ratio in 1919?
Todays interracial murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than two to one.
But, you would never know that watching todays Skewed News.
Blacks committed 85% of the interracial crimes between blacks and whites, even though they are 13 percent of the population.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics stopped publishing its table on interracial crime after the 2008 election of Barry the Magnificent.
Do you think that the racist Democrats are trying cover-up the truth?
Why don't liberals care about this injustice?
BTW, attempting to smear today's generation of white people with something that happened 100 years ago is called racist demagoguery.
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Tommy, you struck a racist nerve there somewhere.
So it would seem. Of course the tree could have been cut down by bored kids. But in the age of trump the racists seem to be growing in confidence. Many of them are on this thread trying to claim that democrats are more racist than the GOP .

A lot like the racist in Wales, it seems you are jealous of our diversity which has made us a great nation, while your country sits stuck in the same culture it had 500 years ago. Time maybe for your country to move forward and progress as we have.
England will eventually be a Muslim country.
There will be Sharia laws and there will be forced conversions.
Liberals are impotent cowards.
Wait... I thought we were suppose to be erasing history.... tear down that statue.... I mean that tree.

Link to those apologies/ Thanx....
Here's just a few. I'm a bit surprised that this stuff is new to you. Are you not paying attention to what the candidates say, or are have you just recently starting becoming interested in the election?

'Morning Joe' Hosts Tell Beto O'Rourke: 'Stop Apologizing' For Being White Man

Bloomberg Rips 2020 Dems, “Biden Apologized for Being White, Beto Apologized for Being Born!”

Eric Swalwell: I May Be "Another White Guy" But I Know When To Pass The Mic

The Democrats’ 2020 Apology Tour Begins

Why is it that it's always the Democrats who focus on the worthiness of a person based solely on their race or skin color? It's tribalism, an us versus them mentality.

Should a White Man Be the Face of the Democratic Party in 2020?

2020 Dem Candidate Apologizes for Being A Straight White Male

People should not be wringing their hands and bemoaning the fact that any candidate is a man, a white person , or straight, gay, a black person, Jewish, Catholic, or whatever.
Not how I see it all---
Communist? What part of Communism did they espouse? Hatred for the bourgeoisie? How attentive to the dialectic were they?
Technically, they..mostly FDR, introduced some Socialist elements into our Govt. I think socialism is like salt..a little is good..a lot spoils everything.
Are we going that way? Maybe--maybe not.

How does the fact that they tried...a do something for the good of the little guy--Anti-Constitution? You meant to say, Anti-my view-Constitution, right?
The one constant factor, from President Wilson until now, is the left / Democrats despise federalism. That is the part of the Constitution they want taken out.

The progressive left want an all powerful federal government to be run by them, the smart people, who will be empowered to instruct the nation on what to do, how to live, and how to spend the people's money for them.. The political elites believe the average American is not to be trusted to live their lives as they see fit. They need government bureaucrats and politicians to do that for them.
Not how I see it all---
Communist? What part of Communism did they espouse? Hatred for the bourgeoisie? How attentive to the dialectic were they?
Technically, they..mostly FDR, introduced some Socialist elements into our Govt. I think socialism is like salt..a little is good..a lot spoils everything.
Are we going that way? Maybe--maybe not.

How does the fact that they tried...a do something for the good of the little guy--Anti-Constitution? You meant to say, Anti-my view-Constitution, right?
The one constant factor, from President Wilson until now, is the left / Democrats despise federalism. That is the part of the Constitution they want taken out.

The progressive left want an all powerful federal government to be run by them, the smart people, who will be empowered to instruct the nation on what to do, how to live, and how to spend the people's money for them.. The political elites believe the average American is not to be trusted to live their lives as they see fit. They need government bureaucrats and politicians to do that for them.

The regressive right want an all powerful federal government (that they will inists is SMALLER government) to be run by them, the righteous, who will be empowered to instruct the nation on what to do, how to live, and how to spend the people's money.

