Armed BLM "Protester" Shot Dead in Austin, TX

Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.
What's hateful is constantly attacking other views.
Not sure what you mean in this context. Slavery was an integral part of our nations history, heritage and economy. Pretending that the Civil War had little to do with slavery is something of a postwar construction. You can’t dissect slavery from it any more then you can untangle it from the confederate flag.

What is things like this textbook they attempted to use in Texas...referring to slaves as immigrant workers.

Not what I meant.

In any event, there were many forms of slavery and slave owners. Are we going to be able to discuss sll of it, or just the sections chosen and ignore the rest?

Given how the left is busy tearing down history, forgive me if I fail to care about how they feel about textbooks.

Here is the problem as I see it. You are trying to say they are all morally equivalent, and they aren’t. Indentured servitude was not the same as black slavery in the U.S.

Slavery is slavery. Blacks owned slaves, native Americans owned slaves. Slavery is an institution that existed from the beginning of time. To ignore the fact that right now the ONLY active slave trade is in Africa today, renders the current hyperbolic assertions by the woke left ridiculous.

Slavery here, is discussed in relation to our country, our history, and impact it had on us for decades after. The fact that it existed elsewhere, while horrible, is irrelevant. It was integral to the formation and contentious even at it’s federation. To try and point your fingers elsewhere and say but what about...Is really irrelevant. Those what abouts did not affect us.

There was also some peculiarly evil and brutal about our system, and that was tying race into it, and that in order to justify it’s continuity, that race had defined as brutish, inferior, incapable of managing it’s own destiny. That is even after its abolition, those racist barriers remained. There is a very good book I record book I read, on the founding of America’s and it’s history not as one nation really but a collection of culturally different rival nations, thrust together.

American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it, it is a good read, and you will find yourself thinking as you read...well no wonder we don’t get along :lol:

Our peculiar form of slavery came from the British immigrants from Barbados, who immigrated from the sugar plantations to the Deep South, to set themselves up as aristocracy. They weren’t about to let go of slavery, their lifestyle depended on it And it’s continuity depended upon creating the story of racIam inferiority That persists today.

The myth that the USA was created on the backs of slaves is another problem. What made America America was the industrial might of the North.

The slave states lost because they couldn't produce. That is another lie being promulgated.

That being said, the rioters are getting a taste for blood. They have already assassinated a black Trump supporter with nary a peep from the MSM.

Add to that the attacks on cops and if I were living in those shitholes I would be armed at all times whether it's legal or not.

The politicians have basically said you are on your own.

Actually it's in the news but it's not as you guys portray it. He was killed, he was I think homeless, he supported Trump on one side of his placard and a Demo on the other. There is zero evidence he was assassinated or that they even know who did it. For all you know he could have been assassinated for supporting a Dem.

Yeah.. Just a fucking coincidence that it was ONE DAY AFTER the local news interviewed him about his Trump support on the SAME CORNER.... And no. Not clear he was homeless. Article says something about signs at his business...
As of an hour ago...

Garrett Foster was pushing his fiancée's wheelchair at the protest when a car drove into the crowd, his mother Sheila Foster told US media.
As demonstrators approached the car, someone inside the vehicle opened fire on the group.
Mr Foster was taken to hospital, but was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. Police have arrested a suspect.

This does not sound like what the OP is presenting.
I just watched a video of the shooting.,car honks, 5 AK shots are fired, a second or 2 later 3 pistol shots fired back.

are you really on the side of violence?

Are you?

Rather than go by a keyboard “expert”, I will wait on the police to give information. Witnesses have said the car accelerated into the crowd. The dead man was legally licensed to carry And had been participating in the demonstrations for 50 days. We do not yet know much about the shooter. you have any facts to add?

There's a police statement right in the article.. Not accelerating much with a flat tire.. And you don't get a license to carry a rifle.. The moron shot into a crowd.. The guy in the car had MUCH better training.. What else ya want to know???

The OP article said nothing about a flat tire nor did it include a police statement.

