Armed Protests Being Planned in all 50 States

I suggest you read about the story of Lazarus. You'll be roasting, and begging God to have Hillary Clinton or some other liberal come over from heaven to give you a drink of water, but there will be a great chasm between us, and we will be unable to reach you.

A godless piece of shit such as you is in no position to lecture Christians on what our scriptures tell us. Like the Devil himself, you would only ever quote scripture for the purpose of twisting and perverting it to your own evil purposes.
When he suggested that Hilarity would be in heaven, I almost lost it. LMFAO!
This is what happens when Tyrants try to take a free nation, steal elections and install Communist puppets
Anyone who values their freedom and does not want to live under a dictatorship should join in.
There will be no freedom, no peace without sacrifice.

Of course, I can't go.......The new season of my favorite show is coming out on Netflix YAY !!! <sarc>
you really believe the election was stolen?! WHERE'S YOUR PROOF?!
oh wait, your team presented "proof", and it got kicked out of every court you presented it to!
This is what happens when Tyrants try to take a free nation, steal elections and install Communist puppets
Anyone who values their freedom and does not want to live under a dictatorship should join in.
There will be no freedom, no peace without sacrifice.

Of course, I can't go.......The new season of my favorite show is coming out on Netflix YAY !!! <sarc>
you really believe the election was stolen?! WHERE'S YOUR PROOF?!
oh wait, your team presented "proof", and it got kicked out of every court you presented it to!
Yes every state court played CYA for their state and the Democrats. We will see the evidence in a Muelller-like investigation during Biden's administration.
My Fellow White People who may Protest

Don’t be asses and break up stuff. Go to the Capitol Steps and behave.
Chant something cool
Dont diminish the point by acting like street looters and rioters.
Its American lives over Republican or Democrat ones.

Also, from the story above....

" The FBI has also received information in recent days on a group calling for “storming” state, local and federal government courthouses and administrative buildings in the event President Donald Trump is removed from office prior to Inauguration Day. The group is also planning to “storm” government offices in every state the day President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated, regardless of whether the states certified electoral votes for Biden or Trump. "

More "law and order" from the right wing losers.

You wanted a civil war....

The left has been pushing violence, division, racism, war, destruction of property, assault for over a year now. There is a reckoning on the horizon.

Yet its always you guys who are shooting up people and places.

25 killed during the leftist riots last year. BTW, it was your leftist radicals who shot up a baseball party and congressman. Many libs cheered it on.

Thats true. We didn't make excuses for the nutjob who shot up the baseball practice once it was established who he was.

How much longer are you guys going to pretend that left wing plants were the ones doing all of the vandalism at the capitol last Wednesday? Hmmm?

25 killed in the riots? Thats almost as many as a right wing loon shot up in the El Paso Wal Mart last year. In other words...five minutes with a nut job=an entire summer across multiple states for the left.

They weren't all left wing plants. There were some on the right involved. Both are wrong.

There were no left wing plants. Zero.

Yeah....sure, lol. There were a lot. Thats fact.

But for you:

The sun is green
The sun is green

The right wing hate groups that is Trump's base were 100% responsible for the attack on the capitol.

Keep whispering those lies to yourself. It won't do you any good.

We know the names of the blobbers who've been arrested.
What are the names of these left wing plants?

Please supply them. LOL Get busy

Busses filled with antifa escorted by police to the capitol. Dressing up as trump supporters knowing that the liberal media would jump on the narrative. This it too easy.

And you sourced your allegation so well.... dumbfuck.

Here's one. Capitol Hill “Coup” Antagonist is Radical Climate Change Activist.
The THIS IS RAGNORAK explains the Viking Horns........
This is what happens when Tyrants try to take a free nation, steal elections and install Communist puppets
Anyone who values their freedom and does not want to live under a dictatorship should join in.
There will be no freedom, no peace without sacrifice.