The conservative elites believe that the average American is not to be trusted to live their lives as they see fit. That is why they will impose BIGGER GOVERNMENT laws against gays, atheists, muslims, wiccans, feminists and pot
ell that to the English and the Welsh. They are the ones calling it racism.
English the victims of racism in Wales
Hate is hate, prejudice is prejudice, bigotry is bigotry and is based on ignorance.
Agreed. Some of the worst genocides in world history were the Tutsi - Hutu genocide, and the "killing fields" in Cambodia. Both were horrific genocides committed between people of the same race.

Murdering others out of bigotry and hate does not require the bigot to identify a difference in a person's race or skin color.

Bigots are bigots, they will always find some way to demonize others. The most dangerous bigots in the USA today, are those who have disagreements in political beliefs. Just wear a MAGA hat, and you will be a target of violence; and your skin color won't matter.
ell that to the English and the Welsh. They are the ones calling it racism.
English the victims of racism in Wales
Hate is hate, prejudice is prejudice, bigotry is bigotry and is based on ignorance.
Agreed. Some of the worst genocides in world history were the Tutsi - Hutu genocide, and the "killing fields" in Cambodia. Both were horrific genocides committed between people of the same race.

Murdering others out of bigotry and hate does not require the bigot to identify a difference in a person's race or skin color.

Bigots are bigots, they will always find some way to demonize others. The most dangerous bigots in the USA today, are those who have disagreements in political beliefs. Just wear a MAGA hat, and you will be a target of violence; and your skin color won't matter.

you are right that every country has extremist lunatics.

Just look in a mirror!

"Just wear a MAGA hat, and you will be a target of violence; and your skin color won't matter."

and yet I see MAGA hats everywhere I go and nobody is beating on them.

why do you feel the need to resort to extreme lies to demonize your enemy?

why can;t you admit that there are people on YOUR side who are ALSO too far gone.


are you incapable of being personally responsible?
Tommy, you struck a racist nerve there somewhere.

He lives in a country 95% white, his country is as bigoted as any country. No diversity, they have attack whites who aren’t like them. He hates Englanders because they aren’t like him. I can’t figure out how he fools so many, he hasn’t fooled me one bit.

Only 3 million and they have a race issue. .06% blacks in his country and they can’t seem to handle the problem. Brexit 'major influence' in racism rise

He needs to fix his own country however he chooses not to.
The rise is due to right-wing morons brainwashed over brexit and here in the United States. The only spike in violence in the United States is against Jews blacks Muslims Dave by right-wing assholes here. Happens after a GOP depression or idiotic Wars, so you get refugees from the Middle East and Afghanistan and from sub-Saharan Africa..... And right-wingers get all excited the racist idiots....

Good, the racist asshole can take care of his country and once he gets a fucking clue, then tell us how to do it.

Also, Tommy hates Englanders as he has said on this board. There is a race problem between the Welsh and the Englanders. So the bigot Tommy can’t get along with whites or any other color.
There is no English or Welsh race, that's not racism. Lots of people don't like the English, the imperialist smug classist Savage capitalists... LOL the Tories are the worst party in the modern world except for the GOP of course.

Tell that to the English and the Welsh. They are the ones calling it racism.
English the victims of racism in Wales
Hate is hate, prejudice is prejudice, bigotry is bigotry and is based on ignorance.
Yates is actually an English company. And isnt it shocking that a Welsh council wants its staff to speak Welsh ? Have you got any real examples ?
He lives in a country 95% white, his country is as bigoted as any country. No diversity, they have attack whites who aren’t like them. He hates Englanders because they aren’t like him. I can’t figure out how he fools so many, he hasn’t fooled me one bit.

Only 3 million and they have a race issue. .06% blacks in his country and they can’t seem to handle the problem. Brexit 'major influence' in racism rise

He needs to fix his own country however he chooses not to.
The rise is due to right-wing morons brainwashed over brexit and here in the United States. The only spike in violence in the United States is against Jews blacks Muslims Dave by right-wing assholes here. Happens after a GOP depression or idiotic Wars, so you get refugees from the Middle East and Afghanistan and from sub-Saharan Africa..... And right-wingers get all excited the racist idiots....

Good, the racist asshole can take care of his country and once he gets a fucking clue, then tell us how to do it.

