Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Sanford police have no indication of ANY neo-nazis, in fact the only gathering of any sort that they are aware of is that for the annual Easter egg hunt.

So, what's this bulllshit?
First of all, Sanford police report no gatherings of any sort other than an Easter egg hunt.

So, what is this bullshit?

Secondly, what is the difference between these alleged neo-nazis and Sharpton and the New Black Panthers?
Trayvon Martin Case: Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Wanna bet the rw's will be just fine with this? Wanna bet they'll say that somebody deserves a bunch of neo-nazi's strutting around with guns, threatening blacks who dare to walk to the convenience store to buy - OMG, HOW DARE THEY! - candy and ice tea.

Why don't people see where this is heading?

How many scum bags out there figure that if Zimmerman could get away with it, they can too?

All they have to do is say they felt threatened by the person (of color) they followed, stalked, chased and killed.

You have got to be joking. Until you learn some basic knowledge of the law stand your ground do us a favor shut the fuck up.
i don't care much for those people but i haven't seen many of them in flash mobs across the country...sure beats murdering, robbing and raping people in huge numbers which is what blacks all over the world do. I would feel safer around the guys you posted then a bunch of crips or black panthers.

thats always the way your kind defends itself by pointing out something equally bad on what in they perceive as the other side

Al Sharpton is not a perception dude. He is there with bullhorn in hand.
Take off the shades and see some facts.
Tawana Brawley ring a bell?

Hell if Sharpton could swing black on black crime as a race issue he would assuredly try.
I bet these skinheads have a fed in their ranks, high up in their ranks. And the NBPP has too. There are other black militant groups all over the country and they don't like all the attention of the media, same with most of the white militants. I can't help but suspect these are frauds trotted out for the media with all the agitation they have engaged in to boost their ratings. But even if my theory isn't the case, the media is still to blame for any racial violence and should be held accountable.
A few Aryan Nation wannabes; it is to be hoped they scatter like the roaches they are when the police get near them.

The problem really is that left wing twits label everyone who disagrees with them as 'extremists', 'neo-nazis', yadda, yadda, yadda.

Personally, since the OP link is to a blog, I will dismiss it as crap.... blogs are not often produced with the same journalistic standards as we used to value. I say 'used to' because the MSM seems to prefer no standards these days.

BOTH the NBP & the NSM are hate groups. Right or left does not apply to these media lowlifes.

Any who condemns the one without condeming the other hangs his nonsense out.

Good post.
Media could report that the Klan was in Sanford lynching blacks every 5 minutes and folks here would believe it.
And then claim that was the "evidence" they based their opinion on.
Media could report that the Klan was in Sanford lynching blacks every 5 minutes and folks here would believe it.
And then claim that was the "evidence" they based their opinion on.

Sonwe are spamming now?

You believed the "He is black. He is up to no good"
Took it hook, line and sinker and claimed that was "evidence".
When it was fabricated from the word go.
Well Imagine that!!
thats always the way your kind defends itself by pointing out something equally bad on what in they perceive as the other side
You got that right. Two wrongs makes The Right.

To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.

As the Left never lets a good crisis go to waste. It doesn't matter to the Left who the Left long as they can try and advance their evil agenda. At least in this situation the correct guy is dead.

I have a serious problem with you saying that ANYONE being dead in this situation is correct. The sad thing about what happened in Sanford is that it was so unnecessary. This isn't about "Stand Your Ground"...this isn't about racism...this is about the inability of two human beings to communicate with each other to prevent a conflict. I don't see Trayvon Martin as a saint or a martyr...I see him as a young man who "may" have reacted to questions in a physical manner. I don't see George Zimmerman as a hero or a racist killer...I see him as someone who cared about his community so much that he found himself in a position where this tragedy could take place.

What offends me is how people are trying to use this incident to bolster their polical point of view. That goes for extremists from both sides of the political spectrum...the New Black Panther Party and the Neo-Nazis. From all accounts, Sanford is a nice town to live in for blacks, whites and Hispanics. George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin have become "cannon fodder" in a battle much bigger than each of them. One is dead because of what happened that night and the other is most likely going to have his life ruined. How is it that a half Hispanic Democrat finds himself on the Left's "most wanted" list...the poster child for right wing extremism? Does that make ANY sense to anyone?
You got that right. Two wrongs makes The Right.

To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.

As the Left never lets a good crisis go to waste. It doesn't matter to the Left who the Left long as they can try and advance their evil agenda. At least in this situation the correct guy is dead.

