Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Trayvon Martin Case: Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Wanna bet the rw's will be just fine with this? Wanna bet they'll say that somebody deserves a bunch of neo-nazi's strutting around with guns, threatening blacks who dare to walk to the convenience store to buy - OMG, HOW DARE THEY! - candy and ice tea.

Why don't people see where this is heading?

How many scum bags out there figure that if Zimmerman could get away with it, they can too?

All they have to do is say they felt threatened by the person (of color) they followed, stalked, chased and killed.

This was a Huff Post article. There intent is to make the Neo Nazis look as bad as possible. If that's all they got; basically a guy saying we're here to protect people from race vigilantes then no, I don't have a problem with it.
I don't care much for those people but I haven't seen many of them in Flash Mobs across the country, just blacks...sure beats murdering, robbing and raping people in huge numbers which is what blacks all over the world do. I would feel safer around the guys you posted then a bunch of Crips or Black Panthers.
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i don't care much for those people but i haven't seen many of them in flash mobs across the country...sure beats murdering, robbing and raping people in huge numbers which is what blacks all over the world do. I would feel safer around the guys you posted then a bunch of crips or black panthers.

thats always the way your kind defends itself by pointing out something equally bad on what in they perceive as the other side
i don't care much for those people but i haven't seen many of them in flash mobs across the country...sure beats murdering, robbing and raping people in huge numbers which is what blacks all over the world do. I would feel safer around the guys you posted then a bunch of crips or black panthers.

thats always the way your kind defends itself by pointing out something equally bad on what in they perceive as the other side

LOL, my kind. What is that? Oh, you mean people who will straight talk you.
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i don't care much for those people but i haven't seen many of them in flash mobs across the country...sure beats murdering, robbing and raping people in huge numbers which is what blacks all over the world do. I would feel safer around the guys you posted then a bunch of crips or black panthers.

thats always the way your kind defends itself by pointing out something equally bad on what in they perceive as the other side

Al Sharpton is not a perception dude. He is there with bullhorn in hand.
Take off the shades and see some facts.
Tawana Brawley ring a bell?
Trayvon Martin Case: Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Wanna bet the rw's will be just fine with this? Wanna bet they'll say that somebody deserves a bunch of neo-nazi's strutting around with guns, threatening blacks who dare to walk to the convenience store to buy - OMG, HOW DARE THEY! - candy and ice tea.

Why don't people see where this is heading?

How many scum bags out there figure that if Zimmerman could get away with it, they can too?

All they have to do is say they felt threatened by the person (of color) they followed, stalked, chased and killed.

This was a Huff Post article. There intent is to make the Neo Nazis look as bad as possible. If that's all they got; basically a guy saying we're here to protect people from race vigilantes then no, I don't have a problem with it.
Actually, the "Huff Post" refers you to this site.
Armed Neo-Nazis Now Patrolling Sanford, Say They Are "Prepared" For Post-Trayvon Martin Violence - Miami News - Riptide 2.0

The patrols are to protect "white citizens in the area who are concerned for their safety" in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting last month
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You don't mind the left exercising their first amendment rights by lying and fabricating information on Zimmerman. You don't mind Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton race baiting and arranging riots if they don't get their way, but let some white guys do the same and all of a sudden we have a problem.

It is simple really if they are breaking the law arrest them. Otherwise they have as much right to protest , counter protest or "patrol" as everyone else.

And this has nothing to do with the right wing anything.

A few Aryan Nation wannabes; it is to be hoped they scatter like the roaches they are when the police get near them.

The problem really is that left wing twits label everyone who disagrees with them as 'extremists', 'neo-nazis', yadda, yadda, yadda.

Personally, since the OP link is to a blog, I will dismiss it as crap.... blogs are not often produced with the same journalistic standards as we used to value. I say 'used to' because the MSM seems to prefer no standards these days.
That's Right, the "original intent" of the Constitution only allows the Right to label everyone who disagrees with them as "Radicals," "Marxists," "Socialists," yadda, yadda, yadda.
i don't care much for those people but i haven't seen many of them in flash mobs across the country...sure beats murdering, robbing and raping people in huge numbers which is what blacks all over the world do. I would feel safer around the guys you posted then a bunch of crips or black panthers.

thats always the way your kind defends itself by pointing out something equally bad on what in they perceive as the other side
You got that right. Two wrongs makes The Right.

To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.
i don't care much for those people but i haven't seen many of them in flash mobs across the country...sure beats murdering, robbing and raping people in huge numbers which is what blacks all over the world do. I would feel safer around the guys you posted then a bunch of crips or black panthers.

thats always the way your kind defends itself by pointing out something equally bad on what in they perceive as the other side
You got that right. Two wrongs makes The Right.

To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.

As the Left never lets a good crisis go to waste. It doesn't matter to the Left who the Left long as they can try and advance their evil agenda. At least in this situation the correct guy is dead.
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A race war? Seriously? Some of you chicken littles are just too stupid for your own good. There's not gonna be a race war and the only people talking about one are the people advocating for one. I know that it's hard for most people to believe, but the black thugs and criminals make up way less that 10 percent of the black population. Therefore, the rest of us black [insert racial epithet here] would be giddy to get rid of the criminal element of our race and all of you race war fools too. Thank God every state doesn't have Stand Your Ground laws.
They are apparently only in solidarity with those who don't want to get their heads bashed in because they are not black.

Why is it that black people can have the New Black Panthers, mexicans can have the Brown Berets but whites can't even defend themselves?

Should there be an armed patrol to protect white people? Of course not. Every white in Sanford should be wearing a side arm and carry a rifle instead.

You mean all three guys?
The problem really is that left wing twits label everyone who disagrees with them as 'extremists', 'neo-nazis', yadda, yadda, yadda.

Which is, of course, different from the right wing twits who label everyone who disagrees with them as 'extremists,' 'terrorists,' 'marxist,' 'fascist,' 'socialist,' 'communist,' yadda, yadda, yadda. What makes it different, is that when the right wing twits do it, they usually have the decency to affix a qualifier, such as 'fuck,' 'bitch,' 'slut,' or 'dick.'

But the right don't. That's the point.

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