Armed Pro Trump terrorist threatened to kill democrats and restore Trump as “President King”

Who is whining? Democrats are the ones screaming like Hitler. Just look at Biden plagiarizing Hitler the other night. And, the insurrections all over the country after George Floyd debacle inside a Democrat run city. How about the violent protests after Trump won in 2016 with insane people running around in vagina outfits. And, Hillary still claiming she won the election. And, 4 years of whining while Trump was President by the pathetic communist Democrat party.
Odd that you consider wearing a vigina outfit to be an act of violence. Did something bad happen to you as a child? You probably should discuss that with your therapist.
This is where the dems have us headed:

If you actually believe that, you should pack your shit and get out of our country. We don't need crazies like you.
I normally wouldn't ask, but since it is important to understanding your post, do you think having someone in a whore house is the moral choice?
You would pimp out your sister. You're an immoral POS.

Your hatred for this man is IRRATIONAL to normal folks
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Like I thought. The definition of America to Trumplicans is uniquely retarded. It’s the dumbest contingent of supporters ever measured on record.
Naw you didn't think, the dumbest are the ones that actually believe brain dead Biden was actually elected.
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If you actually believe that, you should pack your shit and get out of our country. We don't need crazies like you.
Maybe you should follow what is going on in local schools and higher education.
Yuri Bezemov is a good start to what is happening to our country.
Maybe you should follow what is going on in local schools and higher education.
Yuri Bezemov is a good start to what is happening to our country.
That name " Yuri " conjures up remembrances.Not the lenghty
- Remembrance of Things Past - Very lenghty {1913-1926 }
By Proust.
" We like torturing people but without getting really
in trouble by killing them. "
{ The Past Recaptured }
That name " Yuri " conjures up remembrances.Not the lenghty
- Remembrance of Things Past - Very lenghty {1913-1926 }
By Proust.
" We like torturing people but without getting really
in trouble by killing them. "
{ The Past Recaptured } tube posts on how to subvert a country in about 3 generations.....great read.....shocking too......and we are here. tube posts on how to subvert a country in about 3 generations.....great read.....shocking too......and we are here. tube posts on how to subvert a country in about 3 generations.....great read.....shocking too......and we are here.
Actually a great read { I gave up reading books a few years ago except
for really compelling ones } is :
- The Great Reset { Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown }
by Marc Morano. He was on Dennis Prager a couple days ago
and explained that what we and the world are witnessing has been
in the works for over 100 years.Pushed big time by Woodrow Wilson
and others like F.D.R. What he called an Authoritarian State mindset.
That Elites are behind all this culture change.
That certain elite universities are the biggest contributor for
being of an Authoritarian mindset.Because it's taught.
Notice how certain college educated people think.They have
an Elitist { uppity } high opinion of themselves and flock together.
And that kind of culture cannot be changed even in one generation.
It's too far into their overall goal which is finally being realized.
To take over the world.Where they will be honored and
taken care of while the rest of mankind will exist as mere serfs.
Like previous history.
Maybe you should follow what is going on in local schools and higher education.
Yuri Bezemov is a good start to what is happening to our country.
Right. The nutbags realized teachers, as a group, were moving away from the crazy right wing, so you cult decided to trash them. That's exactly what happened when the right decided they needed to discredit the unions.
At least you are one of the few unhinged posters here that recognize there never was an insurrection. Your 'leaders' have already been charged, and it wasn't that far as getting to's just about over.
These far-right wing nuts are your buddies not mine.
The man is now facing multiple charges, including making terrorist threats, after entering a fast food restaurant with a gun, claiming he’d kill all liberals and democrats, and wanted to restore Trump as “President King”. +1 to Trump’s pardon list, I guess.

Im worried about some of you righties. Please check in so I know it isn’t one of you.

Armed man wearing rainbow wig said he'd restore Trump as 'president king' and 'kill Democrats': police
Got confused. Thought this post was about that Pro BRANDON psycho almost killing Judge Kavanag
I'm sure the guy thought he was doing exactly what trump wanted him to do. He's probably right about that part of it.
Gor confused. For a minute I thought it was about that Psycho almost killing Judge Kavanaugh
Absolutely no comparison, demanding one's civil rights is not the same thing as trying to overthrow the government.
Are you on medication or something ? We have law's that protect and court's that settle cases concerning all issue's that pertain to one's demands, but here you are arguing an excuse for some violence and mayhem to be ok and protected speech so on and so forth, and condemn another protest even if it was the same thing that you are trying to somehow justify and protect. You can't have it two ways, because that is the opposite of what justice is supposed to look like or be in this country. Now put down the bong, and rejoin civilized society if at all possible.
Got confused. Thought this post was about that Pro BRANDON psycho almost killing Judge Kavanag

Gor confused. For a minute I thought it was about that Psycho almost killing Judge Kavanaugh
Not a problem. You MAGAs are in a constant state of confusion. Nothing new or unexpected about that.
Was it a MAGA Trumpian who tried to kill Reagan??? I mean Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well. And, Biden already has claimed himself as King.
Was it a Trump supporter who tried to kill Republicans at a soft ball game in 2017 ?

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