He can still be legally licensed to carry a hand gun and carry a rifle. His rifle was never fired, much less fired into a crowd.

The man firing from the car was firing into a crowd.

Anything else you missed?

Post #11.. Gateway Pundit link. Has a statement from Aurora police.. Also in the linked Twit vid, the car CLEARLY has a flat front left tire.. Maybe others..

The AK-47 was CLEARLY fired.. What does "much" mean with a semi-auto? You can count the number of rounds from audio in the Twit vid..

You doing the Fandango here as much as anyone else on this.. Except, you missed a lot from the first 2 pages...
Scara mouche! Idk what the hell is going on at this point.
I'm missing when it became okay to threaten someone with a rifle because they honked at you for illegally impeding their travel.

Sure...why not? According to some here it's perfectly fine to wave your rifle around and threaten people.


My husband taught me how to shoot years ago. One of the main rules was you don't ever point it at someone unless you intend to shoot.
And I guess that's what the driver thought as well, when he defended himself. Pretty reasonable reaction when you're just driving and all of a sudden a group rushes your vehicle ( I watched the video too) and at least one of them points a rifle at you.

Btw, that was a pretty poor attempt at deflecting there.
As of an hour ago...

Garrett Foster was pushing his fiancée's wheelchair at the protest when a car drove into the crowd, his mother Sheila Foster told US media.
As demonstrators approached the car, someone inside the vehicle opened fire on the group.
Mr Foster was taken to hospital, but was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. Police have arrested a suspect.

This does not sound like what the OP is presenting.
I just watched a video of the shooting.,car honks, 5 AK shots are fired, a second or 2 later 3 pistol shots fired back.

are you really on the side of violence?

Are you?

Rather than go by a keyboard “expert”, I will wait on the police to give information. Witnesses have said the car accelerated into the crowd. The dead man was legally licensed to carry And had been participating in the demonstrations for 50 days. We do not yet know much about the shooter. you have any facts to add?

There's a police statement right in the article.. Not accelerating much with a flat tire.. And you don't get a license to carry a rifle.. The moron shot into a crowd.. The guy in the car had MUCH better training.. What else ya want to know???

The OP article said nothing about a flat tire nor did it include a police statement.

He can still be legally licensed to carry a hand gun and carry a rifle. His rifle was never fired, much less fired into a crowd.

The man firing from the car was firing into a crowd.

Anything else you missed?

Post #11.. Gateway Pundit link. Has a statement from Aurora police.. Also in the linked Twit vid, the car CLEARLY has a flat front left tire.. Maybe others..

The AK-47 was CLEARLY fired.. What does "much" mean with a semi-auto? You can count the number of rounds from audio in the Twit vid..

You doing the Fandango here as much as anyone else on this.. Except, you missed a lot from the first 2 pages...

Witnesses and police say that the motorist fired on Foster after he approached the vehicle, and that Foster did not fire his weapon — but there are conflicting reports about whether or not Foster did anything to threaten the driver.

Police believe two people fired weapons, though police clarified Mr Foster did not fire his rifle.
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.
What's hateful is constantly attacking other views.
Not sure what you mean in this context. Slavery was an integral part of our nations history, heritage and economy. Pretending that the Civil War had little to do with slavery is something of a postwar construction. You can’t dissect slavery from it any more then you can untangle it from the confederate flag.

What is things like this textbook they attempted to use in Texas...referring to slaves as immigrant workers.

Not what I meant.

In any event, there were many forms of slavery and slave owners. Are we going to be able to discuss sll of it, or just the sections chosen and ignore the rest?

Given how the left is busy tearing down history, forgive me if I fail to care about how they feel about textbooks.

Here is the problem as I see it. You are trying to say they are all morally equivalent, and they aren’t. Indentured servitude was not the same as black slavery in the U.S.

Slavery is slavery. Blacks owned slaves, native Americans owned slaves. Slavery is an institution that existed from the beginning of time. To ignore the fact that right now the ONLY active slave trade is in Africa today, renders the current hyperbolic assertions by the woke left ridiculous.

