Armed BLM "Protester" Shot Dead in Austin, TX

Sometimes things get so heated in remote villages that they run the local gov representatives out of town until the army pays a visit to reinsert them.
They should vote for democrats in the next election and then they could burn the whole place down if they feel like it
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.
What's hateful is constantly attacking other views.
Not sure what you mean in this context. Slavery was an integral part of our nations history, heritage and economy. Pretending that the Civil War had little to do with slavery is something of a postwar construction. You can’t dissect slavery from it any more then you can untangle it from the confederate flag.

What is things like this textbook they attempted to use in Texas...referring to slaves as immigrant workers.

Not what I meant.

In any event, there were many forms of slavery and slave owners. Are we going to be able to discuss sll of it, or just the sections chosen and ignore the rest?

Given how the left is busy tearing down history, forgive me if I fail to care about how they feel about textbooks.

Here is the problem as I see it. You are trying to say they are all morally equivalent, and they aren’t. Indentured servitude was not the same as black slavery in the U.S.
The men fighting for abolition were also 19th century men. There would have been no civil war without slavery.
You don’t know that

besides the issue of slavery has been settled

but libs like you will not let it die

We can feel pretty confident that it wouldn't have - what with the political maneuvering to keep slave holding vs free states balanced.

When you re-write history, to inflate the nobility of the southern cause and marginalize the role of's you who isn't letting it "die". Add to that the fight over the flag, the mass produced confederate monuments...who's not letting it "die"?

Coyote, you people are ERASING history. And revising in a faulty way. This asshat colfax as a for instance. He lies incessantly. Trump stated there were good people on both sides of the statue issue.

The media falsely claimed that Trump was saying he supported white supremacists, which is a provably false statement. But you allow this troll to post the same lies over and over again.


Why do you allow provable lies to be posted here?
Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history"
As if no one ever heard of slavery till libs brought it up last month

in fact this is just a generalized attack on white conservatives

and its much like how the communists whip the opposition into submission by making them denounce their family and their neighbors and finally, themselves

its disgusting and unAmerican

if I didnt throughly despise liberals before, I am rapidly getting there now
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.
What's hateful is constantly attacking other views.
Not sure what you mean in this context. Slavery was an integral part of our nations history, heritage and economy. Pretending that the Civil War had little to do with slavery is something of a postwar construction. You can’t dissect slavery from it any more then you can untangle it from the confederate flag.

What is things like this textbook they attempted to use in Texas...referring to slaves as immigrant workers.

Not what I meant.

In any event, there were many forms of slavery and slave owners. Are we going to be able to discuss sll of it, or just the sections chosen and ignore the rest?

Given how the left is busy tearing down history, forgive me if I fail to care about how they feel about textbooks.

Here is the problem as I see it. You are trying to say they are all morally equivalent, and they aren’t. Indentured servitude was not the same as black slavery in the U.S.

Slavery is slavery. Blacks owned slaves, native Americans owned slaves. Slavery is an institution that existed from the beginning of time. To ignore the fact that right now the ONLY active slave trade is in Africa today, renders the current hyperbolic assertions by the woke left ridiculous.
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.
What's hateful is constantly attacking other views.
Not sure what you mean in this context. Slavery was an integral part of our nations history, heritage and economy. Pretending that the Civil War had little to do with slavery is something of a postwar construction. You can’t dissect slavery from it any more then you can untangle it from the confederate flag.

What is things like this textbook they attempted to use in Texas...referring to slaves as immigrant workers.

Not what I meant.

In any event, there were many forms of slavery and slave owners. Are we going to be able to discuss sll of it, or just the sections chosen and ignore the rest?

Given how the left is busy tearing down history, forgive me if I fail to care about how they feel about textbooks.

