Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

Bergdahl is definitely a deserter.

(a) Any member of the armed forces who—
(1) without authority goes or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away therefrom permanently;
(2) quits his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service; or
(3) without being regularly separated from one of the armed forces enlists or accepts an appointment in the same or another one of the armed forces without fully disclosing the fact that he has not been regularly separated, or enters any foreign armed service except when authorized by the United States;
is guilty of desertion.
(b) Any commissioned officer of the armed forces who, after tender of his resignation and before notice of its acceptance, quits his post or proper duties without leave and with intent to remain away therefrom permanently is guilty of desertion.
(c) Any person found guilty of desertion or attempt to desert shall be punished, if the offense is committed in time of war, by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct, but if the desertion or attempt to desert occurs at any other time, by such punishment, other than death, as a court-martial may direct.
They should charge Denis McDonough for lying that we don't negotiate with terrorists. The man is a piece of shit.

I hear they are readying the Rose Garden for another hug up with Bergdahl's mommy.
The fuckup was signing up someone like Bergdahl to start with. Someone who washed out of Boot Camp for the Coast Guard.

and then the army kept promoting him in his absense.
Of course, of course. How stupid of me to even think that Obama made a bed call here.
I'm pretty sure Obama doesn't have time to deal with enlistment of individual soldiers, or promotions. What kind of idiot thinks he does?
What kind of idiot deflects responsibility away from the President? :dunno:

A: All of them. :lol:
The fuckup was signing up someone like Bergdahl to start with. Someone who washed out of Boot Camp for the Coast Guard.

and then the army kept promoting him in his absense.
Of course, of course. How stupid of me to even think that Obama made a bed call here.
I'm pretty sure Obama doesn't have time to deal with enlistment of individual soldiers, or promotions. What kind of idiot thinks he does?
What kind of idiot deflects responsibility away from the President? :dunno:

A: All of them. :lol:
No, he's right. Obama has little to do with enlistment. He had a lot to do with trading 5 assholes who will come back to kill Americans for one who is responsible for the deaths of those looking for his deserting ass.
No, he's right. Obama has little to do with enlistment. He had a lot to do with trading 5 assholes who will come back to kill Americans for one who is responsible for the deaths of those looking for his deserting ass.

The Lying Cocksucker in Chief and his evil, America-Hating, knee-pad wearing, knob-slurping sycophants everywhere didn't care about Bowe Bergdahl then and they don't care about him now.

It was an excuse for them to release 5 of their buddies.

People, I'm not just saying that. They CLEARLY favor the Anti-American, goat-fucking Jihidists. Only an idiot can't see that.

Just ask Bibi
Why aren't the TV networks talking about this.?? That's right - it's another monstrous obozo screwup so it gets censored.
Just because you didn't even bother to look does not mean the TV networks aren't talking about this, idiot. But I guess it was important to you to imagine they aren't so you could claim censorship.

Do you not understand how your integrity is for shit around here because of antics like this?

Bowe Bergdahl to face desertion charges: NBC

The last I checked, NBC is a "TV network".

U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl will be charged with desertion for disappearing from his base in Afghanistan in 2009, NBC News reported on Tuesday.

Notice the words "will be". Not "has". The topic title has jumped the gun. And NBC is using sources "who were not identified by name".

The officer in charge of the case, General Mark Milley, is reviewing facts and findings submitted by Army investigators last month and has not publicly said whether he will file charges, said spokesman Jim Hinnant. Milley heads the Fort Bragg, North Carolina-based U.S. Forces Command.

Milley is expected to make a decision soon on whether the findings merit a court-martial or some form of administrative punishment. The general also could decide no action against Bergdahl is warranted.

Bowe Bergdahl to Be Charged With Desertion Officials Say - NBC News
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typical of our facist president.He released them no doubt because i guarantee you,they are funded by his buddies in the CIA.
It is so obvious all you care about is providing cover, because otherwise you would have read all the documentation which includes info on the feed.
dimocraps are lying scum

Fox Breaking News Obama Was In The White House During Benghazi Research Media Matters for America

Fox Breaking News: Obama Was In The White House During Benghazi
A Fact That Was Public Knowledge For More Than A Year
Research August 1, 2014 12:18 PM EDT ››› MICHELLE LEUNG

Fox News claims new bombshell evidence finds that President Obama was in the White House during the 2012 attacks on Benghazi, a fact that was public knowledge since January 2013.

Fox News Claims New Information Shows Obama Was At The White House During Benghazi Attack
Fox: New Evidence Shows That Obama Was In The White House The Night Of The Attack. On July 31, Fox News' chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge claimed that the Benghazi Select Committee identified gaps in the timeline of events including President Obama's schedule the night of the attacks and had finally revealed that Obama was in fact at the White House:

HERRIDGE: With the Benghazi Select Committee building a timeline to identify gaps including the president's schedule that night, a senior democrat confirmed on Fox News today that he was at the White House. [Fox News, The Kelly File, 7/31/14]

This Has Been Public Information For More Than A Year
Photo Taken On September 11, 2012 Shows Obama In The Oval Office During Night Of The Attacks. On September 11, 2012 President Obama was being briefed in the White House on the Benghazi attack by Deputy National Security Advisor, Denis McDonough as documented by an official White House photo public since January 2013:


[, Accessed 8/1/14]
did you have a point in posting that?

Didn't you go around trying to discredit Shaffer by saying his sources claimed the Lying Cocksucker in Chief watched Benghazi unfold in real time?

This PROVES that it was more than possible. Ever heard of Satellites? Ever heard of Surveillance Drones?

You really are a typical, lying, piece of shit dimocrap scumbag.
no, it proves that the president was in the white house. it doesn't do anything to verify the false claim that there was a real time video feed of the attacks. do you see the difference?
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NBC was very late to the game. As usual, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is the last to report news that might cause discomfort to the scum in the dimocrap party.

It's how, and it is WHY, the alternative media got started.

Had Matt Drudge not picked up on a report about something on a Blue Dress from a known, but unconvicted, rapist there wouldn't be an alternative media.

But because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM won't do its job, we have it here.

Mostly just here. Other Countries, like the UK, have a relatively honest Media so their need for an alternative is limited.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is just that -- Disgusting Filth.

That you refuse to recognize it speaks volumes
When was Bergdahl charged with desertion? It was after the exchange where he could be interviewed and physically and mentally examined and then charged. So it was the right thing to do. Any Commander in Chief would have made the same call.

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