Arming people in movie theaters

If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.
in most states it is unlawful to have a firearm when intoxicated

so your not showing a good guy with a gun

Everyone is a good guy with a gun....until they turn into a bad guy
Takes a split second
So are you proposing that no one but the police and this corporate "gubermint" be allowed to have a firearm? Do you believe that people should have to "register" their guns with this corporate "gubermint? Do you know what "register" means in Black's Law dictionary?

Not only register your gun but receive training on how and when to use it and be licensed to have one

Help keep assholes like the guy in the theater from packing

Help keep a LOT of people from packing.

Which is your goal, a backdoor ban.

And take away the rights of hundreds of millions to self defense.

No more than a drivers license bans people from driving

I want gun owners to be responsible and have the proper training and skills to properly use a gun. Should be no problem for a responsible gun owner

Except that you and yours will push it till it does do that.

Are you one of the libs that want to hold gun owners responsible for the damage done by their guns IF THEY ARE STOLEN FROM SECURE GUN SAFES?

Time and time again, in every possible way you libs want to make it harder and more dangerous to exercise a person Right to Keep and Bear ARms.

That is what this is about.
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?
No, I said let us know when you are done jerking off. Your posts serve only to pleasure yourself. In the real world we don't live in absolutes.
Man's gun goes off in theater, hits woman

The incident happened shortly after 8 p.m. PT at the Regal Cinemas at The Landing in Renton.

According to Renton police, a man who appeared intoxicated went to the showing of 13 Hours. Police say the man walked inside the theater with a gun and "accidentally" discharged his weapon, hitting a woman in the theater.

The woman was transported to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle in critical condition, according to firefighters

And. He should be arrested, and put in jail and she should sue him….

There are over 13 million people in the country who carry guns for self defense…number of accidental deaths in 2013… 505.

So by any measure this is not even a real story. The safety rate of normal gun owners who carry guns for self defense is amazing and shows how rare this incident actually is.

Nice try though…but you need to change reality in order for your point to be important.
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?

He might very well have done so.

Or if he was walking home and he was attacked by muggers he might have just threatened them and saved himself a beating.

Or he might have come upon a woman being mugged and scared off the attacker.
Very sad. Sounds like a drunken fool.

I hope the woman survives.

I worry a lot about drunken fools who are driving.

We take away their driving license

What do we do with armed drunks?

They get arrested and lose their ability to carry a gun for self defense after that…..and she will sue him too…….

Problem addressed. and you didn't have to license all gun owners, register all guns and universal background checks would not have stopped this accident…

Current laws already handled the problem.
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?
No, I said let us know when you are done jerking off. Your posts serve only to pleasure yourself. In the real world we don't live in absolutes.

Notice how you avoid the question. As we both know the answer: this 'good guy with a gun' is the only one who could have stopped the mass shooter than never showed up.
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?
No, I said let us know when you are done jerking off. Your posts serve only to pleasure yourself. In the real world we don't live in absolutes.

Notice how you avoid the question. As we both know the answer: this 'good guy with a gun' is the only one who could have stopped the mass shooter than never showed up.

Which is one of the more unlikely of self defense scenarios, which is why you dishonestly choose it.
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?

He might very well have done so.

Or if he was walking home and he was attacked by muggers he might have just threatened them and saved himself a beating.

Or he might have come upon a woman being mugged and scared off the attacker.

Alas, the only thing that actually happened was a woman in critical condition because this 'good guy with a gun' shot her.

But tell us again about those imaginary muggers.
Man's gun goes off in theater, hits woman

The incident happened shortly after 8 p.m. PT at the Regal Cinemas at The Landing in Renton.

According to Renton police, a man who appeared intoxicated went to the showing of 13 Hours. Police say the man walked inside the theater with a gun and "accidentally" discharged his weapon, hitting a woman in the theater.

The woman was transported to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle in critical condition, according to firefighters

in most states it is unlawful to have a firearm when intoxicated

so your not showing a good guy with a gun

Everyone is a good guy with a gun....until they turn into a bad guy
Takes a split second

Wrong….90% of people who use guns to murder other people and to commit crime have long histories of violence and long criminal arrest records. It is a lie to say that the owners of over 357 million guns are just a split second away from shooting people…….

