Armed Pro Trump terrorist threatened to kill democrats and restore Trump as “President King”

Obviously this man has trump derangement syndrome, following trump made him deranged.

Listen carefully to his speech because he’s saying that one party must be eliminated because it is illegal and illegitimate and evil just like Hitler did in Germany prior to WW2. He’s saying it is illegal for Republican Party to question the results of an election but not for the Democrat Party. Michael Lindell, the My Pillow CEO and Inventor, got his phone confiscated from him by the FBI instructed from the Attorney General Garland DOJ because he believes the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats. Has All Gore or Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat stating their election was stolen had their phone’s confiscated? This is a fight for Free Speech which is the foundation of a legitimate democracy.
I missed that...when did President Biden claim himself King? Link please.

Listen carefully to his speech because he’s saying that one party must be eliminated because it is illegal and illegitimate and evil just like Hitler did in Germany prior to WW2. He’s saying it is illegal for Republican Party to question the results of an election but not for the Democrat Party. Michael Lindell, the My Pillow CEO and Inventor, got his phone confiscated from him by the FBI instructed from the Attorney General Garland DOJ because he believes the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats. Has All Gore or Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat stating their election was stolen had their phone’s confiscated? This is a fight for Free Speech which is the foundation of a legitimate democracy.
LOL, you just told me you're one of the crazies that follows trump. Only the insane follow him now, and America has way too many of them. For the good of the country, somehow that number must be culled.
For the good of this site maybe you should remain silent.
At this point in time anyone who still supports t( rump is insane. The horrors he put this country through testify to that fact. As a wise man once said, * The evil men do lives long after them, " There's no sense in completing the quote there was nothing good about trump. ( "The good is oft interred with their bones. " ) He betrayed his country for his own self worth any corrupted the highest court of the land by appointing liars, like himself. A minority viewpoint has condemned all women to second class citizenship, whether they realize it or not.
What horrors? A secure border, a soaring stock market, a roaring economy with low inflation, cheap gas prices, the elimination of ISIS, and the Abraham Accords? I wish we had horrors like this today.
Really? When did he claim to be king?
You can't put two and two together, nobody could be that simple. He prays Putin, he idolized Kim, he wanted to be just like them. That's how much disrespect he has for our nation. He was willing to attack it, and try to overthrow it because he's a fascist child-minded psychopath. ( No disrespect to any children, most of you are much smarter than he is. )
That's the problem with you. None of your opinions are based in fact.
Says the guy who still believes in the prolific liar trump. trump's facts are all delusions. You must be delusional as well.
They tried storming the Capital now they are storming the Queen, Dairy Queen. Dude probably thinks election was stolen and he’s being righteous.
These people don't believe in free and fair American elections anymore.
After Trump got TROUNCED in 20 they convinced themselves that from now on if their candidate(s) lose then they have the right to be butt-hurt and call "fake election."

And of course they believe that just by virtue of being butt-hurt they now have the right to turn militant and foment civil unrest up to and including staging coups against the Republic.
Says the guy who still believes in the prolific liar trump. trump's facts are all delusions. You must be delusional as well.
Sure I support a guy that had policies that were great for our country. What's not to like?
These people don't believe in free and fair American elections anymore.
After Trump got TROUNCED in 20 they convinced themselves that from now on if their candidate(s) lose then they have the right to be butt-hurt and call "fake election."

And of course they believe that just by virtue of being butt-hurt they now have the right to turn militant and foment civil unrest up to and including staging coups against the Republic.
There insanity is going to be self-defeating in the long run. People can believe lies for time but not forever. The truth always comes out in the end.
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Listen carefully to his speech because he’s saying that one party must be eliminated because it is illegal and illegitimate and evil just like Hitler did in Germany prior to WW2. He’s saying it is illegal for Republican Party to question the results of an election but not for the Democrat Party. Michael Lindell, the My Pillow CEO and Inventor, got his phone confiscated from him by the FBI instructed from the Attorney General Garland DOJ because he believes the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats. Has All Gore or Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat stating their election was stolen had their phone’s confiscated? This is a fight for Free Speech which is the foundation of a legitimate democracy.
You're gettin a little hysterical there, aren't you BooBoo?
The man is now facing multiple charges, including making terrorist threats, after entering a fast food restaurant with a gun, claiming he’d kill all liberals and democrats, and wanted to restore Trump as “President King”. +1 to Trump’s pardon list, I guess.

Im worried about some of you righties. Please check in so I know it isn’t one of you.

Armed man wearing rainbow wig said he'd restore Trump as 'president king' and 'kill Democrats': police
Did you create a BREAKING NEWS thread when a Democrat politician actually killed a journalist for telling the truth about him?

You can't put two and two together, nobody could be that simple. He prays Putin, he idolized Kim, he wanted to be just like them. That's how much disrespect he has for our nation. He was willing to attack it, and try to overthrow it because he's a fascist child-minded psychopath. ( No disrespect to any children, most of you are much smarter than he is. )
liberals are so terrified of trump but there is no evidence he threatened to take away their welfare checks
The man is now facing multiple charges, including making terrorist threats, after entering a fast food restaurant with a gun, claiming he’d kill all liberals and democrats, and wanted to restore Trump as “President King”. +1 to Trump’s pardon list, I guess.

Im worried about some of you righties. Please check in so I know it isn’t one of you.

Armed man wearing rainbow wig said he'd restore Trump as 'president king' and 'kill Democrats': police

A person would have to be an idiot to refer to Donald Trump as a "President King".
You're gettin a little hysterical there, aren't you BooBoo?
No hysterics. Certainly not like the left's hysterics over Trump and January 6th which was no insurrection. But again, why isn't Hillary and Gore being hounded for their election denials? Because Republicans have good and logical minds that aren't driven by ideology of Marxism. We actually believe in the right to privacy, free speech, freedom of exercising our religion and a free and unbiased media. We also don't like Presidents that drive inflation and interest rates to ridiculous highs and force grandma into a homeless camp.
No hysterics. Certainly not like the left's hysterics over Trump and January 6th which was no insurrection. But again, why isn't Hillary and Gore being hounded for their election denials? Because Republicans have good and logical minds that aren't driven by ideology of Marxism. We actually believe in the right to privacy, free speech, freedom of exercising our religion and a free and unbiased media. We also don't like Presidents that drive inflation and interest rates to ridiculous highs and force grandma into a homeless camp.
Trump isnt in court for denying the election. He's in a lot of trouble for the illegal ways he tried to steal the election though. His claim that he won, all by itself is not prosecutable, but planning and attempting an insurrection, and participating in the fraud of those so called alternate electoral college voters, and abusing his office by demanding states "find" the votes to make him the winner are prosecutable. Trump did all this to himself.

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