Armenian genocide: question the unquestionable packaged as black is white


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Pope Francis uses 'genocide' to refer to mass killings of Armenians by Turks
" ... widely considered 'the first genocide of the 20th century,' struck your own Armenian people,"
Pope Francis uses genocide for killings of Armenians -

Armenian genocide: question the unquestionable packaged as black is white
Mind control: Armenian genocide: illuminazi agents of Turkey gov, pope Francis, question the unquestionable packaged as black is white:
"Pope Francis uses 'genocide' to refer to mass killings of Armenians by Turks": this is how illuminati media serves another episode in the series of denying the genocide of armenians by the Ottoman empire, the first genocide of End Time.

The fake pope's message is to:
- question the genocide: "... widely considered", or in other words what the impostor acting as pope states is that the armenian genocide is NOT an undeniable fact.
- promote the nazi puppets of the turkish government and thus deny the armenian genocide.

Parallel script to US-Iran negotiations
One of the agendas was to promote the nazi puppets of the iranian gob

The "Jewish Holocaust Denial" agenda: the ONE basic fact
Jewish Holocaust Jewish Holocaust Denial agenda for dummies - the ONE basic fact explained first
The Pope forgot about the Russian Revolution , killed what 6 million of which most involved were Bolsheviks(doing the killing)..
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Pope Francis uses 'genocide' to refer to mass killings of Armenians by Turks
" ... widely considered 'the first genocide of the 20th century,' struck your own Armenian people,"
Pope Francis uses genocide for killings of Armenians -

Armenian genocide: question the unquestionable packaged as black is white
Mind control: Armenian genocide: illuminazi agents of Turkey gov, pope Francis, question the unquestionable packaged as black is white:
"Pope Francis uses 'genocide' to refer to mass killings of Armenians by Turks": this is how illuminati media serves another episode in the series of denying the genocide of armenians by the Ottoman empire, the first genocide of End Time.

The fake pope's message is to:
- question the genocide: "... widely considered", or in other words what the impostor acting as pope states is that the armenian genocide is NOT an undeniable fact.
- promote the nazi puppets of the turkish government and thus deny the armenian genocide.

Parallel script to US-Iran negotiations
One of the agendas was to promote the nazi puppets of the iranian gob

The "Jewish Holocaust Denial" agenda: the ONE basic fact
Jewish Holocaust Jewish Holocaust Denial agenda for dummies - the ONE basic fact explained first

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Though it doesn't look like any of what you posted are your words.

Do you have an opinion about this or do you just want to call the pope names?

For your information the muslims of the Ottoman Empire perpetrated a genocide on the christian Armenians in the middle east. There's a reason why there aren't many christians in that part of the world. Millions of them were murdered in a genocide.

How do I know this? I'm half Armenian. That side of my family was caught in that genocide. Because of it my father was the only person who could carry on our family name. He had one son but that son didn't have kids. One of my sisters had a son and when he learned that our family name would die with my generation, he legally changed his name to his mom's maiden Armenian name so that the name can continue on. His wife just gave birth to a son about 6 months ago so the name will carry on. You being an American wouldn't know anything about preserving a family name so that it's not lost. You have no idea what it's like to be the last of your family line.

When the muslims came to my grandmother's village they rounded up all the men. The next time she saw her dad, brothers, uncles and cousins they were lined against a wall. Then the muslims shot them. She told me what it was like to have her dad's brains splattered all over her. Her mother screamed in horror so one of the muslims walked over to her, took her youngest baby out of her arms, threw it up into the air and caught it on his bayonet.

Those who were left and not murdered were forced to walk through the desert. When my great-grandmother started that walk she had 12 children with her. When that walk ended she had 6. When it was all over there 3 survivors in my grandfather's family. My grandmother's family was more lucky, more survived but I don't know how many because so many were scattered throughout the world from escaping the genocide. Much like what happened to the Jewish people. My aunt spent decades of her life searching and finding relatives all over this world. From Ireland to America to Saudi Arabia to Spain and many other nations.

I won't go into the more sick details of what I was told what happened by those who endured it. But America and a few nations still don't recognize the genocide. That doesn't mean it didn't happen. People who aren't American and weren't educated here know about this genocide and the Armenian people. Americans aren't taught about it and don't know what Armenian is. I have to explain it to most people.

I was taught growing up that Armenians established the first christian church in this world. They are orthodox christians and take their faith extremely seriously.

It seems to me you're on the side of the muslims who tried to murder all christians in the middle east. I guess you're a muslim or just another ill educated American like so many other right wingers.

Oh and by the way, Pope Francis isn't a fake pope. I guess you would rather have the prior one back. You know, the guy who was a nazi when he was young and spent a lot of his life in the church protecting all those pedophile priests so they could move on to abuse other children.
^^^ THIS ^^^

As much a I love your work, LastProphet, it WAS a "genocide" by the Turks upon Armenian Christians. Period.
When it comes to term genocide, it could be a few people or millions. If it is a deliberate attempt to eradicate a group of people, then it most definitely is a genocide.

Most genocides are swept under the rug by governments and their backers, whether you are talking about western nations or nations in Asia or Africa.

