Armed Black Supremacists in Tulsa: ‘There Will Come a Time When We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’ (VIDEO)

Just came across this over on .

Can you believe this?

‘There Will Come a Time When We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’​

Was the website editor afraid to mention the "black terrorist" by name?
Be responsible and stop the getting out of control politics. Agendas move on more and more and then the unthinkable happens. Watch the expressions of the news stations you love commentators. They are dead. It is agenda. The beauty of a baby is replaced with who takes care of it. No questions to why it was part of the impregnating process. So having a good time was the reason. And having the taxpayer foot the bill for single parent families became the norm for us to think as great.
This is certainly not surprising. African witch doctors cherish arm bones from albinos.
Just came across this over on .

Can you believe this?

‘There Will Come a Time When We Will Kill Everything White in Sight’​

For every black, there are about 6 whites. Whites can kill everything black a whole lot quicker than blacks can kill everything white. Blacks may want to rethink that position...
My, I am so impressed with your desire to kill, is that mandated by Jesus or just Satan?
1. As some liberals often say, "Stop thinking that a few extremists speak for the majority of us."

2. Those few extremists only need to be patient: the Caucasian population is fast a-shrinking. By the next century, there won't be that many Caucasians for them to terminate.

3. Do those extremists think that this country will become a Utopia for them when Caucasians become a small minority?

4. With all due respect, another ethnicity will become the majority ethnicity. And it will NOT be African Americans. Chances are that those extremists will also be dissatisfied with the new majority.
12% of the population is black, yet they abort 33% of the babies in planned parenthood. Also every year, 1000s of blacks are murdered by blacks, which was why in 2012, Obama realized that this was happening to the Democrat party thus opened the southern border so a new colored people could take over the almost extinct African race...
What was Reagan excuse when he gave them amnesty and chain migration?
Yeah, it's coming....and ironically, white Elites are instigating, supporting and promoting it.

PoWah !!!! by ANY means necessary!

The look on white liberals faces as they are gunned down with a look of shock on their faces will be ......shall we say.....interesting
After all, they were all promised "safe spaces"
Let us know when it happens like a hundred years ago.

See? The Marxist racists really didn't object to slavery and racism....only that it was against THEM
runs for the hills folks they are after us lol

They wouldn't dare. They are just easily angered, loud mouth retards incapable of controlling their emotions or able to actually think things through because they are 100% impulse driven.

They may talk a lot of shit but they won't do it, they are cowards. As most of them are. They yell a lot, attack people while in groups, or they attack people unable to defend themselves. They couldn't ever do something where they have to show their true colors. That's how they manage to seem scary to most, make lots of noise and attack in cowardly fashion then run away. Most people think they are scary but in reality the only thing that makes them dangerous is their complete and utter stylish.

I double dog dare them to start a race war. either put up or shut up. Fucking cowardly animals.
They wouldn't dare. They are just easily angered, loud mouth retards incapable of controlling their emotions or able to actually think things through because they are 100% impulse driven.

They may talk a lot of shit but they won't do it, they are cowards. As most of them are. They yell a lot, attack people while in groups, or they attack people unable to defend themselves. They couldn't ever do something where they have to show their true colors. That's how they manage to seem scary to most, make lots of noise and attack in cowardly fashion then run away. Most people think they are scary but in reality the only thing that makes them dangerous is their complete and utter stylish.

I double dog dare them to start a race war. either put up or shut up. Fucking cowardly animals.
Is it OK for me to use this to define white supremacist groups? It seems rather fitting for both sides.
Let us know when it happens like a hundred years ago.

See? The Marxist racists really didn't object to slavery and racism....only that it was against THEM
runs for the hills folks they are after us lol

They wouldn't dare. They are just easily angered, loud mouth retards incapable of controlling their emotions or able to actually think things through because they are 100% impulse driven.

They may talk a lot of shit but they won't do it, they are cowards. As most of them are. They yell a lot, attack people while in groups, or they attack people unable to defend themselves. They couldn't ever do something where they have to show their true colors. That's how they manage to seem scary to most, make lots of noise and attack in cowardly fashion then run away. Most people think they are scary but in reality the only thing that makes them dangerous is their complete and utter stylish.

I double dog dare them to start a race war. either put up or shut up. Fucking cowardly animals.
this is like fourth or fifth time a group of blacks starting halloering this stuff./ it weill probably blow out.
Far-left activists from the New Black Panther Party and other groups staged an armed march in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday.

Organizers dubbed the event “March for Reparations” and marched through downtown Tulsa.

"The struggle for Reparations must be escalated,” a press release from organizers declares.

Open season on you folks.

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