Armed Protests Being Planned in all 50 States

Attack our capitals??? Stack em up ,,Cull the herd

When are you going to start; Nazi?


I don't recall you demanding justice in July, nazi.


Remember when your Brown Shirt tried to kill the President?


Secret Service had to move him to the nuclear bunker because of your attempted coup.
Nevertheless have weapons nothing to do with demonstration and protest in a democracy. In general are weapons more in the opposite of to say ones own opinion and to respect the opinion of others. No one needs a weapon for discussions.

What would you possibly know of a free republic?

You live in socialist authoritarian Germany

And because you say such sentences you need a weapon, isn't it? What about to learn discipline instead to learn to shoot, guerillero?

Because we are free

Who needs a weapon is not free - otherwise he would need no weapon (or alcohol or drugs).

to do and say as we please, we intend to defend our freedom from the Nazis.


The Nazis, the democrats have taken power - but unlike the Germans in the 1920's, we Americans will resist them.

The political movement which comes in the near to the frustrated feeling of the Nazis including strange conspiracy theories are perhaps the Trumpists.

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This is what happens when Tyrants try to take a free nation, steal elections and install Communist puppets
Anyone who values their freedom and does not want to live under a dictatorship should join in.
There will be no freedom, no peace without sacrifice.

Of course, I can't go.......The new season of my favorite show is coming out on Netflix YAY !!! <sarc>
you really believe the election was stolen?! WHERE'S YOUR PROOF?!
oh wait, your team presented "proof", and it got kicked out of every court you presented it to!
Wrong, you Nazi asshole. No evidence was ever presented in court. None of you turds can ever post anything about the swindle election without lying about it.
Nevertheless have weapons nothing to do with demonstration and protest in a democracy. In general are weapons more in the opposite of to say ones own opinion and to respect the opinion of others. No one needs a weapon for discussions.

What would you possibly know of a free republic?

You live in socialist authoritarian Germany

And because you say such sentences you need a weapon, isn't it? What about to learn discipline instead to learn to shoot, guerillero?

Because we are free

Who needs a weapon is not free - otherwise he would need no weapon (or alcohol or drugs).

to do and say as we please, we intend to defend our freedom from the Nazis.


The Nazis, the democrats have taken power - but unlike the Germans in the 1920's, we Americans will resist them.

The political movement which comes in the near to the frustrated feeling of the Nazis including strange conspiracy theories are perhaps the Trumpists.

The democrats are the reborn Nazi party, with the hated whites in the role of Der Juden. Whites are the scapegoat that democrats blame for every ill in society, The democrat have their foul, demagogue press that makes the apparatus of Joseph Goebbels appear mundane and honest in comparison. The party propaganda corps slanders, libels, and demonizes enemies of the party, 24/7 while encouraging violence. The 10 month Kristalnacht the democrat Brown Shirts have waged against America mirror Hitler's goon exactly. democrats will take absolute power soon and intend to end our Constitution in favor of totalitarian dictatorship. The Nazicrats are operating from the script of Adolf Hitler - following it exactly.
Nevertheless have weapons nothing to do with demonstration and protest in a democracy. In general are weapons more in the opposite of to say ones own opinion and to respect the opinion of others. No one needs a weapon for discussions.

What would you possibly know of a free republic?

You live in socialist authoritarian Germany

And because you say such sentences you need a weapon, isn't it? What about to learn discipline instead to learn to shoot, guerillero?

Because we are free

Who needs a weapon is not free - otherwise he would need no weapon (or alcohol or drugs).

to do and say as we please, we intend to defend our freedom from the Nazis.


The Nazis, the democrats have taken power - but unlike the Germans in the 1920's, we Americans will resist them.

The political movement which comes in the near to the frustrated feeling of the Nazis including strange conspiracy theories are perhaps the Trumpists.

The democrats are the reborn Nazi party, with the hated whites in the role of Der Juden. Whites are the scapegoat that democrats blame for every ill in society, The democrat have their foul, demagogue press that makes the apparatus of Joseph Goebbels appear mundane and honest in comparison. The party propaganda corps slanders, libels, and demonizes enemies of the party, 24/7 while encouraging violence. The 10 month Kristalnacht the democrat Brown Shirts have waged against America mirror Hitler's goon exactly. democrats will take absolute power soon and intend to end our Constitution in favor of totalitarian dictatorship. The Nazicrats are operating from the script of Adolf Hitler - following it exactly.

Welcome to backwards world
[you really believe the election was stolen?! WHERE'S YOUR PROOF?!
oh wait, your team presented "proof", and it got kicked out of every court you presented it to!

Ah, a good little Nazi

"You really believe Der Juden are mistreated? Reich Courts have kicked out complaints in every court!"
Where that happened...the judges on those courts had been put there BY Hitler.

The courts that threw out Trump's garbage in many cases had judges

Welcome to backwards world

Welcome to the democrat Reich.

