Armed Pro Trump terrorist threatened to kill democrats and restore Trump as “President King”

You don't know irony when you see it. You are far gone. Nothing false about it, trump is driving you all crazy.
Trump is driving leftists crazy because he loves America. They HATE America.
The left has lunatics too but a lot fewer of them and fortunately most of them on the left don't have guns.

The left has lunatics too but a lot fewer of them


At this point in time anyone who still supports t( rump is insane.

But there’s likely a method to their madness.

Supporting Trump, defending Trump, propagating Trump’s anti-democratic rhetoric undermines the political process and our democratic institutions to the benefit of Republicans, fomenting the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
You made a false, unproveable claim, now man up and admit it.
Jan 6 was a false flag set up by Democrats, BLM and Antifa. Pelosi refused Trump's request for more law enforcement. Mayor Bowser was complicit. They are criminals and should be held on charges of not protecting our Capitol from far-left instigators. Where is Roy Epps?

But there’s likely a method to their madness.

Supporting Trump, defending Trump, propagating Trump’s anti-democratic rhetoric undermines the political process and our democratic institutions to the benefit of Republicans, fomenting the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
Anyone supporting Democrats and their clusterfuck POTUS is insane.

I'm sure there's exceptions to the rule, as with all things. A far-right is listed as the greatest threat to our nation by the FBI. They're vastly outnumber the far left and they probably have 10 times the amount of weapons if not more. And don't ask for some stupid link, everyone knows these things.
I'm sure there's exceptions to the rule, as with all things. A far-right is listed as the greatest threat to our nation by the FBI. They're vastly outnumber the far left and they probably have 10 times the amount of weapons if not more. And don't ask for some stupid link, everyone knows these things.
Antifa is part of the Democrat party. They are alt-left terrorists. The FBI ignores them because the FBI is today being controlled by the liberal, left, Democrat party Marxists who have assumed power in that party.
Just another ignorant comment by you. I'm still waiting for you to post something credible here but I doubt you are capable of that.
I just noticed that typo he was a supporter of trump not wasn't. I use a voice machine and I can't believe the s*** it writes down by mistake. People say I have an accent maybe that throws it off.
The man is now facing multiple charges, including making terrorist threats, after entering a fast food restaurant with a gun, claiming he’d kill all liberals and democrats, and wanted to restore Trump as “President King”. +1 to Trump’s pardon list, I guess.

Im worried about some of you righties. Please check in so I know it isn’t one of you.

Armed man wearing rainbow wig said he'd restore Trump as 'president king' and 'kill Democrats': police
One mentally unstable individual does not equal an uprising or the beginning of a Civil War.

Joe Biden is trying his best to paint conservatives as extremely dangerous insurrectionists but so far it seems MAGA supporters are totally ignoring any acts of violence and hoping to make change the American way …by using their right for free speech and by going tp the ballot box to vote.
1/6 was just the beginning of the right’s use of political violence; most on the violent, lawless right are willing to do it again.
Good thing the dems never thought about that.....what were those cities burned down, BTW?
I'm sure there's exceptions to the rule, as with all things. A far-right is listed as the greatest threat to our nation by the FBI. They're vastly outnumber the far left and they probably have 10 times the amount of weapons if not more. And don't ask for some stupid link, everyone knows these things. from God? the Mann Stann....
No hysterics. Certainly not like the left's hysterics over Trump and January 6th which was no insurrection. But again, why isn't Hillary and Gore being hounded for their election denials? Because Republicans have good and logical minds that aren't driven by ideology of Marxism. We actually believe in the right to privacy, free speech, freedom of exercising our religion and a free and unbiased media. We also don't like Presidents that drive inflation and interest rates to ridiculous highs and force grandma into a homeless camp.
Insurrection- ' a violent uprising against an authority or government. January 6th was no peaceful protest it was a violent uprising with the designed attempt to overthrow our government's process. I don't know what else you could call it but insurrection. Since it was an unsuccessful insurrection the people who committed criminal Acts can only be charged with sedition. Once they finally get to it, the leaders of this insurrection can be charged with treason.
Insurrection- ' a violent uprising against an authority or government. January 6th was no peaceful protest it was a violent uprising with the designed attempt to overthrow our government's process. I don't know what else you could call it but insurrection. Since it was an unsuccessful insurrection the people who committed criminal Acts can only be charged with sedition. Once they finally get to it, the leaders of this insurrection can be charged with treason.
No, Jan 6th was not violent compared to BLM summer riots. Your sense of violence is skewed apparently.

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