Here is the problem as I see it. You are trying to say they are all morally equivalent, and they aren’t. Indentured servitude was not the same as black slavery in the U.S.
here's the problem, you keep telling me what I am saying.
Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history"
As if no one ever heard of slavery till libs brought it up

in fact this is just a generalized attack on white conservatives

and its much like how the communists whip the opposition into submission by making them denounce their family and m
neighbors and finally, themselves

its disgusting and unAmerican

if I didnt throughly despise liberals before rapidly getting there now

These people are not liberals. They are progressives at best, stalinists at worse.
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.
What's hateful is constantly attacking other views.
Not sure what you mean in this context. Slavery was an integral part of our nations history, heritage and economy. Pretending that the Civil War had little to do with slavery is something of a postwar construction. You can’t dissect slavery from it any more then you can untangle it from the confederate flag.

What is things like this textbook they attempted to use in Texas...referring to slaves as immigrant workers.

Not what I meant.

In any event, there were many forms of slavery and slave owners. Are we going to be able to discuss sll of it, or just the sections chosen and ignore the rest?

Given how the left is busy tearing down history, forgive me if I fail to care about how they feel about textbooks.

Here is the problem as I see it. You are trying to say they are all morally equivalent, and they aren’t. Indentured servitude was not the same as black slavery in the U.S.

Slavery is slavery. Blacks owned slaves, native Americans owned slaves. Slavery is an institution that existed from the beginning of time. To ignore the fact that right now the ONLY active slave trade is in Africa today, renders the current hyperbolic assertions by the woke left ridiculous.
Like I was going to, can we discuss all of slavery or only where white US male bad part?
The men fighting for abolition were also 19th century men. There would have been no civil war without slavery.
You don’t know that

besides the issue of slavery has been settled

but libs like you will not let it die

We can feel pretty confident that it wouldn't have - what with the political maneuvering to keep slave holding vs free states balanced.

When you re-write history, to inflate the nobility of the southern cause and marginalize the role of's you who isn't letting it "die". Add to that the fight over the flag, the mass produced confederate monuments...who's not letting it "die"?

Coyote, you people are ERASING history. And revising in a faulty way. This asshat colfax as a for instance. He lies incessantly. Trump stated there were good people on both sides of the statue issue.

The media falsely claimed that Trump was saying he supported white supremacists, which is a provably false statement. But you allow this troll to post the same lies over and over again.


Why do you allow provable lies to be posted here?

How is the history of slavery being revised in a faulty way?

A faulty revision would be what the Texas schools are trying to do.

I can’t stop people from lying...if I did the boards would be empty.
The men fighting for abolition were also 19th century men. There would have been no civil war without slavery.
You don’t know that

besides the issue of slavery has been settled

but libs like you will not let it die

We can feel pretty confident that it wouldn't have - what with the political maneuvering to keep slave holding vs free states balanced.

When you re-write history, to inflate the nobility of the southern cause and marginalize the role of's you who isn't letting it "die". Add to that the fight over the flag, the mass produced confederate monuments...who's not letting it "die"?

Coyote, you people are ERASING history. And revising in a faulty way. This asshat colfax as a for instance. He lies incessantly. Trump stated there were good people on both sides of the statue issue.

The media falsely claimed that Trump was saying he supported white supremacists, which is a provably false statement. But you allow this troll to post the same lies over and over again.


Why do you allow provable lies to be posted here?

How is the history of slavery being revised in a faulty way?

A faulty revision would be what the Texas schools are trying to do.
faulty schools are why entitled kids scream at cops.
The men fighting for abolition were also 19th century men. There would have been no civil war without slavery.
You don’t know that

besides the issue of slavery has been settled

but libs like you will not let it die

We can feel pretty confident that it wouldn't have - what with the political maneuvering to keep slave holding vs free states balanced.

When you re-write history, to inflate the nobility of the southern cause and marginalize the role of's you who isn't letting it "die". Add to that the fight over the flag, the mass produced confederate monuments...who's not letting it "die"?

Coyote, you people are ERASING history. And revising in a faulty way. This asshat colfax as a for instance. He lies incessantly. Trump stated there were good people on both sides of the statue issue.