You'll hunt down enemies of the Reich, they will not work, they will not live.

{ Let it be known to the business world: Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie. We’re going to scrutinize, double-check, investigate with the same skepticism we’d approach a Trump tweet. Want to ensure the world’s biggest business media brand approaches you as a potential funnel of disinformation? Then hire away. }

Seig Heil Nazi democrats!

And you have promised to hunt down anyone who ever supported Trump, all 75 million of us.


Thus, while Joe Biden is tweeting like a Buddhist Monk, his Democratic comrades appear to have made up their minds to launch a crusade against heretics. At a time when Biden is saying, “We are not enemies, we are Americans,” prominent members of the Democrat party and their elite support base are making lists of those they perceive to have helped Donald Trump so that they can be adequately punished.

The most prominent Democrat to have given voice to that idea is, perhaps, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She said on Twitter, “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future”.



Then there are Der Juden, the whites - and your plans for genocide.

Where that happened...the judges on those courts had been put there BY Hitler.

The courts that threw out Trump's garbage in many cases had judges



A common lie by you Nazis - but in fact SCOTUS was the only court involved that had Jurists put on the bench by the President.

Remember - or actually you never knew because the little Goebbels feed you your thoughts, most of these challenges were at the state level.

The president doesn't appoint state judges.
This is what happens when Tyrants try to take a free nation, steal elections and install Communist puppets
Anyone who values their freedom and does not want to live under a dictatorship should join in.
There will be no freedom, no peace without sacrifice.

Of course, I can't go.......The new season of my favorite show is coming out on Netflix YAY !!! <sarc>
you really believe the election was stolen?! WHERE'S YOUR PROOF?!
oh wait, your team presented "proof", and it got kicked out of every court you presented it to!
You really believe Americans committed treason insurrection or rebellion in DC? Charge somebody and be laughed out of court.
Some of us don't need a government outlet like the courts or MSM paid propaganda to tell us what to think.
well, that's yet to happen, now isn't it?
Nevertheless have weapons nothing to do with demonstration and protest in a democracy. In general are weapons more in the opposite of to say ones own opinion and to respect the opinion of others. No one needs a weapon for discussions.

What would you possibly know of a free republic?

You live in socialist authoritarian Germany

And because you say such sentences you need a weapon, isn't it? What about to learn discipline instead to learn to shoot, guerillero?

Because we are free

Who needs a weapon is not free - otherwise he would need no weapon (or alcohol or drugs).

to do and say as we please, we intend to defend our freedom from the Nazis.


The Nazis, the democrats have taken power - but unlike the Germans in the 1920's, we Americans will resist them.

The political movement which comes in the near to the frustrated feeling of the Nazis including strange conspiracy theories are perhaps the Trumpists.

No they aren't, turds, The Nazis are the ones who swindled this election and are now persecuting anyone who disagrees with their Stalinist regime.
[you really believe the election was stolen?! WHERE'S YOUR PROOF?!
oh wait, your team presented "proof", and it got kicked out of every court you presented it to!

Ah, a good little Nazi

"You really believe Der Juden are mistreated? Reich Courts have kicked out complaints in every court!"
Where that happened...the judges on those courts had been put there BY Hitler.

The courts that threw out Trump's garbage in many cases had judges

Wrong, as always. Do you ever post anything other than lies?
Nevertheless have weapons nothing to do with demonstration and protest in a democracy. In general are weapons more in the opposite of to say ones own opinion and to respect the opinion of others. No one needs a weapon for discussions.

What would you possibly know of a free republic?

You live in socialist authoritarian Germany

And because you say such sentences you need a weapon, isn't it? What about to learn discipline instead to learn to shoot, guerillero?

Because we are free

Who needs a weapon is not free - otherwise he would need no weapon (or alcohol or drugs).

to do and say as we please, we intend to defend our freedom from the Nazis.


The Nazis, the democrats have taken power - but unlike the Germans in the 1920's, we Americans will resist them.

The political movement which comes in the near to the frustrated feeling of the Nazis including strange conspiracy theories are perhaps the Trumpists.

The democrats are the reborn Nazi party, with the hated whites in the role of Der Juden. Whites are the scapegoat that democrats blame for every ill in society, The democrat have their foul, demagogue press that makes the apparatus of Joseph Goebbels appear mundane and honest in comparison. The party propaganda corps slanders, libels, and demonizes enemies of the party, 24/7 while encouraging violence. The 10 month Kristalnacht the democrat Brown Shirts have waged against America mirror Hitler's goon exactly. democrats will take absolute power soon and intend to end our Constitution in favor of totalitarian dictatorship. The Nazicrats are operating from the script of Adolf Hitler - following it exactly.

Welcome to backwards world

Wrong, turd. You and your fellow Dims are behaving just as the Nazis behaved in 1933 - Exactly. You will be referred to as Nazis for the rest of time.
More "law and order" from the right wing losers.

