Armed Pro Trump terrorist threatened to kill democrats and restore Trump as “President King”

Not a problem. You MAGAs are in a constant state of confusion. Nothing new or unexpected about that.
DEMORATS are so stupid they can’t even detect sarcasm. Not a problem. Notice you have nothing to say about the above incident. How typical 👍
DEMORATS are so stupid they can’t even detect sarcasm. Not a problem. Notice you have nothing to say about the above incident. How typical 👍
Sarcasm, or just dumb? You need to conquer the skills needed for normal conversation before you try sarcasm.
Right. The nutbags realized teachers, as a group, were moving away from the crazy right wing, so you cult decided to trash them. That's exactly what happened when the right decided they needed to discredit the unions.
So finally your words prove you are actually crazy. Teacher's moving away from the right in order to teach crazyness, ummm is not moving away from anything but normal thinking human beings, and then they're willfully embracing woke degenerate culture that is definitely fitting the definition of being crazier people these days.

So how do you teach woke crazy people ? By being even crazier than they are that's how I guess, otherwise the teachers undoubtedly have come to rationalize (these woke teachers have), within their adopted crazy thinking that they are still normal.

They are attempting to match the environment created around them within the multi-culture's, yet certain cultural wants does not fit the definition of being rational minded anymore, and it is instead the definition of being irrational among other things as well.
Sarcasm, or just dumb? You need to conquer the skills needed for normal conversation before you try sarcasm.
You’re the one who’s incredibly stupid. You seriously thought I was referring to the Judge. Forgot, you’re a DEMORAT
Right. The nutbags realized teachers, as a group, were moving away from the crazy right wing, so you cult decided to trash them. That's exactly what happened when the right decided they needed to discredit the unions.
Must be why parents are going to charter schools, in record numbers, due to the quality education provided by public teacher unions.
These far-right wing nuts are your buddies not mine.
So then Trump and MAGA DINT do america proud.
I supposed along those disingenous piles of steaming crap
Trump also DINT have overflow crowds at most his Rally's.
TO THIS DAY.Or did he.
See you steaming piles of feces aren't sane.What you say and
plead makes no sense.Forget not adding up.
It's a mere version of the Old Dadaism days.Pervert the senses
and use art and movements to make life as surreal as possible.
Twisted,disjointed as if no one the wiser.
In a nutshell it's like going inside a mental institution and
watching how insanity operates.People starring off into space.
Mumbling incoherently.Staring at others as if wild-eyed sadist
waiting for a suitable victim.More mumbling with faces that are
twisted with hours and hours of face-making.Some drooling and
appearing to wet their pants.
Those are examples of what Democrats will eventually look and
act like.Meaning there's a downsize to acting and talking nutty.
I'm sure most good moms warned about that to their kids.
Stop making faces ... Billy.You may end up like that permanently.
But Mommy ... the teach said it's ok at school yesterday.
Well Billy ... What did the teach say today at school.Oh! she was
off from school today.At some kind of special doctors appointment.
How come Billy.Well Mom, from what some of the students learned
it has something to do with her face.It's been known to act up.
Even when at home.
Must be why parents are going to charter schools, in record numbers, due to the quality education provided by public teacher unions.
Define " quality ".Like in the late 50's and mom's got used to
meats that weren't even Select but standard.Furgit about
Choice or Prime.So out came Mom's trusty heavy meat grinder
because no one watches Mom when she trims the beef.
Same dilemna faces Yale and Harvard.With huge endowments.
But turning out the worst of college educated students.
Example being Obama.He got chosen to be the President of the
once prodigious Harvard Law review.As President he never submitted
his own Law review.Excuse used ... he was far too busy Editing other's
Law review.
Same crap with Public Education.It's far too busy pushing radical
political agendas to have concern for the 3 R's.
Reading,'riting,'rithmetic .
So then Trump and MAGA DINT do america proud.
I supposed along those disingenous piles of steaming crap
Trump also DINT have overflow crowds at most his Rally's.
TO THIS DAY.Or did he.
See you steaming piles of feces aren't sane.What you say and
plead makes no sense.Forget not adding up.
It's a mere version of the Old Dadaism days.Pervert the senses
and use art and movements to make life as surreal as possible.
Twisted,disjointed as if no one the wiser.
In a nutshell it's like going inside a mental institution and
watching how insanity operates.People starring off into space.
Mumbling incoherently.Staring at others as if wild-eyed sadist
waiting for a suitable victim.More mumbling with faces that are
twisted with hours and hours of face-making.Some drooling and
appearing to wet their pants.
Those are examples of what Democrats will eventually look and
act like.Meaning there's a downsize to acting and talking nutty.
I'm sure most good moms warned about that to their kids.
Stop making faces ... Billy.You may end up like that permanently.
But Mommy ... the teach said it's ok at school yesterday.
Well Billy ... What did the teach say today at school.Oh! she was
off from school today.At some kind of special doctors appointment.
How come Billy.Well Mom, from what some of the students learned
it has something to do with her face.It's been known to act up.
Even when at home.
You think lots of people at a rally means the country supports trump. If crowd size was the determining factor, The Eagles would be our president.
You simply don't know U.S. history and the laws concerning the Constitution and other state and federal laws to be making these unfounded claims.