Of course, I can't go.......The new season of my favorite show is coming out on Netflix YAY !!! <sarc>
you really believe the election was stolen?! WHERE'S YOUR PROOF?!
oh wait, your team presented "proof", and it got kicked out of every court you presented it to!
You really believe Americans committed treason insurrection or rebellion in DC? Charge somebody and be laughed out of court.
Some of us don't need a government outlet like the courts or MSM paid propaganda to tell us what to think.
This is what happens when Tyrants try to take a free nation, steal elections and install Communist puppets
Anyone who values their freedom and does not want to live under a dictatorship should join in.
There will be no freedom, no peace without sacrifice.

Of course, I can't go.......The new season of my favorite show is coming out on Netflix YAY !!! <sarc>
you really believe the election was stolen?! WHERE'S YOUR PROOF?!
oh wait, your team presented "proof", and it got kicked out of every court you presented it to!
You really believe Americans committed treason insurrection or rebellion in DC? Charge somebody and be laughed out of court.
Some of us don't need a government outlet like the courts or MSM paid propaganda to tell us what to think.
well, that's yet to happen, now isn't it?
I can just see it now, - hundreds of Trumpsters running away from Court Buildings trying to fire their weapons but only hitting each other, most though discarding their guns as they fall over each other in the panic. Above, hundreds of drones firing down on them.
Limbs being blown off. Blood, spurting into the air.

The Civil War over within hours.
Goodness, the liar can't come up with an answer!

You threatened to come to a state protest locked and loaded, an implied threat of violence. Ane because you're a squealing beta, you're now lying about doing that.

Remember. Federal-pound-me-in-the-ass-prison. If you act up, you go there. I'm just looking out for your welfare.
You are a lying bastard. No threat was made and BASTARD, it's not against the law in Texas to carry a gun. So go fuck yourself, liar.
Goodness, the liar can't come up with an answer!

You threatened to come to a state protest locked and loaded, an implied threat of violence. Ane because you're a squealing beta, you're now lying about doing that.

Remember. Federal-pound-me-in-the-ass-prison. If you act up, you go there. I'm just looking out for your welfare.
You are a lying bastard. No threat was made and BASTARD, it's not against the law in Texas to carry a gun.

Nevertheless have weapons nothing to do with demonstration and protest in a democracy. In general are weapons more in the opposite of to say ones own opinion and to respect the opinion of others. No one needs a weapon for discussions.

So go fuck yourself, liar.

And because you say such sentences you need a weapon, isn't it? What about to learn discipline instead to learn to shoot, guerillero?

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You threatened to come to a state protest locked and loaded, an implied threat of violence. Ane because you're a squealing beta, you're now lying about doing that.

Remember. Federal-pound-me-in-the-ass-prison. If you act up, you go there. I'm just looking out for your welfare.

Oh my ALLAH, almost like the United State Constitution still existed and he had civil rights or something.

You Nazis have crushed civil rights, Der Juden may not have arms, Der Juden may not protest.

Seig Heil mamooth
Nevertheless have weapons nothing to do with demonstration and protest in a democracy. In general are weapons more in the opposite of to say ones own opinion and to respect the opinion of others. No one needs a weapon for discussions.

What would you possibly know of a free republic?

You live in socialist authoritarian Germany

And because you say such sentences you need a weapon, isn't it? What about to learn discipline instead to learn to shoot, guerillero?

Because we are free to do and say as we please, we intend to defend our freedom from the Nazis. The Nazis, the democrats have taken power - but unlike the Germans in the 1920's, we Americans will resist them.
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Nevertheless have weapons nothing to do with demonstrations and protest in a democracy. In general aer weaspsion i oucial public a fpogth agfaunst free opinion.

? ... I forgot. US-Americans have never time - for nothing - also not for to correct mistakes or to wait that mistakes are correcting themselves. Read again what I wrote. And don't forget: When god made time, he made a lot. A whole universe full of time.
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