Army Charges Bergdahl as a Deserter

Well Stat, it's on Yahoo now so it looks like the scumbag will be charged, as he should be.
Look for the Communist in Chief to sack more Generals over this. He'll likely order his FBI and IRS Henchmen to go on the attack. He's a piece of shite. It is what it is.
Hey....getting him back only cost us letting go 5 hardened muslim terrorists....a deal at any price....right?
Hey....getting him back only cost us letting go 5 hardened muslim terrorists....a deal at any price....right?

Cost us?

Funny stuff. dimocrap scum just wanted a reason to let those scumbags go. They didn't give a flying fuck about Bergdahl then and they don't now.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.


Now that the lights have been turned on, our resident dimocraps will run and hide like the cockroaches they are

Bowe Bergdahl to face desertion charges NBC Reuters

Is Reuters a good enough source for you liberal douche-nozzles or do you have to wait for Jon Stewart to confirm it?
Hey....getting him back only cost us letting go 5 hardened muslim terrorists....a deal at any price....right?

Cost us?

Funny stuff. dimocrap scum just wanted a reason to let those scumbags go. They didn't give a flying fuck about Bergdahl then and they don't now.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.


Now that the lights have been turned on, our resident dimocraps will run and hide like the cockroaches they are

Bowe Bergdahl to face desertion charges NBC Reuters

Is Reuters a good enough source for you liberal douche-nozzles or do you have to wait for Jon Stewart to confirm it?
We already have the Army denying it, douchenozzle.
The guys he "served" with knew that he had deserted.

What choice does the government have other than to charge the guy for desertion?

Fuck him.
Five Islamic radical madmen for a deserter? That's one tough pill.

Imagine the blathering if true by CNN, MSNBC, and the big 3 if the president who got taken in such a deal was a Republican. At least we'd get to see Special Ed Schultz's fat head finally explode. A bonus of sorts.
Five Islamic radical madmen for a deserter? That's one tough pill.

Imagine the blathering if true by CNN, MSNBC, and the big 3 if the president who got taken in such a deal was a Republican. At least we'd get to see Special Ed Schultz's fat head finally explode. A bonus of sorts.
Mindbogglingly, ain't it? Setting a bunch of dangerous people free to "free" a traitor who will probably spend the rest of his life in prison.
Why aren't the TV networks talking about this.?? That's right - it's another monstrous obozo screwup so it gets censored.
Doubtful he'll be going to be in prison, and even if he was charged with desertion, the charges will be very hard to make stick.
Seriously?! What's he going to do, say he was kidnapped?

The guy's future is in military prison unless Obama gives him a pardon, and he's sleazy enough to compound his mistake.
And in this guy's opinion as well:

"Desertion is a very specific charge under U.S. military law. And there are crucial differences between civilian and military criminal justice that make Bergdahl's conviction, or even a trial, unlikely.

As former Judge Advocate General lawyer and South Texas College of Law professor Geoffrey Corn told Business Insider, in the U.S. military, a conviction for desertion requires very narrow criteria to be met. The prosecutor would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Bergdahl "quit his unit with an intent to remain absent permanently — and he had to have that specific intent," Corn explained."

Bowe Bergdahl Probably Won t Be Court Martialed - Business Insider

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