Arms from Turkey allegedly disguised as Aid


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2015
Erob: Where the Sun Sets West of Phoenecia
Turkey boosts arms supplies to Syria terrorists in exchange for oil & antiques – Damascus
Published time: 29 Nov, 2015 00:4

Turkey has increased weapon, ammunition and equipment shipments into Syria, according to Damascus, in exchange for oil and antiquities looted by Islamic State terrorists. Meanwhile Moscow condemned Ankara for supporting “armed thugs” operating in Syria.
“We have certain information that the Turkish government recently increased support for terrorists and the level of supplying them with arms, ammunition and munitions to continue their criminal acts in exchange for oil and antiquities stolen from Syria and Iraq at low prices, taking advantage of the presence of terrorists whom it enabled to control border areas,” a statement from the Syrian General Command said, as cited by official Syrian news agency SANA.

READ MORE: Turkish newspaper editor in court for 'espionage' after revealing weapon convoy to Syrian militants

The new weapons shipments, allegedly paid for with smuggled oil and artifacts, are being delivered disguised as humanitarian aid, and easily pass through Turkish border controls, Syrian officials claimed. Additionally, Turkey was accused of escalating border tensions by shelling Syrian army positions in northwestern Latakia province from al-Aqra’a Mountain on Friday night.
Turkey boosts arms supplies to Syria terrorists in exchange for oil & antiques – Damascus
Kerry musta spoke softly an' carried a big stick...

Turkey will withdraw more troops from Iraq after US request
Dec 20,`15 -- Turkey says it will withdraw more troops from northern Iraq and acknowledged there has been a miscommunication with the Iraqi government over the issue.
The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced late Saturday the government "in recognition of the Iraqi concerns and in accordance with the requirements of the fight against Daesh (Islamic State), is continuing to move military forces from Nineveh province."

The move follows an appeal from President Barak Obama, who called Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday and urged him "to take additional steps to de-escalate tensions with Iraq."

The Ankara-Baghdad spat has been an unwelcome setback to U.S. efforts to accelerate the fight against Islamic State extremists.

News from The Associated Press
Why is it impossible for the Obama regime to get Turkey to seal its borders with ISIS if not actually ATTACK THE BASTARDS?

Why is it that every problem Washington DC tackles only gets worse over time and never FIXED PERMANENTLY?

Could it be that it is because politicians dont want to let a crisis go to waste and so they milk it for every drop of political energy they can get from it before letting it fix itself by either recovering or dying all on its own?

We are so used to Washington being impotent and clueless that it just seems like part of the natural order.

But really, there is no reason that ISIS should still exist except that the leaders of the West dont want to go to the trouble to do what needs to be done to finish the bastards off.
A Sunni government supporting a Sunni revolution against Shi'ites?

Who would've thought that could happen?
A Sunni government supporting a Sunni revolution against Shi'ites?

Who would've thought that could happen?
But it is a little more complicated than that, as the Sunni rebels are fanatics that think their Sunni supporters in Turkey are Kafirs, i.e. heretics.

But why cant this incompetent regime here in DC blockade the landlocked ISIS faction?

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