Armed Pro Trump terrorist threatened to kill democrats and restore Trump as “President King”

The guy was handed almost as if a Key to the city a Pass.
Took awhile for him to get located and sat down for an
interrogation.But was not jailed or made a fuss over.
He was only right there in spitting distance when
Ashli Babbett was shot and fell to the floor.
Another example of outright Deep State's Two Tier use of
ashti boobert is an example of breaking the law and not following police orders.
See that's your problem, you don't know the definition of fascist or fascism. I'm thinking you don't know the definition of other political structures either.
Government control of the economy is fascism who wants the government to control the economy?
See that's your problem, you don't know the definition of fascist or fascism. I'm thinking you don't know the definition of other political structures either.
So does Fascism reguire structure.? Like the way the world-renown
Fascist { Benito Mussolini } made sure Italy's trains run on time.
Order,Hierarchy,Discipline { party slogan }
Government control of the economy is fascism who wants the government to control the economy?
Dude, several political structures have government control of the economy...have heard of them or did someone spoon feed you the fascism crap?

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race
ashti boobert is an example of breaking the law and not following police orders.
Um ... dint you git the memo.Some January 6th Protesters were actually
ushered-in by Capitol cops as if no biggie ... Just to look around.
Which they did.Tucker Carlson played video { like 6 months later }
of groups of people inside the Rotunda casually walking around as
if in a museum.Obvioulsy there were at least two groups of people
inside the Capitol that afternoon.Those who wanted to go and see
how Government works when in session and those who felt like
storming in { breaking a window and charging a door } to instigate
trouble.Obviously some were undoubtedly Provocateurs { possibly
members of the Deep State }.
Not one Firearm was seen in the Capitol and only one shot was
fired { the one killing Babbett }. Yet just days ago a Democrat Pol
maintained that 5 were killed that day.Flat out lie.
Plus why on earth was Capitol Cop { Brian Sicknick } afforded
a State Funeral.Because this was used to make the case that Trump
was mounting a Coup { An Insurrection }.
Name for us any Insurrection in American history where not one
firearm was used or collected.
Um ... dint you git the memo.Some January 6th Protesters were actually
ushered-in by Capitol cops as if no biggie ... Just to look around.
Which they did.Tucker Carlson played video { like 6 months later }
of groups of people inside the Rotunda casually walking around as
if in a museum.Obvioulsy there were at least two groups of people
inside the Capitol that afternoon.Those who wanted to go and see
how Government works when in session and those who felt like
storming in { breaking a window and charging a door } to instigate
trouble.Obviously some were undoubtedly Provocateurs { possibly
members of the Deep State }.
Not one Firearm was seen in the Capitol and only one shot was
fired { the one killing Babbett }. Yet just days ago a Democrat Pol
maintained that 5 were killed that day.Flat out lie.
Plus why on earth was Capitol Cop { Brian Sicknick } afforded
a State Funeral.Because this was used to make the case that Trump
was mounting a Coup { An Insurrection }.
Name for us any Insurrection in American history where not one
firearm was used or collected.
Dude, the rioters outside were there to make sure that Mike Pence did what the former 1-term president wanted. Which was to block the election certification, so the orange fuckup could declare victory.
Government control of the economy is fascism who wants the government to control the economy?
Stalins Russia.Hitler's Germany.Castro's Cuba.
Mao's China ?
Democracy + Private Ownership = Capiltalism
Democracy + Public Ownership = Socialism
Dictatorship + Private Ownership = Fascism
Dictatorship + Public Ownership = Communism
Stalins Russia.Hitler's Germany.Castro's Cuba.
Mao's China ?
Democracy + Private Ownership = Capiltalism
Democracy + Public Ownership = Socialism
Dictatorship + Private Ownership = Fascism
Dictatorship + Public Ownership = Communism
Who wants government control of the economy? Democrats
And show me the word democracy in the constitution?
Who wants government control of the economy? Democrats
And show me the word democracy in the constitution?
Okay, how do the Democrats want to control the economy? Will need specific policy proposals.

We are a representative republic in which we elect our leaders which makes us a Democracy.
Dude, the rioters outside were there to make sure that Mike Pence did what the former 1-term president wanted. Which was to block the election certification, so the orange fuckup could declare victory.
So you know precisely what the " Rioters " were there for on that
afternoon.You have the Marching orders form Herr Trump to that effect.
Name for us how many Democrats voiced concern over Trump's 2016
Victory..Quite a few Pols.Plus on the day of Trump's Inauguration there
were huge Riots { Activists in Black clothing and masks throwing rocks
and bottles at officers wearing riot gear.Multiple vehicles were set on
fire.217 people were arested.
Did Trump and the GOP throw conniption fits,
Hell No fuckwad.It's a Democrat thing.Like in 1968 Chicago.
Like in Ferguson.Or Baltimore { Freddie Gray riots }
Everything the leftist touches gets burnt.
Okay, how do the Democrats want to control the economy? Will need specific policy proposals.

We are a representative republic in which we elect our leaders which makes us a Democracy.
Jo Biden is trying to control the economy Obama controlled the auto industry and healthcare industry, Biden controls the energy industry and anything else Obama was controlling
Who wants government control of the economy? Democrats
And show me the word democracy in the constitution?
The Founders specifically intended for a Republic.

" The republican is the only form or government which
is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of man."
- Thomas Jefferson { March 1790 }
Jo Biden is trying to control the economy Obama controlled the auto industry and healthcare industry, Biden controls the energy industry and anything else Obama was controlling
How did President Obama control the auto industry? Or healthcare?

The rest is just young boi blah blah blah.
Obama fired the CEO of GM.
Obamacare took control of a large portion of the healthcare industry.
Dude, having a CEO fired is not taking over the company or the economy by extension.

The PPACA required people to buy private insurance, how is that taking control of the HC industry or the economy by extension?
Dude, having a CEO fired is not taking over the company or the economy by extension.

The PPACA required people to buy private insurance, how is that taking control of the HC industry or the economy by extension?
That is the dumbest post I've read in a while. How did Obama get the power and authority to fire the cei without having control of that company?
When you require someone to do something you control it
That is the dumbest post I've read in a while. How did Obama get the power and authority to fire the cei without having control of that company?
When you require someone to do something you control it
GM was presented with an option by the government to save the company. The board of directors fired the CEO and GM received loans in exchange.

GM repaid the loans and the exchange was done. At no time did the government control of any operations or decisions io the company.

Unlike QOP government which wants to control businesses decisions on many social issues. Looking at you #deathsantis.
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