The media falsely claimed that Trump was saying he supported white supremacists, which is a provably false statement. But you allow this troll to post the same lies over and over again.


Why do you allow provable lies to be posted here?

How is the history of slavery being revised in a faulty way?

A faulty revision would be what the Texas schools are trying to do.
faulty schools are why entitled kids scream at cops.
Schools are not supposed to replace parenting.
The men fighting for abolition were also 19th century men. There would have been no civil war without slavery.
You don’t know that

besides the issue of slavery has been settled

but libs like you will not let it die

We can feel pretty confident that it wouldn't have - what with the political maneuvering to keep slave holding vs free states balanced.

When you re-write history, to inflate the nobility of the southern cause and marginalize the role of's you who isn't letting it "die". Add to that the fight over the flag, the mass produced confederate monuments...who's not letting it "die"?

Coyote, you people are ERASING history. And revising in a faulty way. This asshat colfax as a for instance. He lies incessantly. Trump stated there were good people on both sides of the statue issue.

The media falsely claimed that Trump was saying he supported white supremacists, which is a provably false statement. But you allow this troll to post the same lies over and over again.


Why do you allow provable lies to be posted here?

How is the history of slavery being revised in a faulty way?

A faulty revision would be what the Texas schools are trying to do.
faulty schools are why entitled kids scream at cops.
Schools are not supposed to replace parenting.
Then why are they?
The men fighting for abolition were also 19th century men. There would have been no civil war without slavery.
You don’t know that

besides the issue of slavery has been settled

but libs like you will not let it die

We can feel pretty confident that it wouldn't have - what with the political maneuvering to keep slave holding vs free states balanced.

When you re-write history, to inflate the nobility of the southern cause and marginalize the role of's you who isn't letting it "die". Add to that the fight over the flag, the mass produced confederate monuments...who's not letting it "die"?

Coyote, you people are ERASING history. And revising in a faulty way. This asshat colfax as a for instance. He lies incessantly. Trump stated there were good people on both sides of the statue issue.

The media falsely claimed that Trump was saying he supported white supremacists, which is a provably false statement. But you allow this troll to post the same lies over and over again.


Why do you allow provable lies to be posted here?

How is the history of slavery being revised in a faulty way?

A faulty revision would be what the Texas schools are trying to do.

I can’t stop people from lying...if I did the boards would be empty.

It is ignoring the fact that blacks and native Americans owned slaves for one. Nowhere in the current curriculum is that mentioned.
The men fighting for abolition were also 19th century men. There would have been no civil war without slavery.
You don’t know that

besides the issue of slavery has been settled

but libs like you will not let it die

We can feel pretty confident that it wouldn't have - what with the political maneuvering to keep slave holding vs free states balanced.

When you re-write history, to inflate the nobility of the southern cause and marginalize the role of's you who isn't letting it "die". Add to that the fight over the flag, the mass produced confederate monuments...who's not letting it "die"?

Coyote, you people are ERASING history. And revising in a faulty way. This asshat colfax as a for instance. He lies incessantly. Trump stated there were good people on both sides of the statue issue.

The media falsely claimed that Trump was saying he supported white supremacists, which is a provably false statement. But you allow this troll to post the same lies over and over again.


Why do you allow provable lies to be posted here?

How is the history of slavery being revised in a faulty way?

A faulty revision would be what the Texas schools are trying to do.

I can’t stop people from lying...if I did the boards would be empty.

It is ignoring the fact that blacks and native Americans owned slaves for one. Nowhere in the current curriculum is that mentioned.
a step ahead of me. :)
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.
What's hateful is constantly attacking other views.
Not sure what you mean in this context. Slavery was an integral part of our nations history, heritage and economy. Pretending that the Civil War had little to do with slavery is something of a postwar construction. You can’t dissect slavery from it any more then you can untangle it from the confederate flag.

What is things like this textbook they attempted to use in Texas...referring to slaves as immigrant workers.