Slavery here, is discussed in relation to our country, our history, and impact it had on us for decades after. The fact that it existed elsewhere, while horrible, is irrelevant. It was integral to the formation and contentious even at it’s federation. To try and point your fingers elsewhere and say but what about...Is really irrelevant. Those what abouts did not affect us.

There was also some peculiarly evil and brutal about our system, and that was tying race into it, and that in order to justify it’s continuity, that race had defined as brutish, inferior, incapable of managing it’s own destiny. That is even after its abolition, those racist barriers remained. There is a very good book I record book I read, on the founding of America’s and it’s history not as one nation really but a collection of culturally different rival nations, thrust together.

American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it, it is a good read, and you will find yourself thinking as you read...well no wonder we don’t get along :lol:

Our peculiar form of slavery came from the British immigrants from Barbados, who immigrated from the sugar plantations to the Deep South, to set themselves up as aristocracy. They weren’t about to let go of slavery, their lifestyle depended on it And it’s continuity depended upon creating the story of racIam inferiority That persists today.

The myth that the USA was created on the backs of slaves is another problem. What made America America was the industrial might of the North.

The slave states lost because they couldn't produce. That is another lie being promulgated.

That being said, the rioters are getting a taste for blood. They have already assassinated a black Trump supporter with nary a peep from the MSM.

Add to that the attacks on cops and if I were living in those shitholes I would be armed at all times whether it's legal or not.

The politicians have basically said you are on your own.

Actually it's in the news but it's not as you guys portray it. He was killed, he was I think homeless, he supported Trump on one side of his placard and a Demo on the other. There is zero evidence he was assassinated or that they even know who did it. For all you know he could have been assassinated for supporting a Dem.

Yeah.. Just a fucking coincidence that it was ONE DAY AFTER the local news interviewed him about his Trump support on the SAME CORNER.... And no. Not clear he was homeless. Article says something about signs at his business...

Oh brother. How many people get political interviews? A hundred? A thousand? Do they get assassinated? One guy gets killed and it's a political assassination.

I could be wrong about homeless.
As of an hour ago...

Garrett Foster was pushing his fiancée's wheelchair at the protest when a car drove into the crowd, his mother Sheila Foster told US media.
As demonstrators approached the car, someone inside the vehicle opened fire on the group.
Mr Foster was taken to hospital, but was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. Police have arrested a suspect.

This does not sound like what the OP is presenting.
I just watched a video of the shooting.,car honks, 5 AK shots are fired, a second or 2 later 3 pistol shots fired back.

are you really on the side of violence?

Are you?

Rather than go by a keyboard “expert”, I will wait on the police to give information. Witnesses have said the car accelerated into the crowd. The dead man was legally licensed to carry And had been participating in the demonstrations for 50 days. We do not yet know much about the shooter. you have any facts to add?

There's a police statement right in the article.. Not accelerating much with a flat tire.. And you don't get a license to carry a rifle.. The moron shot into a crowd.. The guy in the car had MUCH better training.. What else ya want to know???

The OP article said nothing about a flat tire nor did it include a police statement.

He can still be legally licensed to carry a hand gun and carry a rifle. His rifle was never fired, much less fired into a crowd.

The man firing from the car was firing into a crowd.

Anything else you missed?

Post #11.. Gateway Pundit link. Has a statement from Aurora police.. Also in the linked Twit vid, the car CLEARLY has a flat front left tire.. Maybe others..

The AK-47 was CLEARLY fired.. What does "much" mean with a semi-auto? You can count the number of rounds from audio in the Twit vid..

You doing the Fandango here as much as anyone else on this.. Except, you missed a lot from the first 2 pages...
Scara mouche! Idk what the hell is going on at this point.

Lots of people getting shot and killed.. Hard to keep up... Gonna be ever harder tomorrow... And the next day...
As of an hour ago...