Trump in fact sought to use fake electors in an effort to overturn a perfectly fair, accurate, lawful, and Constitutional election:

‘The dozens of emails among people connected to the Trump campaign, outside advisers and close associates of Mr. Trump show a particular focus on assembling lists of people who would claim — with no basis — to be Electoral College electors on his behalf in battleground states that he had lost.

In emails reviewed by The New York Times and authenticated by people who had worked with the Trump campaign at the time, one lawyer involved in the detailed discussions repeatedly used the word “fake” to refer to the so-called electors, who were intended to provide Vice President Mike Pence and Mr. Trump’s allies in Congress a rationale for derailing the congressional process of certifying the outcome. And lawyers working on the proposal made clear they knew that the pro-Trump electors they were putting forward might not hold up to legal scrutiny.’

You think lots of people at a rally means the country supports trump. If crowd size was the determining factor, The Eagles would be our president.
' people.......not doom and gloom demos.


But crowd size isn't the determining factor, political activity is.
You mean as in how many actually go vote instead of just going to rallys, and putting stickers on their car, and being MAGA Karens? Sounds like you're finally catching on. Crowd size doesn't mean much.
You mean as in how many actually go vote instead of just going to rallys, and putting stickers on their car, and being MAGA Karens? Sounds like you're finally catching on. Crowd size doesn't mean much.
Don't talk about putting stickers on a car, because leftist climate fanatic's along with them being into everything else fanatic's "wins" the grand prize for putting sticker's on their little car's. They go through fads or trend's that add yet another lair of this mess to their 60s hippy mentalities and ride's. Some thing's are just "transcending" or never get old I guess.

The republican's finally we're pushed into making their disagreement with the Democrat's known also, otherwise when they started putting bumper stickers on their rides to show their discontent and dissatisfaction with the Democrat's.
Don't talk about putting stickers on a car, because leftist climate fanatic's along with them being into everything else fanatic's "wins" the grand prize for putting sticker's on their little car's. They go through fads or trend's that add yet another lair of this mess to their 60s hippy mentalities and ride's. Some thing's are just "transcending" or never get old I guess.

The republican's finally we're pushed into making their disagreement with the Democrat's known also, otherwise when they started putting bumper stickers on their rides to show their discontent and dissatisfaction with the Democrat's.
lair of mess?
Nah, and idiot would vote for Donald. A hate monger would call him president king.

Trump's latest threats are unhinged. He's delusional. Lindsey Graham and Qanon back him up. I wonder if he'll eat his necktie on national TV.
DEMORATS are so stupid they can’t even detect sarcasm. Not a problem. Notice you have nothing to say about the above incident. How typical 👍

Trump is all about lies and chaos. His threats of violence if he's indicted are backed up by Qanon and Lindsey Graham. Trump is delusional.

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Trump is all about lies and chaos. His threats of violence if he's indicted are backed up by Qanon and Lindsey Graham. Trump is delusional.

Please tell us about his “ threats of Violence “ if anyone is doing it, it’s BRANDON. He’s delusional. Tell us why the FBI objected to a objective second party looking at their “ evidence “, taking things they had NO business taking if anyone is about lies and chaos, it’s BRANDON. Remember? “ A Uniter, not a Divider?” LOL !!!!!

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