What the Belgians did in the Congo, and the mass murders of Chinese during WW2 by the Japanese could quite easily count as attempted genocide, and there many more forgotten genocides as well.
^^^ THIS ^^^

As much a I love your work, LastProphet, it WAS a "genocide" by the Turks upon Armenian Christians. Period.

Thank you very much.

That genocide was the first of many genocides in the 20th century.

I will never forget the day my grandmother told me about what she endured. She was in her 80s at the time but as she told me the story it was like she was reliving it all over again. The horror and pain on her face as she told me about it will haunt me for the rest of my life. I will never forget what she told me and how she felt when she told me about it.

We both cried and she told me to never, ever forget and to tell my children about it and to teach them to never forget.

I kept my last name when I married. All the property that I inherited from my dad when he died will have that last name on the deeds for as long as possible. I want that name to continue on and do all I can to keep that name alive.
Pope Francis, Turkey government: "dispute" over Genocide of Armenians: parallel script to two "negotiations": "US-Iran nuclear deal" and "failed Syria peace negotiations"
"US-Iran "nuclear deal" in Geneva, officially repaints the puppets of the iranian government as "peacemakers".
For decades now butchers have been presented as peacemakers, this going as far as having some of them "win" the Nobel Peace Prize, from Kissinger to Obama.
So nothing new in having the audience accept the iranian butchers as peacemakers while they're used as IV Reich shock troops to execute a genocide in Syria and Iraq.
Same, although closer to the first step, with the agenda of celebrating governments that deny the holocaust.
Reminder: first step was to have agent Morsi deny the holocaust (an agenda where Iran was assigned the first step) and be paraded in Germany as "democratically elected president of Egypt" by Hitler's younger daughter, Angela Merkel.

"Failed Syria peace negotiations" in Moscow: one of the parts represented NOBODY on the war "Assad, Iran, Hezbollah, ISIS" vs freedom fighters.
In other words it was nothing but a psy-op, where the main agenda was to have the audience around the world accept the unacceptable: it's possible to have genocidal butchers as table partners.
Shortly after illuminati stage another episode advancing the "deny armenian holocaust" agenda.

- sequential timing.
- same agenda: deny a previous or ongoing genocide, directly or indirectly organized by the illuminati, mostly behind closed doors or not.
- same psy-op technique, accept the unacceptable: to have the audience accept Iran's denial of the jewish holocaust, Turkey's denial of armenian genocide and every government's denial of the ongoing syrian genocide.

== Reminder:
Genocide by the illuminati: Execution and first step to deny it - BASICS

Execution: Directly or Indirectly; behind closed doors or not; orderly or not
- Genocide of Armenians and genocide of Syrians and Novorussians: mostly not behind closed doors. Indirectly, using puppets, from the Ottoman emperor 100 years ago to the presidents of Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Ukraine now.
- Holocaust: almost completely behind closed doors. As directly as it gets: Hitler was indeed the Fuehrer, because he was also the Illuminati Grand Master.
- Genocide of Armenians and Holocaust: orderly, everyone targeted for "simply being" an Armenian or a Jew.
All the armenians of a particular village would be killed or interned, all the jews of a particular area would be transported to concentration camps.
A slighty different type in Syria, Iraq and Donetsk and Lugansk:
- deliberately targeting civilians and unguided weapons such as splitter and barrel bombs designed to cause maximum civilian casualties, target everyone;
- arrests and executions of sunnis in Iraq and Syria and ethnic russians in the Ukraine: at this stage rather selectively than in an orderly manner.

Genocide Denial: by governments: first step
Writing History, as the genocide unfolds:
- armenian genocide a century ago, genocide in Syria and Ukraine now: first step is to NOT take the first step to denounce it, not to mention to stop it.
Reminder: Assad's mercenaries now control less than one third of the about 22 million who lived in Syria in 2011.
Yet, after four years of ongoing genocide, Assad continues to be recognized as the legitimate president by the "United Nations".
- Holocaust: this is ALSO what really happened, when you see behind the curtain of smoke created by the fake war "US and UK vs nazi Germany".
Neither the US not the UK government denounced nor tried to stop the Holocaust:
- from not bombing the gas chambers and the railroads used to transport millions to Auschwitz, Belsen & Co. ...
- ... to making it almost impossible for jews to escape to the US and the UK: from requiring an almost impossible to get visa to denying entry to those who made it against all odds.
This is illustrated by the "St. Louis" passenger ship 1939.

Rewriting History, required once it wasn't possible to conceal the truth
- armenian genocide: theater reduced to a minimum, no need to use proxies, first step assigned directly to Turkey's government, as much an ally (read: puppet) as it gets (part of NATO).
- Holocaust: a proxy must be used for the first step, Iran. Additionally this proxy has to initially play the role of "enemy".
Contrast with the second step, more than a decade later: 2013, Morsi in Egypt, not only in the role of ally but also paraded in Germany by Merkel.
These differences in tactics are the result of the differences in the amount of publicly available and broadcasted material and elapsed time.

Illuminati leader REVEALS himself shortly before the BIG BANG
Grand Master of the Ordo Illuminatus Illuminati leader REVEALS himself shortly before the BIG BANG
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