Garrett Foster was pushing his fiancée's wheelchair at the protest when a car drove into the crowd, his mother Sheila Foster told US media.
As demonstrators approached the car, someone inside the vehicle opened fire on the group.
Mr Foster was taken to hospital, but was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. Police have arrested a suspect.

This does not sound like what the OP is presenting.
I just watched a video of the shooting.,car honks, 5 AK shots are fired, a second or 2 later 3 pistol shots fired back.

are you really on the side of violence?

Are you?

Rather than go by a keyboard “expert”, I will wait on the police to give information. Witnesses have said the car accelerated into the crowd. The dead man was legally licensed to carry And had been participating in the demonstrations for 50 days. We do not yet know much about the shooter. you have any facts to add?

There's a police statement right in the article.. Not accelerating much with a flat tire.. And you don't get a license to carry a rifle.. The moron shot into a crowd.. The guy in the car had MUCH better training.. What else ya want to know???

The OP article said nothing about a flat tire nor did it include a police statement.

He can still be legally licensed to carry a hand gun and carry a rifle. His rifle was never fired, much less fired into a crowd.

The man firing from the car was firing into a crowd.

Anything else you missed?

Post #11.. Gateway Pundit link. Has a statement from Aurora police.. Also in the linked Twit vid, the car CLEARLY has a flat front left tire.. Maybe others..

The AK-47 was CLEARLY fired.. What does "much" mean with a semi-auto? You can count the number of rounds from audio in the Twit vid..

You doing the Fandango here as much as anyone else on this.. Except, you missed a lot from the first 2 pages...

Witnesses and police say that the motorist fired on Foster after he approached the vehicle, and that Foster did not fire his weapon — but there are conflicting reports about whether or not Foster did anything to threaten the driver.

Police believe two people fired weapons, though police clarified Mr Foster did not fire his rifle.

No wonder you're confused.. Cant keep up with the protest killings and shootings.. Garret Foster is NOT the OP story.. He's the guy who was in Texas --- not Colorado.. Gonna need to buy a program before the week is out to KEEP UP with the carnage.. Congrats to ALL the wingers for aiding and abetting here...
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.
What's hateful is constantly attacking other views.
Not sure what you mean in this context. Slavery was an integral part of our nations history, heritage and economy. Pretending that the Civil War had little to do with slavery is something of a postwar construction. You can’t dissect slavery from it any more then you can untangle it from the confederate flag.

What is things like this textbook they attempted to use in Texas...referring to slaves as immigrant workers.

Not what I meant.

In any event, there were many forms of slavery and slave owners. Are we going to be able to discuss sll of it, or just the sections chosen and ignore the rest?

Given how the left is busy tearing down history, forgive me if I fail to care about how they feel about textbooks.

Here is the problem as I see it. You are trying to say they are all morally equivalent, and they aren’t. Indentured servitude was not the same as black slavery in the U.S.

Slavery is slavery. Blacks owned slaves, native Americans owned slaves. Slavery is an institution that existed from the beginning of time. To ignore the fact that right now the ONLY active slave trade is in Africa today, renders the current hyperbolic assertions by the woke left ridiculous.

Slavery here, is discussed in relation to our country, our history, and impact it had on us for decades after. The fact that it existed elsewhere, while horrible, is irrelevant. It was integral to the formation and contentious even at it’s federation. To try and point your fingers elsewhere and say but what about...Is really irrelevant. Those what abouts did not affect us.

There was also some peculiarly evil and brutal about our system, and that was tying race into it, and that in order to justify it’s continuity, that race had defined as brutish, inferior, incapable of managing it’s own destiny. That is even after its abolition, those racist barriers remained. There is a very good book I record book I read, on the founding of America’s and it’s history not as one nation really but a collection of culturally different rival nations, thrust together.

American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it, it is a good read, and you will find yourself thinking as you read...well no wonder we don’t get along :lol:

Our peculiar form of slavery came from the British immigrants from Barbados, who immigrated from the sugar plantations to the Deep South, to set themselves up as aristocracy. They weren’t about to let go of slavery, their lifestyle depended on it And it’s continuity depended upon creating the story of racIam inferiority That persists today.

