Arlington school shooting suspect released on ($75k) bond

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Simpkins faces three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and was booked into the Tarrant County Lon Evans Correction Center on a $75,000 bond. He has posted bail and was released as of Thursday afternoon.

I am sure our anti-gun friends are as are outraged by this as the pro-gun people.
$75k bond? For trying to kill 4 people in a school? With.. a... GUN?!?!?!?!

And here's the judge:


I am sure our anti-gun friends are as are outraged by this as the pro-gun people.
$75k bond? For trying to kill 4 people in a school? With.. a... GUN?!?!?!?!

And here's the judge:

View attachment 549135
Gun grabbers are hoping he will kill someone (with a gun of course) while he’s out on bail

What an idiot judge
Bullied at school and his response was shoot people? Jesus all my years in school I never saw as much as a stabbing for any reason during fights, let alone a gun pulled. And we had fights on a regular basis.

I was a loner in highschool and I got bullied my fair share, got my ass kicked once or twice but never wanted to shoot anyone. Hell almost every fight or trouble I had with someone ended up with us being friends or atleast apologizing and letting it go.

And for fucks sake why did he have a gun at school?

But that's blacks for you. Almost always irrationally emotional, easy to anger, quick to shoot people, very easily resort to violence, can't walk away from anything, and can't act like a man. They should throw his ass under the jail.
Another thought

With all the lib news coverage they never mentioned that the shooter is black

I wonder why?

I am sure our anti-gun friends are as are outraged by this as the pro-gun people.
$75k bond? For trying to kill 4 people in a school? With.. a... GUN?!?!?!?!

And here's the judge:

View attachment 549135
They are outraged.

Why was the gun not charged?
Haven't really kept up with this story closely.

Can you imagine a white person being released from jail after shooting up a school????? The gun grabbers would be losing their minds. Why are they so quite?

They ( the media) seem to be trying to give this guy a pass because he was bullied.

A black guy with a handgun?!?

In other news..................................
This is getting ridiculous.

Maybe they can give this kid an award for pulling a successful school shooting.
They would like his actions to possibly encourage some white mofos to start busting caps in schools......but then again Black Privilege is in effect here. Black criminals do no wrong folks.

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ARLINGTON, Texas — An 18-year-old student accused in a shooting at a Texas high school was released from jail Thursday after posting bond.

So was Rittenhouse after he did kill people, and?
Come on we all know it was human hunting season in Wisconsin. Rittenhouse was just goofing around according to the slobs.
ARLINGTON, Texas — An 18-year-old student accused in a shooting at a Texas high school was released from jail Thursday after posting bond.
So was Rittenhouse after he did kill people, and?
$75k bond for shooting up a school, , vs $2000k bond for shooting in self-defense.
No difference, right?

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