I have a serious problem with you saying that ANYONE being dead in this situation is correct. The sad thing about what happened in Sanford is that it was so unnecessary. This isn't about "Stand Your Ground"...this isn't about racism...this is about the inability of two human beings to communicate with each other to prevent a conflict. I don't see Trayvon Martin as a saint or a martyr...I see him as a young man who "may" have reacted to questions in a physical manner. I don't see George Zimmerman as a hero or a racist killer...I see him as someone who cared about his community so much that he found himself in a position where this tragedy could take place.

What offends me is how people are trying to use this incident to bolster their polical point of view. That goes for extremists from both sides of the political spectrum...the New Black Panther Party and the Neo-Nazis. From all accounts, Sanford is a nice town to live in for blacks, whites and Hispanics. George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin have become "cannon fodder" in a battle much bigger than each of them. One is dead because of what happened that night and the other is most likely going to have his life ruined. How is it that a half Hispanic Democrat finds himself on the Left's "most wanted" list...the poster child for right wing extremism? Does that make ANY sense to anyone?

Left wing national media started it and put Zimmerman where he is.
And the race pimps followed suit.
Then came the New Black Panthers with their threats.
And NO ONE did a damn thing to stand up to these bullies.
Until we showed up, the unbiased moderate conservatives.
WE have held all sides accountable where all of the above DO NOT hold anyone accountable unless they ARE WHITE.
Pure and simple.
Holder will probably arrest them like he did with the Black Panthers. Oh wait, he didn't arrest the Black Panthers. Nevermind.
GZ, when he got out of the car and pursued, despite being ordered not to do so by the dispatcher, became a stalker. He can't hide behind the law. The grand jury will indict him by Tuesday.
GZ, when he got out of the car and pursued, despite being ordered not to do so by the dispatcher, became a stalker. He can't hide behind the law. The grand jury will indict him by Tuesday.

And here we have Jake Starkey. He stopped following when told he did not have to do that. but you knew that already didn't you?
He was "ordered" not to pursue? I haven't seen this. I know it was said that they didn't need him to follow the person we now know to be Martin. Just so we're clear... Suggestions from a 911 operator, who is frequently, but not always, not even a sworn law enforcement officer, should now be construed as "orders."

Good to know.
He was "ordered" not to pursue? I haven't seen this. I know it was said that they didn't need him to follow the person we now know to be Martin. Just so we're clear... Suggestions from a 911 operator, who is frequently, but not always, not even a sworn law enforcement officer, should now be construed as "orders."

Good to know.

Yes you are correct according to the city manger of Sanford.

If Zimmerman was told not to continue to follow Trayvon, can that be
considered in this investigation?
Yes it will; however, the telecommunications call taker asked Zimmerman “are you
following him”. Zimmerman replied, “yes”. The call taker stated “you don’t need to do
that”. The call taker’s suggestion is not a lawful order that Mr. Zimmerman would be
required to follow. Zimmerman’s statement was that he had lost sight of Trayvon and
was returning to his truck to meet the police officer when he says he was attacked by
GZ, when he got out of the car and pursued, despite being ordered not to do so by the dispatcher, became a stalker. He can't hide behind the law. The grand jury will indict him by Tuesday.

And here we have Jake Starkey. He stopped following when told he did not have to do that. but you knew that already didn't you?

GZ created the scenario of stalking and threatening, and TM jumped on him. Under the state law one has the right to defend himself against a stalker, and that is what happened, isn't it? GZ killed a man in the pursuit of unlawful activity. It will go hard for him. But not as hard for TM.
GZ, when he got out of the car and pursued, despite being ordered not to do so by the dispatcher, became a stalker. He can't hide behind the law. The grand jury will indict him by Tuesday.

And here we have Jake Starkey. He stopped following when told he did not have to do that. but you knew that already didn't you?

GZ created the scenario of stalking and threatening, and TM jumped on him. Under the state law one has the right to defend himself against a stalker, and that is what happened, isn't it? GZ killed a man in the pursuit of unlawful activity. It will go hard for him. But not as hard for TM.
(OH and by the way his name is Trayvon Martin no TM if you're going to be part od the dscussion at least spell the boy's name right)
Yes they do, but when Trayvon ran away and was out of the perceived danger area and came back He was no longer protected by the stand your ground law.

GZ killed a man in the pursuit of unlawful activity.
Care to site the Florida statute that says what Zimmerman did was unlawful?
TM is acceptable, GZ is acceptable, your nonsense is not. The grand jury is going to disagree with your analysis. The grand jury will give you the cite on how GZ broke the law.

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