The myth that the USA was created on the backs of slaves is another problem. What made America America was the industrial might of the North.

The slave states lost because they couldn't produce. That is another lie being promulgated.

That being said, the rioters are getting a taste for blood. They have already assassinated a black Trump supporter with nary a peep from the MSM.

Add to that the attacks on cops and if I were living in those shitholes I would be armed at all times whether it's legal or not.

The politicians have basically said you are on your own.

Actually it's in the news but it's not as you guys portray it. He was killed, he was I think homeless, he supported Trump on one side of his placard and a Demo on the other. There is zero evidence he was assassinated or that they even know who did it. For all you know he could have been assassinated for supporting a Dem.

He was shot in the head. That's an assassination. Further he was a well known Trump supporter. No Dem supporter I know of has been shot. Can you think of one?

The dead guy had an AK. The dead guy shot it five times. I heard the shots on the video, and as I too own an AK I am very familiar with how they sound.

So, he played a stupid game, and won a stupid prize. Not smart people lose their minds when part of a mob. This is well known psychology.

So why are you supporting letting the mob go crazy. Do you want murders to happen?

Because I guarantee you that they will.
I'm missing when it became okay to threaten someone with a rifle because they honked at you for illegally impeding their travel.

Sure...why not? According to some here it's perfectly fine to wave your rifle around and threaten people.


My husband taught me how to shoot years ago. One of the main rules was you don't ever point it at someone unless you intend to shoot.

Do you not understand the difference between the two cases?
Some of them are surprisingly well-armed: AR's and AK's, Glocks, and body armor.

the arms race is on

thats why liberals who claim to be for peace should put a end to these nightly riots before it goes too far

It looks that way.

View attachment 367645
Promoting terrorism?

not me .... but .... are you on the side of domestic terrorists waving AK47s on the faces of innocent drivers?

That is really kind of funny because normally you all would have no problem and defending the guy with a gun. If you REALLY had a problem with you would have spoken up when armed protesters forced their way into Michigan Statehouse.
that's really funny cause normally you bitch endlessly at the ones with the guns..

apply these things to yourself please.
Says Mr. Hypocrite.

I think it is stupid to carry a gun in a protest, but he didn’t shoot it. The other guy did and some one else in the crowd fired back Mr. Expert.

Go back and listen to the APD briefing. He pointed the AK at the driver. That in itself is reasonable and legal grounds for the use of deadly force.
Hmmm....then someone should have shot the McCloskey’s in St. Louis.

The driver was reported by witnesses as accelerating into the crowd.
under missouri law the mccloskys had every right to shoot the rioters,,,,
They pointed guns at people passing, no riot was occurring. That, according to you, gives some the right to shoot them. Or do you pick and choose?

Does a guy have the right to point his gun at
a car driving into a crowd?

Not if there are people in the line of fire and he's a lousy shot.. Obviously, that's the case here.

If you're trapped on a highway with a massive protest and folks in the crowd are ARMED, then it's time to take your gun out of the holster.. That's what it's there for...

At this point the police are requesting more information - there isn't certainty, given conflicting witness accounts as to the timing of who did what exactly (except the dead guy did not fire his rifle).

IMO - people got scared, and things went out of control.

Really ?

Someone comes at your surrounded car with a rifle and you got scarred.

Who would have thought.
I'm missing when it became okay to threaten someone with a rifle because they honked at you for illegally impeding their travel.

Sure...why not? According to some here it's perfectly fine to wave your rifle around and threaten people.


My husband taught me how to shoot years ago. One of the main rules was you don't ever point it at someone unless you intend to shoot.

Do you not understand the difference between the two cases?
I was always taught never pull the weapon until you're ready to use it.
I think that was sound advice.
I'm missing when it became okay to threaten someone with a rifle because they honked at you for illegally impeding their travel.

Sure...why not? According to some here it's perfectly fine to wave your rifle around and threaten people.


