Arrest indicates Pakistan leaders face rising pressure to curb U.S. role


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
Arrest indicates Pakistan leaders face rising pressure to curb U.S. role


A Pakistani army major, allegedly recruited by U.S. intelligence to spy on Osama bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound before the commando raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader, has been arrested, according to U.S. and Pakistani officials.


U.S. and Pakistani officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, said that a detained army major was their principal concern, although some said they were not certain Aziz was that person. One Pakistani official said the military believed Aziz had been recruited by the CIA and paid to monitor comings and goings from the compound and photograph individuals and vehicles.

In Pakistan the people that are allies during the day snipe at us by night. It has ever been so as it this is the kind of tribal customs of their 'loosely' and militarily run 'democratic' extremism based state culture. They want our technology and money, and hate us for it at the same time.

The problem is we took Mr Bin Laden out from under their noses in Pakistan and the have a really hard time convincing anyone they didn't know he was there.

What good are they presenting or offering to the rest of the world anyway? In any case what do they bring the world other than war and extremism. Pakistan was and is a terrorist state that wears a flimsy pretense of civility while they fully support al Qaeda! Pakistan is playing games with American interests and now working with China, whom has an interest in Afgan resources. This adds to my view that the war is coming. New strategic interests are being created in blocks and this preceded both WWI and WWII.

Pakistan's neighbor, India is growing into a world power while Pakistan is lagging with zero growth for it's people and extremism growing to the point where American forces will intervene. Bow to America or China, but either way, they will not control the vast resources, period.

The constant excuse we are given for not taking aggressive action against Pakistan's extremist military element is that they will cut off our supply routes into Afghanistan. They will attempt to work against the West. There is a simple solution to that. The solutions is coming it seems to me. India is far closer to an ally than these Muslim Pakistani Extremist Fanatic supporters of bin Laden and his fundamentalist terror platform that remains even though he is now where he belongs. India and Pakistan will be in their own great war quite soon it seems to me.

Leahy blasts Pakistan for bin Laden operation arrests
Fuck Pakistan, the only reason we are even dealing with them is because of Afghanistan and they have nukes. I wish we could wash our hands with that joke of a country altogether.
Fuck Pakistan, the only reason we are even dealing with them is because of Afghanistan and they have nukes. I wish we could wash our hands with that joke of a country altogether.

India is the real friend of America in the greater middle eastern region. Just as Israel is the real friend of America in the center Middle Eastern region.

Pakistan AND Afghanistan are simply more Muslim states that birth fundamentalist and extremist Islamic terrorist roots.
Fuck Pakistan, the only reason we are even dealing with them is because of Afghanistan and they have nukes. I wish we could wash our hands with that joke of a country altogether.

India is the real friend of America in the greater middle eastern region. Just as Israel is the real friend of America in the center Middle Eastern region.

Pakistan AND Afghanistan are simply more Muslim states that birth fundamentalist and extremist Islamic terrorist roots.

Pakistan and Afghanistan hate America but they love American moneys and Military arms, so they continue to smile in our faces and do the song and dance and than curse us behind our backs and distribute the moneys to the same people we are supposed to be fighting.:evil: neither country is any friend to the US.

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