Armed BLM protester shot by Kyle Rittenhouse sues police for ‘deputizing’ white nationalist vigilantes

Whether or not i can list them all here has no bearing on whether or not they exist. First logic lesson is free, next one will cost you.
So the answer is no you can’t list any but you’re sure they exist somewhere. And I need to pay you for your next logic epiphany of… you have no examples.

you’re basically nothing more than a carnival side show.
Seems like Kyle had the balls to do what the other cosplayers wish they could have done. That's what troubles me about this. He is being used. He started being used the moment he hooked up with the other cosplayers/LARPers in Kenosha (take your pick). And now he has graduated to objectified status. Like George Floyd. This decision will send a message.

And the LARPers are going to be emboldened, if he is acquitted on all counts. As will the State legislatures. Open season. "Cosplay pussies unite, with live ammo, the courts have your backs."

I imagine a lot of our resident gunosexuals just creamed a little.
Seems like Kyle had the balls to do what the other cosplayers wish they could have done. That's what troubles me about this. He is being used. He started being used the moment he hooked up with the other cosplayers/LARPers in Kenosha (take your pick). And now he has graduated to objectified status. Like George Floyd. This decision will send a message.

And the LARPers are going to be emboldened, if he is acquitted on all counts. As will the State legislatures. Open season. "Cosplay pussies unite, with live ammo, the courts have your backs."

I imagine a lot of our resident gunosexuals just creamed a little.
Cry it all out.
There was plenty of stupidity demonstrated during the Kenosha riot. Both the rioters and Rittenhouse perpetrated that stupidity.
As you could tell by the first line of my post #5, I am no fan of blm or blm minded morons. I am definitely no fan of white nationalists or white supremacists. If you didn't pick up on it, I am no fan of that idiot Kyle, his parents, the guy out of his home state that bought the AR-15 for him, when it was illegal for a juvenile to buy it on his own in his home state. I have utter contempt for the people that would take a juvenile to a possible race riot, especially armed with a weapon (including the A-hole whose business he was guarding), when it was illegal for him to have on the street without supervision under Wisconsin law, and he definitely was not supervised. The whole thing has irritated the crap out of me from the beginning. Every single adult, in any way responsible for that dumb juvenile kid should be handcuffed to a pole and publicly horsewhipped, if there was an ounce of justice in the Midwest.
I don't come anywhere close to understanding a blm jerk shot by Kyle, suing the police for deputizing white nationalists, if it was Kyle that shot him and I know for a fact no law enforcement would ever in a million years deputize and illegally armed juvenile for a race riot.
Kyle Manned up...more than I can say for you whiney libs. Kyle didn't do anything wrong and in fact, deserves a metal for putting his life on the line to protect the city from the mob of terrorists.
Kyle Manned up...more than I can say for you whiney libs. Kyle didn't do anything wrong and in fact, deserves a metal for putting his life on the line to protect the city from the mob of terrorists.
Rittenhouse had no business leaving the safe confines of his mother's home in Illinois and inserting himself into a violent riot. He was just as much a part of that riot as anyone.
Kyle Manned up...more than I can say for you whiney libs. Kyle didn't do anything wrong and in fact, deserves a metal for putting his life on the line to protect the city from the mob of terrorists.
Should have stayed in his home state. Parents should be horsewhipped for not keeping better control over him. The very idea of going to another state, picking up an illegal weapon and going to a riot for a kit his age is ridiculous. Would never have let my kids get away with that, at his age.
Seems like Kyle had the balls to do what the other cosplayers wish they could have done. That's what troubles me about this. He is being used. He started being used the moment he hooked up with the other cosplayers/LARPers in Kenosha (take your pick). And now he has graduated to objectified status. Like George Floyd. This decision will send a message.

And the LARPers are going to be emboldened, if he is acquitted on all counts. As will the State legislatures. Open season. "Cosplay pussies unite, with live ammo, the courts have your backs."

I imagine a lot of our resident gunosexuals just creamed a little.

Your words make no sense. IF we are out there using guns to protect our society from you barbarians, and killing you lefties in the streets,

then we are not "playing".

It is also worth noting, that only a fool would consider Rittenhouse a "pussy". He fought the mob and the mob LOST.

If anything, it is YOUR guys, from Antifa, who got the reality check.
If only Kyle could have popped off more shots. You know . . . issued an in person "gag" order. I agree with you, this is insane. But then again, everything under the sun is insane these days.

Yeah, especially when it's funded by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.
Your words make no sense. IF we are out there using guns to protect our society from you barbarians, and killing you lefties in the streets,

then we are not "playing".

It is also worth noting, that only a fool would consider Rittenhouse a "pussy". He fought the mob and the mob LOST.

If anything, it is YOUR guys, from Antifa, who got the reality check.

If Rittenhouse hadn't shot Grosskreutz, I'm sure Grosskreutz would have shot him. Clear case of self defense, Same goes for Huber who beat Rittenhouse with his skate board and then stomp and kicked him..
You don't get, that he may have traveled and operated with some white nationalists (evil F#ucks just as bad as blm, antif, but better armed) and that he was only 17 years old, coming from out of state, with a weapon illegal for him to buy in his home state, obtained across state lines for him by somebody knowingly getting it for him because illegal in his home state, and knowingly illegal for him to possess on the streets of Wisconsin without adult supervision? Yet there he was. It is Wisconsin law and Federal weapons laws all tangled together, not my doing. At what point does it become legal for him to be there, armed in the first place? It doesn't. Yet he was a juvenile enabled or not controlled by adults in both states. He should not have been there and certainly not armed. Unless you are looking for some half assed interstate race war, with armed juveniles freely crossing state lines to participate (because penalties never as high for juvenile, same reason criminal gangs recruit kids) how could you justify the illegal to make it right and just? Just because you don't like black thugs in other states or white ones either, for that matter? Dude, you seriously need to crack a book sometime, cause that ain't how it was designed to work.
Actually--Kyle had adult supervision as the others on the line trying to protect the city were mostly a little bit older than him.

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