My husband taught me how to shoot years ago. One of the main rules was you don't ever point it at someone unless you intend to shoot.

Do you not understand the difference between the two cases?
I was always taught never pull the weapon until you're ready to use it.
I think that was sound advice.

I was always taught you don't pull your weapon if you are unwilling to use it.

It's essentially bluffing and when your bluff gets called, you are dead or on your way to the ER.
I'm missing when it became okay to threaten someone with a rifle because they honked at you for illegally impeding their travel.

Sure...why not? According to some here it's perfectly fine to wave your rifle around and threaten people.


My husband taught me how to shoot years ago. One of the main rules was you don't ever point it at someone unless you intend to shoot.

Do you not understand the difference between the two cases?
I was always taught never pull the weapon until you're ready to use it.
I think that was sound advice.

Pretty much what I learned - keep it pointed down.
I'm missing when it became okay to threaten someone with a rifle because they honked at you for illegally impeding their travel.

Sure...why not? According to some here it's perfectly fine to wave your rifle around and threaten people.


My husband taught me how to shoot years ago. One of the main rules was you don't ever point it at someone unless you intend to shoot.

Do you not understand the difference between the two cases?
I was always taught never pull the weapon until you're ready to use it.
I think that was sound advice.

I was always taught you don't pull your weapon if you are unwilling to use it.

It's essentially bluffing and when your bluff gets called, you are dead or on your way to the ER.
Same here. Don't bluff, if you pull it, you use it.
Plenty of people at that time recognized evil for what it is.
Yes, and many others didnt

slavery was a practice in virtually every society around the world

and older than any living American at the time

yes most white Americans looked down on black people as inferior

and if you look you can still find that attitude in China or Japan today

or India where darker Indians are looked down on by lighter Indians

old habits are habits to break, but America worked harder at it than almost anyplace else on earth

and this hate for American history coming from the left today is unjustified and harmful to every living American

Placing the issue of slavery within it's proper context and place in our history is no "hate for American history" - what's hateful is white-washing it.
What's hateful is constantly attacking other views.
Not sure what you mean in this context. Slavery was an integral part of our nations history, heritage and economy. Pretending that the Civil War had little to do with slavery is something of a postwar construction. You can’t dissect slavery from it any more then you can untangle it from the confederate flag.

What is things like this textbook they attempted to use in Texas...referring to slaves as immigrant workers.

Not what I meant.

In any event, there were many forms of slavery and slave owners. Are we going to be able to discuss sll of it, or just the sections chosen and ignore the rest?

Given how the left is busy tearing down history, forgive me if I fail to care about how they feel about textbooks.

Here is the problem as I see it. You are trying to say they are all morally equivalent, and they aren’t. Indentured servitude was not the same as black slavery in the U.S.

Slavery is slavery. Blacks owned slaves, native Americans owned slaves. Slavery is an institution that existed from the beginning of time. To ignore the fact that right now the ONLY active slave trade is in Africa today, renders the current hyperbolic assertions by the woke left ridiculous.

Slavery here, is discussed in relation to our country, our history, and impact it had on us for decades after. The fact that it existed elsewhere, while horrible, is irrelevant. It was integral to the formation and contentious even at it’s federation. To try and point your fingers elsewhere and say but what about...Is really irrelevant. Those what abouts did not affect us.

There was also some peculiarly evil and brutal about our system, and that was tying race into it, and that in order to justify it’s continuity, that race had defined as brutish, inferior, incapable of managing it’s own destiny. That is even after its abolition, those racist barriers remained. There is a very good book I record book I read, on the founding of America’s and it’s history not as one nation really but a collection of culturally different rival nations, thrust together.

American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it, it is a good read, and you will find yourself thinking as you read...well no wonder we don’t get along :lol:

Our peculiar form of slavery came from the British immigrants from Barbados, who immigrated from the sugar plantations to the Deep South, to set themselves up as aristocracy. They weren’t about to let go of slavery, their lifestyle depended on it And it’s continuity depended upon creating the story of racIam inferiority That persists today.

