Army Chief of Staff Gen. Milley Tells Putin: "We will beat you. We will beat you harder than you've

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Milley Tells Putin: "We will beat you. We will beat you harder than you've ever been beaten before."

sad, sad news for bluffer Putler, God Bless the USA!! Finally, comments?

time is coming ...

Ukraine's Poroshenko Says "Russia" Amassing Forces Along Border


"Russian" armor is massing about 17 miles from the Ukraine border.

How do we know Poroshenko lies? Yes, when his lips are moving.

93% or Ukrainian citizens know that ^ because Poroshenko currently has 7% rating. Go figure, Ukrainian troll.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Milley Tells Putin: "We will beat you. We will beat you harder than you've ever been beaten before."

sad, sad news for bluffer Putler, God Bless the USA!! Finally, comments?

time is coming ...

Ukraine's Poroshenko Says "Russia" Amassing Forces Along Border


"Russian" armor is massing about 17 miles from the Ukraine border.

So they moved their tanks a handful of miles, and your titties are already twisting.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Milley Tells Putin: "We will beat you. We will beat you harder than you've ever been beaten before."

sad, sad news for bluffer Putler, God Bless the USA!! Finally, comments?

time is coming ...

Ukraine's Poroshenko Says "Russia" Amassing Forces Along Border


"Russian" armor is massing about 17 miles from the Ukraine border.

Cool, this oughta have the Ukronazis pissing in their undies and their neocon cheerleaders in freaking hysterics.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Milley Tells Putin: "We will beat you. We will beat you harder than you've ever been beaten before."

sad, sad news for bluffer Putler, God Bless the USA!! Finally, comments?

time is coming ...

Ukraine's Poroshenko Says "Russia" Amassing Forces Along Border


"Russian" armor is massing about 17 miles from the Ukraine border.

Cool, this oughta have the Ukronazis pissing in their undies

They have 1-800-HELPMENATO on speed dial, but still haven't gotten an answer.
Texas has a bigger economy than Russia.....And understand this....every Russian soldier's mother wants her son to come home in one piece to start a life and have a family, just like every other soldier's mother. They got chased out of Afghanistan and not a single Russian commander has led his troops in actual combat since. The Ukes will kill thousands of them if they invade, and we'll be involved in many levels....Putin best consider we can kill HIM in any given moment if we so choose,.
What does he give a shit?

He’ll just send others to their death from some cushy office far from the action.

Better Russian than Democrat.
That should get some Liberal wacks panties in a wad..............LOL

They've been screaming Russia Russia Russia for 2 years..............Longest Orgasm from a Political loss in History.
Opinion | Your everyday Republican has some galling views
From the Washington Compost.............LOL

Oh how if you are not Liberal you are the devil...........LOL

Or if you are the devil...............LOL

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Milley Tells Putin: "We will beat you. We will beat you harder than you've ever been beaten before."

sad, sad news for bluffer Putler, God Bless the USA!! Finally, comments?

time is coming ...

Ukraine's Poroshenko Says "Russia" Amassing Forces Along Border

"Russian" armor is massing about 17 miles from the Ukraine border.

So they moved their tanks a handful of miles, and your titties are already twisting.

Dec 1, NTV, Interview with former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel: “Ukraine wanted to pull us into the war”

"I think we should not let Ukraine draw us into a war, and Ukraine tried to do that,"

In an interview Gabriel also criticized Kiev’s demands to send warships to the Black Sea and its suggestion to close international ports for Russian vessels traveling from the Sea of Azov.

"Ukraine wollte uns in einen Krieg ziehen"

Former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel: 'The World Is Changing Dramatically' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

That ^ was one of the main 4 goals of Ukrainian provocation 5 days before the Summit.
where is putler´s Muscovy ? has it gone already like ussr in 1991? LOL ))):abgg2q.jpg:

Neocon, military industrial complex bullshit...combined with a egomaniacal moron WHO IS YELLING FOR SOME REASON.

This guy needs to get laid...a LOT more. I mean good, romantic, fun sex...not whatever the hell passes for sex for this guy (probably masturbating to a picture of General Patton).
Neocon, military industrial complex bullshit...combined with a egomaniacal moron WHO IS YELLING FOR SOME REASON.

This guy needs to get laid...a LOT more. I mean good, romantic, fun sex...not whatever the hell passes for sex for this guy (probably masturbating to a picture of General Patton).
much like you do on Putler´s and Koba Dzhugashvili picture

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