Armed BLM and Georgia Militia members square off at Stone Mt. - It's the statue debate again, are there "good people" on both sides?

Does Stone Mt. represent art, Southern Heritage, states rights, and Civil War History? Or hate?

  • Stone Mt. represents hate and slavery, and needs to be destroyed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stone Mt. represent art, Southern Heritage, states rights, and Civil War History

    Votes: 5 100.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
I think that there are more than a few Confederate monuments that will remain for posterity. Stone Mountain being one of them. Statues to the Founding Fathers being some of the others. I'm not a fan of the "Taliban" statue destroyers. I also believe that the "stars and bars" are not a symbol in support of slavery. Its a "rebel flag", nothing to do with racism. If the"Taliban" can dictate what everything means, and we have to obey, that defeats what the 1st Amendment stands for, doesn't it?

Hell most of those statues have been there for decades and now all of a sudden people think they mean slavery??

They should all be left alone. They are part of history.
If the soldiers on both sides of the "War between the States" were told that that war was either to end or defend slavery, the war would have collapsed due to non-participation. While slavery was ultimately the sine qua non of the conflict, for the soldiers themselves it was secondary.

The Confederate partisans TODAY who revere their war ancestors (Lee, Jackson, Davis, etc.) do not do so because they consider the war to have been over slavery, but rather they think of it as having been a war to defend the principle of States' rights. Race and slavery have nothing to do with it.

Whether or not you support that view of the U.S. (which coincides with the views of the Founding Fathers) should not color your attitude about Civil War heroes - and lest we not forget, their were countless actual heroes who fought for the Confederacy. Just as their were heroes who gave their lives to defend the odious Soviet Union during WWII.
Hell most of those statues have been there for decades and now all of a sudden people think they mean slavery??

They should all be left alone. They are part of history.

Most of the people who want them destroyed, don't even know what they signify. They know nothing of the history behind them.

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