Not what I meant.

In any event, there were many forms of slavery and slave owners. Are we going to be able to discuss sll of it, or just the sections chosen and ignore the rest?

Given how the left is busy tearing down history, forgive me if I fail to care about how they feel about textbooks.

Here is the problem as I see it. You are trying to say they are all morally equivalent, and they aren’t. Indentured servitude was not the same as black slavery in the U.S.

Slavery is slavery. Blacks owned slaves, native Americans owned slaves. Slavery is an institution that existed from the beginning of time. To ignore the fact that right now the ONLY active slave trade is in Africa today, renders the current hyperbolic assertions by the woke left ridiculous.

Slavery here, is discussed in relation to our country, our history, and impact it had on us for decades after. The fact that it existed elsewhere, while horrible, is irrelevant. It was integral to the formation and contentious even at it’s federation. To try and point your fingers elsewhere and say but what about...Is really irrelevant. Those what abouts did not affect us.

There was also some peculiarly evil and brutal about our system, and that was tying race into it, and that in order to justify it’s continuity, that race had defined as brutish, inferior, incapable of managing it’s own destiny. That is even after its abolition, those racist barriers remained. There is a very good book I record book I read, on the founding of America’s and it’s history not as one nation really but a collection of culturally different rival nations, thrust together.

American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it, it is a good read, and you will find yourself thinking as you read...well no wonder we don’t get along :lol:

Our peculiar form of slavery came from the British immigrants from Barbados, who immigrated from the sugar plantations to the Deep South, to set themselves up as aristocracy. They weren’t about to let go of slavery, their lifestyle depended on it And it’s continuity depended upon creating the story of racIam inferiority That persists today.
The men fighting for abolition were also 19th century men. There would have been no civil war without slavery.
You don’t know that

besides the issue of slavery has been settled

but libs like you will not let it die

We can feel pretty confident that it wouldn't have - what with the political maneuvering to keep slave holding vs free states balanced.

When you re-write history, to inflate the nobility of the southern cause and marginalize the role of's you who isn't letting it "die". Add to that the fight over the flag, the mass produced confederate monuments...who's not letting it "die"?

Coyote, you people are ERASING history. And revising in a faulty way. This asshat colfax as a for instance. He lies incessantly. Trump stated there were good people on both sides of the statue issue.

The media falsely claimed that Trump was saying he supported white supremacists, which is a provably false statement. But you allow this troll to post the same lies over and over again.


Why do you allow provable lies to be posted here?

How is the history of slavery being revised in a faulty way?

A faulty revision would be what the Texas schools are trying to do.

I can’t stop people from lying...if I did the boards would be empty.

It is ignoring the fact that blacks and native Americans owned slaves for one. Nowhere in the current curriculum is that mentioned.
Because in the larger scheme of things, those people were very few. The exception rather than the rule. They also were not fighting for the right to own slaves were they?
The men fighting for abolition were also 19th century men. There would have been no civil war without slavery.
You don’t know that

besides the issue of slavery has been settled

but libs like you will not let it die

We can feel pretty confident that it wouldn't have - what with the political maneuvering to keep slave holding vs free states balanced.

When you re-write history, to inflate the nobility of the southern cause and marginalize the role of's you who isn't letting it "die". Add to that the fight over the flag, the mass produced confederate monuments...who's not letting it "die"?

Coyote, you people are ERASING history. And revising in a faulty way. This asshat colfax as a for instance. He lies incessantly. Trump stated there were good people on both sides of the statue issue.

The media falsely claimed that Trump was saying he supported white supremacists, which is a provably false statement. But you allow this troll to post the same lies over and over again.


Why do you allow provable lies to be posted here?

How is the history of slavery being revised in a faulty way?

A faulty revision would be what the Texas schools are trying to do.
faulty schools are why entitled kids scream at cops.
Schools are not supposed to replace parenting.
Actually that was exactly the goal of the public school system.

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