Armed Pro Trump terrorist threatened to kill democrats and restore Trump as “President King”

The man is now facing multiple charges, including making terrorist threats, after entering a fast food restaurant with a gun, claiming he’d kill all liberals and democrats, and wanted to restore Trump as “President King”. +1 to Trump’s pardon list, I guess.

Im worried about some of you righties. Please check in so I know it isn’t one of you.

Armed man wearing rainbow wig said he'd restore Trump as 'president king' and 'kill Democrats': police
Wish you were there and he acted it out 100%
Wish you were there and he acted it out 100%
That’s very mean and uncalled for. You should edit/delete that as a poorly thought through post. I mean, your wishes are very powerful and I of course really care about what you think.
Define America for me.
This is where the dems have us headed:

MAGAs tried to use that as a precedent, but were laughed at because it was nothing like the 2020 election. There is no allowence for fake electoral college electors in the federal constitution, or in any state constitution.
You simply don't know U.S. history and the laws concerning the Constitution and other state and federal laws to be making these unfounded claims.
I don't have to prove anything. It's over. You lost. I'm not following you down your rabbit hole of reproving what has already been proven repeatedly. You MAGAs just can't stop whining, can you?
Who is whining? Democrats are the ones screaming like Hitler. Just look at Biden plagiarizing Hitler the other night. And, the insurrections all over the country after George Floyd debacle inside a Democrat run city. How about the violent protests after Trump won in 2016 with insane people running around in vagina outfits. And, Hillary still claiming she won the election. And, 4 years of whining while Trump was President by the pathetic communist Democrat party.
Insurrection- ' a violent uprising against an authority or government. January 6th was no peaceful protest it was a violent uprising with the designed attempt to overthrow our government's process. I don't know what else you could call it but insurrection. Since it was an unsuccessful insurrection the people who committed criminal Acts can only be charged with sedition. Once they finally get to it, the leaders of this insurrection can be charged with treason.
What was violent about January 6th? Was there any buildings being burnt down? Did any of the protesters have guns, knives? Nope. You might want to look around the world at real insurrections and see the difference. But, the only one died was by the hands of a state policeman. The real insurrections were taking place after George Floyd's murder where cities all over the country had government buildings burned down, private businesses destroyed, guns being used and many people were killed by the rioters. There was no attempt to overthrow the government as what insurrections are all about and not just violent uprisings. Democrats aren't the only ones that can protest and become violent. But, January 6th wasn't violent.
What was violent about January 6th? Was there any buildings being burnt down? Did any of the protesters have guns, knives? Nope. You might want to look around the world at real insurrections and see the difference. But, the only one died was by the hands of a state policeman. The real insurrections were taking place after George Floyd's murder where cities all over the country had government buildings burned down, private businesses destroyed, guns being used and many people were killed by the rioters. There was no attempt to overthrow the government as what insurrections are all about and not just violent uprisings. Democrats aren't the only ones that can protest and become violent. But, January 6th wasn't violent.
Lefties are a bunch of pearl-clutching snow flakes.
Oh, so that’s your problem. I wondered why some of you can’t seem to get with American values and condone this Democrat cluster fuck regime.
Like I thought. The definition of America to Trumplicans is uniquely retarded. It’s the dumbest contingent of supporters ever measured on record.
That’s very mean and uncalled for. You should edit/delete that as a poorly thought through post. I mean, your wishes are very powerful and I of course really care about what you think.
Then why are they powerful?
You simply don't know U.S. history and the laws concerning the Constitution and other state and federal laws to be making these unfounded claims.
Ok. I'll admit I'm not a constitutional scholar, and I could be wrong, but I am trying to educate mysef. Perhaps you can explain why MAGAs were laughed out of court when they tried to use that as an excuse.

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