There were 8,124 gun murders in 2014, the majority were violent criminals murdering other violent criminals…..

Americans use guns 1.5 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives…according to bill clinton and barak obama research…..

which number is bigger….can you tell?

Normal gun owners do not just shoot people…..a violent criminal sub culture in our inner cities, nurtured by democrat social and law enforcement policy does…..
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?

He might very well have done so.

Or if he was walking home and he was attacked by muggers he might have just threatened them and saved himself a beating.

Or he might have come upon a woman being mugged and scared off the attacker.

Alas, the only thing that actually happened was a woman in critical condition because this 'good guy with a gun' shot her.

But tell us again about those imaginary muggers.

Of course any human activity, done in large enough numbers, has accidents.

People get killed in accidents building hospitals. SHould we stop building hospitals?

People get killed driving to work. Should we stop driving to work?
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?
cross fire chaos

Wrong….in the cases where concealed carriers were actually in a place that wasn't a gun free zone created by anti gunners, that was attacked by a mass shooter, you do not see that problem….as in the Smokey Mountain law school, and the gabby giffords shooting….and others…….
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?
No, I said let us know when you are done jerking off. Your posts serve only to pleasure yourself. In the real world we don't live in absolutes.

Notice how you avoid the question. As we both know the answer: this 'good guy with a gun' is the only one who could have stopped the mass shooter than never showed up.
Notice how the answer was out of your grasp "we don't live in absolutes".
Very sad. Sounds like a drunken fool.

I hope the woman survives.

I worry a lot about drunken fools who are driving.

We take away their driving license

What do we do with armed drunks?

Well, this guy is facing charges, but once he gets out, I could see him losing any carry permits.

Even if no one had been injured, drunkenly dropping your gun and having it discharge, which is unusual to say the least, shows very poor responsibility and judgement.

Does anyone know if he is actually a concealed carrier permit holder…….or is he a gang banger….?
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?

He might very well have done so.

Or if he was walking home and he was attacked by muggers he might have just threatened them and saved himself a beating.

Or he might have come upon a woman being mugged and scared off the attacker.

Alas, the only thing that actually happened was a woman in critical condition because this 'good guy with a gun' shot her.

But tell us again about those imaginary muggers.
Why do you call him a good guy, if not to dishonestly frame the argument?
If only she'd had a gun too.

Or maybe just make sure there are armed ushers. And those kids selling candy and soda and "popcorn"? They should be armed.

That way, at the first sound of gun shot, they can rush into the dark theater and mow them down.

What could possible go wrong?

Hey, no mass shooter showed up to start killing people with an assault rifle. Why? Probably because this 'good guy with a gun' was there to ward off the mass shooter.

He's a goddamn hero, saving the lives of everyone in that theater! The woman was just collateral damage.
Let us know when you are done jerking off.

So you're saying that if a mass shooter had burst through the door to kill everyone in that theater that this 'good guy with a gun' wouldn't have been able to stop him?

He might very well have done so.

Or if he was walking home and he was attacked by muggers he might have just threatened them and saved himself a beating.

Or he might have come upon a woman being mugged and scared off the attacker.

Alas, the only thing that actually happened was a woman in critical condition because this 'good guy with a gun' shot her.

But tell us again about those imaginary muggers.

Is he a good guy with a gun or a gang banger illegally carrying a gun…..does anyone know?
Very sad. Sounds like a drunken fool.

I hope the woman survives.

I worry a lot about drunken fools who are driving.

We take away their driving license

What do we do with armed drunks?

Well, this guy is facing charges, but once he gets out, I could see him losing any carry permits.

Even if no one had been injured, drunkenly dropping your gun and having it discharge, which is unusual to say the least, shows very poor responsibility and judgement.

Does anyone know if he is actually a concealed carrier permit holder…….or is he a gang banger….?

Well, the article mentions "his father" so the odds are against him being a gang member.

Though the media could have just made a mistake in identifying the mother's current boyfriend.
Yeah….I thought so, the story does not say this guy was carrying the gun legally……so until we find that out your whole point makes even less sense…….and if the theater was a gun free zone …it makes the point that gun free zones created by anti gun loons do not keep guns out…….

You lose on both counts...

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