Also, Tommy hates Englanders as he has said on this board. There is a race problem between the Welsh and the Englanders. So the bigot Tommy can’t get along with whites or any other color.
There is no English or Welsh race, that's not racism. Lots of people don't like the English, the imperialist smug classist Savage capitalists... LOL the Tories are the worst party in the modern world except for the GOP of course.

Tell that to the English and the Welsh. They are the ones calling it racism.
English the victims of racism in Wales
Hate is hate, prejudice is prejudice, bigotry is bigotry and is based on ignorance.
Yates is actually an English company. And isnt it shocking that a Welsh council wants its staff to speak Welsh ? Have you got any real examples ?

Sorry, I forgot you aren't as diversified as our country. My bad. Maybe one day your country will become more tolerant and more diversified.

Here is a story that is interesting. Racist thug jailed for attacking tourists in Welsh town because they were English
Tommy, you struck a racist nerve there somewhere.
So it would seem. Of course the tree could have been cut down by bored kids. But in the age of trump the racists seem to be growing in confidence. Many of them are on this thread trying to claim that democrats are more racist than the GOP .

I don't think either is more or less racist. Biden has made racist statements time and again and the left tolerates it. Remember this one: “You got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

I see the racism of the left, I work with Democrats that make racist comments. One guy actually applauded that FDR wouldn't invite Jesse Owens to the WH. The left is more of a refined racism and the GOP is out there with theirs. However both are similar.
The rise is due to right-wing morons brainwashed over brexit and here in the United States. The only spike in violence in the United States is against Jews blacks Muslims Dave by right-wing assholes here. Happens after a GOP depression or idiotic Wars, so you get refugees from the Middle East and Afghanistan and from sub-Saharan Africa..... And right-wingers get all excited the racist idiots....

Good, the racist asshole can take care of his country and once he gets a fucking clue, then tell us how to do it.

Also, Tommy hates Englanders as he has said on this board. There is a race problem between the Welsh and the Englanders. So the bigot Tommy can’t get along with whites or any other color.
There is no English or Welsh race, that's not racism. Lots of people don't like the English, the imperialist smug classist Savage capitalists... LOL the Tories are the worst party in the modern world except for the GOP of course.

Tell that to the English and the Welsh. They are the ones calling it racism.
English the victims of racism in Wales
Hate is hate, prejudice is prejudice, bigotry is bigotry and is based on ignorance.
Yates is actually an English company. And isnt it shocking that a Welsh council wants its staff to speak Welsh ? Have you got any real examples ?

Sorry, I forgot you aren't as diversified as our country. My bad. Maybe one day your country will become more tolerant and more diversified.

Here is a story that is interesting. Racist thug jailed for attacking tourists in Welsh town because they were English
You pick up a story of one homeless drunken loser and imagine that this is representative of the nation. You are getting desperate.
Tommy, you struck a racist nerve there somewhere.
So it would seem. Of course the tree could have been cut down by bored kids. But in the age of trump the racists seem to be growing in confidence. Many of them are on this thread trying to claim that democrats are more racist than the GOP .

A lot like the racist in Wales, it seems you are jealous of our diversity which has made us a great nation, while your country sits stuck in the same culture it had 500 years ago. Time maybe for your country to move forward and progress as we have.
‘Haley hid the fact that somebody else wrote most of book,’ referring to Murray Fisher, Haley’s editor at Playboy. Digging Into the Tangled Roots of 'Roots'
"Even after 64 they continued to support their candidates. They voted against the Bill and their voters continue to support them. "

I wish I could find a way t expand the mind of the typical conservative to a point where it was capable of understanding real facts and real data.

BlindBoo is a bit on the conservative side, but he's okay.

Holy shit, I've come full circle........

Did I wrong you, Boo?

Olde europe-same old shit
Wait... I thought we were suppose to be erasing history.... tear down that statue.... I mean that tree.

You thought wrong. Some have simply decided not to honor traitors and avowed racists. My personal take is a big, fat yawn.

History..if you care to actually study readily available. Of course, let the buyer beware, as there are myriads of special interests that are trying to spin facts into false narratives. Impartial historians that draw nuanced conclusions are pretty rare. People who read them..also getting rare.

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