Armed Pro Trump terrorist threatened to kill democrats and restore Trump as “President King”

Trump isnt in court for denying the election. He's in a lot of trouble for the illegal ways he tried to steal the election though. His claim that he won, all by itself is not prosecutable, but planning and attempting an insurrection, and participating in the fraud of those so called alternate electoral college voters, and abusing his office by demanding states "find" the votes to make him the winner are prosecutable. Trump did all this to himself.
Since he did not plan the unauthorized trespassing into the Capitol, the people's building (not just Democrats), he most certainly has the right to claim he won and even use alternate electoral college voters. How do you think Kennedy won Hawaii and stole the election from Nixon! Stacy Abrams has used other tactics as well. We know that states voting methods were questionable and most likely illegal through the mail-in ballot methods. There is nothing illegal to ask for states to check and find out. How is that illegal? We know ballots were faked and changed by Democrat operatives when they disallowed Republicans to watch the counting be made in the middle of the night. Sorry, there is nothing illegal going on with Trump. Just another Russia hoax.
Since he did not plan the unauthorized trespassing into the Capitol, the people's building (not just Democrats), he most certainly has the right to claim he won and even use alternate electoral college voters. How do you think Kennedy won Hawaii and stole the election from Nixon! Stacy Abrams has used other tactics as well. We know that states voting methods were questionable and most likely illegal through the mail-in ballot methods. There is nothing illegal to ask for states to check and find out. How is that illegal? We know ballots were faked and changed by Democrat operatives when they disallowed Republicans to watch the counting be made in the middle of the night. Sorry, there is nothing illegal going on with Trump. Just another Russia hoax.
Those are all claims that were tossed out of court for no evidence. It doesn't matter how many times you repeat them, until you present some proof, they are still just bullshit from a bunch of losers.
Those are all claims that were tossed out of court for no evidence. It doesn't matter how many times you repeat them, until you present some proof, they are still just bullshit from a bunch of losers.
It's you that has to prove your accusations and as I stated, you have nothing, nothing! You had nothing with the Russian Hoax, the Impeachments as well. Let's face it. Democrats are now the Communist Party attempting one party rule through demonization of half the country that has most of the 400 million guns in America. But, I guess that's what you guys want too. A civil war to break down America to it's lowest common denominator and try to build it back up under either fascist or communist rule.
Since he did not plan the unauthorized trespassing into the Capitol, the people's building (not just Democrats), he most certainly has the right to claim he won and even use alternate electoral college voters. How do you think Kennedy won Hawaii and stole the election from Nixon! Stacy Abrams has used other tactics as well. We know that states voting methods were questionable and most likely illegal through the mail-in ballot methods. There is nothing illegal to ask for states to check and find out. How is that illegal? We know ballots were faked and changed by Democrat operatives when they disallowed Republicans to watch the counting be made in the middle of the night. Sorry, there is nothing illegal going on with Trump. Just another Russia hoax.
MAGAs tried to use that as a precedent, but were laughed at because it was nothing like the 2020 election. There is no allowence for fake electoral college electors in the federal constitution, or in any state constitution.
It's you that has to prove your accusations and as I stated, you have nothing, nothing! You had nothing with the Russian Hoax, the Impeachments as well. Let's face it. Democrats are now the Communist Party attempting one party rule through demonization of half the country that has most of the 400 million guns in America. But, I guess that's what you guys want too. A civil war to break down America to it's lowest common denominator and try to build it back up under either fascist or communist rule.
I don't have to prove anything. It's over. You lost. I'm not following you down your rabbit hole of reproving what has already been proven repeatedly. You MAGAs just can't stop whining, can you?
I'm sure the guy thought he was doing exactly what trump wanted him to do. He's probably right about that part of it.
Did Alex Jones tell you all that?
I see the DNC has activated the TDS app in your little head....

... Because trump told him to do it.
Need a link.....

This anything like the dem who stabbed a reporter 7 or more times because he was being investigated for corruption?
How is killing people in a burgerking gonna get Trump reinstated?

Sounds like another democrat false flag to me. It gives don lemon something to talk about...right before the election.
This too, it's all trump's doing. The bottom line is he makes his followers become delusional too. The constant, incessant lies must warp their minds.
Need a link.....

This anything like the dem who stabbed a reporter 7 or more times because he was being investigated for corruption?
The left has lunatics too but a lot fewer of them and fortunately most of them on the left don't have guns.
Need a link.....

This anything like the dem who stabbed a reporter 7 or more times because he was being investigated for corruption?
You're asking for a Link on my opinion ? I'm sorry my mind doesn't have a link online. Does yours ?

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