Your side completely forfeited any claim to “law and order” when you supported mobs of subhuman “Black Lies Matter” and “Antifa” pieces of shit who were rioting and looting; and further when your side openly and unabashedly engaged in several blatant instances of cheating and fraud in this last election.
Your side completely forfeited any claim to “law and order” when you supported mobs of subhuman “Black Lies Matter” and “Antifa” pieces of shit who were rioting and looting; and further when your side openly and unabashedly engaged in several blatant instances of cheating and fraud in this last election.
Is that the current narrative pushed at stormfront?
Coming to a Capitol near you

You're video made the cops look worse than the protesters. The cops were pummeling people laying on the ground over and over again. Perhaps if they just slapped the cuffs on them they could have devoted their time to holding the line against a crowed of over 100,000 people.

Here's your conception of a peaceful protest:



Nevertheless have weapons nothing to do with demonstration and protest in a democracy. In general are weapons more in the opposite of to say ones own opinion and to respect the opinion of others. No one needs a weapon for discussions.

What would you possibly know of a free republic?

You live in socialist authoritarian Germany

And because you say such sentences you need a weapon, isn't it? What about to learn discipline instead to learn to shoot, guerillero?

Because we are free

Who needs a weapon is not free - otherwise he would need no weapon (or alcohol or drugs).

to do and say as we please, we intend to defend our freedom from the Nazis.


The Nazis, the democrats have taken power - but unlike the Germans in the 1920's, we Americans will resist them.

The political movement which comes in the near to the frustrated feeling of the Nazis including strange conspiracy theories are perhaps the Trumpists.

The democrats are the reborn Nazi party, with the hated whites in the role of Der Juden. Whites are the scapegoat that democrats blame for every ill in society, The democrat have their foul, demagogue press that makes the apparatus of Joseph Goebbels appear mundane and honest in comparison. The party propaganda corps slanders, libels, and demonizes enemies of the party, 24/7 while encouraging violence. The 10 month Kristalnacht the democrat Brown Shirts have waged against America mirror Hitler's goon exactly. democrats will take absolute power soon and intend to end our Constitution in favor of totalitarian dictatorship. The Nazicrats are operating from the script of Adolf Hitler - following it exactly.

Blacks killed 30 people with no punishment. Even suggesting that such murders are unacceptable is white supremacy..

I suggest you read about the story of Lazarus. You'll be roasting, and begging God to have Hillary Clinton or some other liberal come over from heaven to give you a drink of water, but there will be a great chasm between us, and we will be unable to reach you.

A godless piece of shit such as you is in no position to lecture Christians on what our scriptures tell us. Like the Devil himself, you would only ever quote scripture for the purpose of twisting and perverting it to your own evil purposes.
A godless piece of shit such as you is in no position to lecture Christians on what our scriptures tell us. Like the Devil himself, you would only ever quote scripture for the purpose of twisting and perverting it to your own evil purposes.
Cool story!
Which part left white folks in charge of the “subhumans”?

Also, from the story above....

" The FBI has also received information in recent days on a group calling for “storming” state, local and federal government courthouses and administrative buildings in the event President Donald Trump is removed from office prior to Inauguration Day. The group is also planning to “storm” government offices in every state the day President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated, regardless of whether the states certified electoral votes for Biden or Trump. "

More "law and order" from the right wing losers.
LOL. Where was your concern last summer with the riots in the cities?
Nevertheless have weapons nothing to do with demonstration and protest in a democracy. In general are weapons more in the opposite of to say ones own opinion and to respect the opinion of others. No one needs a weapon for discussions.

What would you possibly know of a free republic?

You live in socialist authoritarian Germany

And because you say such sentences you need a weapon, isn't it? What about to learn discipline instead to learn to shoot, guerillero?

Because we are free

Who needs a weapon is not free - otherwise he would need no weapon (or alcohol or drugs).

to do and say as we please, we intend to defend our freedom from the Nazis.


The Nazis, the democrats have taken power - but unlike the Germans in the 1920's, we Americans will resist them.

The political movement which comes in the near to the frustrated feeling of the Nazis including strange conspiracy theories are perhaps the Trumpists.

The democrats are the reborn Nazi party, with the hated whites in the role of Der Juden. Whites are the scapegoat that democrats blame for every ill in society, The democrat have their foul, demagogue press that makes the apparatus of Joseph Goebbels appear mundane and honest in comparison. The party propaganda corps slanders, libels, and demonizes enemies of the party, 24/7 while encouraging violence. The 10 month Kristalnacht the democrat Brown Shirts have waged against America mirror Hitler's goon exactly. democrats will take absolute power soon and intend to end our Constitution in favor of totalitarian dictatorship. The Nazicrats are operating from the script of Adolf Hitler - following it exactly.

Blacks killed 30 people with no punishment. Even suggesting that such murders are unacceptable is white supremacy..

So the Dim Nazis officially approved mob violence.

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