The myth that the USA was created on the backs of slaves is another problem. What made America America was the industrial might of the North.

The slave states lost because they couldn't produce. That is another lie being promulgated.

That being said, the rioters are getting a taste for blood. They have already assassinated a black Trump supporter with nary a peep from the MSM.

Add to that the attacks on cops and if I were living in those shitholes I would be armed at all times whether it's legal or not.

The politicians have basically said you are on your own.

Actually it's in the news but it's not as you guys portray it. He was killed, he was I think homeless, he supported Trump on one side of his placard and a Demo on the other. There is zero evidence he was assassinated or that they even know who did it. For all you know he could have been assassinated for supporting a Dem.

He was shot in the head. That's an assassination. Further he was a well known Trump supporter. No Dem supporter I know of has been shot. Can you think of one?

The dead guy had an AK. The dead guy shot it five times. I heard the shots on the video, and as I too own an AK I am very familiar with how they sound.

So, he played a stupid game, and won a stupid prize. Not smart people lose their minds when part of a mob. This is well known psychology.

So why are you supporting letting the mob go crazy. Do you want murders to happen?

Because I guarantee you that they will.

According to the police the dead guy never fired his gun. That was stated.
(except the dead guy did not fire his rifle).

You STLL have your "dead guys" mixed up... The OP dead guy definitely did.. Colorado was a highway in the daytime.. The Texas (Austin?) shooting was at night on a city street... BOTH carried AK-47s.. Like I said, the rifle of choice for resistance members and revolutionaries.. Like Westwall... :poke:
As of an hour ago...

Garrett Foster was pushing his fiancée's wheelchair at the protest when a car drove into the crowd, his mother Sheila Foster told US media.
As demonstrators approached the car, someone inside the vehicle opened fire on the group.
Mr Foster was taken to hospital, but was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. Police have arrested a suspect.

This does not sound like what the OP is presenting.
I just watched a video of the shooting.,car honks, 5 AK shots are fired, a second or 2 later 3 pistol shots fired back.

are you really on the side of violence?

Are you?

Rather than go by a keyboard “expert”, I will wait on the police to give information. Witnesses have said the car accelerated into the crowd. The dead man was legally licensed to carry And had been participating in the demonstrations for 50 days. We do not yet know much about the shooter. you have any facts to add?

There's a police statement right in the article.. Not accelerating much with a flat tire.. And you don't get a license to carry a rifle.. The moron shot into a crowd.. The guy in the car had MUCH better training.. What else ya want to know???

The OP article said nothing about a flat tire nor did it include a police statement.

He can still be legally licensed to carry a hand gun and carry a rifle. His rifle was never fired, much less fired into a crowd.

The man firing from the car was firing into a crowd.

Anything else you missed?

Post #11.. Gateway Pundit link. Has a statement from Aurora police.. Also in the linked Twit vid, the car CLEARLY has a flat front left tire.. Maybe others..

The AK-47 was CLEARLY fired.. What does "much" mean with a semi-auto? You can count the number of rounds from audio in the Twit vid..

You doing the Fandango here as much as anyone else on this.. Except, you missed a lot from the first 2 pages...

Witnesses and police say that the motorist fired on Foster after he approached the vehicle, and that Foster did not fire his weapon — but there are conflicting reports about whether or not Foster did anything to threaten the driver.

Police believe two people fired weapons, though police clarified Mr Foster did not fire his rifle.

Wrong shooting.. Check the OP...
(except the dead guy did not fire his rifle).

You STLL have your "dead guys" mixed up... The OP dead guy definitely did.. Colorado was a highway in the daytime.. The Texas (Austin?) shooting was at night on a city street... BOTH carried AK-47s.. Like I said, the rifle of choice for resistance members and revolutionaries.. Like Westwall... :poke:

Uhhhh no....I think I have the right corpses here. I linked to the police remarks on the Austin victim. His gun, AK-47, was not shot. He is the guy in the OP.

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