Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Stop twisting my words, fucktard.

10 year olds are raped every day. By their fathers, uncles, brothers, baby sitters, cousins. It just doesn't make the news that often.

But you can be sure the right wing propagandists will hype the shit out of this particular rape, purely because it was an illegal.
How quickly the wormed turned on this story.

Just a few days ago, this little girl's tragedy was all the left could talk about, except the Jan 6th hearings. She was raped, and far worse, had to take a couple of hours car ride to get an abortion. All the worse, because they don't even have Buck-ee's in Ohio.

Now that we know the car ride story was fake, and that the rapist was an illegal, the left is like, "Oh, pshaw! Kids get raped every day, what's the big deal?"

They have one part right. In some cultures, sex with little girls is not a horrible crime, but a tolerated quirk of a "men will be men" attitude. "Un hombre sera un hombre," I've heard it many times, but I never knew how much it meant.

People who follow that cultural norm should be carefully screened out and stopped at border checkpoints, which we should build immediately while securing our border against such people, now that the left has enlightened us about this cultural difference.
Was there an exception for medical reasons? Being 10 would qualify right there, I would think.
The child abuse doctor apparently didnt think so. They need to work this shit out. Its fucked up
I fixed the "long after" to "2 days before". You grabbed the quote faster than I could fix it. But you're right.

But, DCS didn't make the required report to law enforcement; that's probably not a lie on your part; it's simply ignorance. Neither DCS nor the doctor reported to the police.
They made a report, they just didnt report it to LE.
Its not a lie o rignorance, when thats not even what i said ;)
Maybe you'd like to address the fact that the rapist was an illegal alien? You of the millions that you assholes are flooding our country with?

Oh, and by the way...there was zero reason she had to go to a different State.
Other than the law which gives no exception for rape or incest, or for preteen girls?
The inability to get an abortion in Ohio is what cause the MOST significant harm.
Rape is bad, but preventing abortions is 10 times worse.
An illegal raping a 10yo is 'bad'?
Have you evrr had a child raped? Ever been raped?

A 13yo was raped here, and at the hospital gave them an 'abortion pill' to ensute no pregnancy would result. Doing so is almost automatic here, as rape victims are automatically offered the pill.

I don't know what Ohio's laws are, but I would be shocked to find every state did not do this as this is not 'abortion'. 8 days after a rape is not long enough for life / a baby to have formed thus nothing but a potential 'clump of cells' to 'abort'.
Maybe you'd like to address the fact that the rapist was an illegal alien? You of the millions that you assholes are flooding our country with?

Oh, and by the way...there was zero reason she had to go to a different State.
I think a child being raped and got refused an abortion is more important than who did it.
Of course, im not a partisan zealot that jerks off when talking points come to fruition.
The child abuse doctor she went to doesnt agree.
Interesting how Democrats' priority in this story was not that a 10yo American girl was raped by an illegal pedophile but rather that this girl could not have a medical abortion in Ohio.
Funny how you don't give a crap about the 10 year old girl's physical and mental health first..... :rolleyes:
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We're about to have a crime wave because of the Biden border policies and you on the left are going to be responsible for it. Get your excuses ready now because it's coming!
The child abuse doctor apparently didnt think so. They need to work this shit out. Its fucked up

Now, why would a "Doctor" say that there was no medical reason for a TEN year old to NOT carry to term?

This is starting to sound like a manufactured issue, where the libs used a TEN years old child, to get control of the news cycle.

Do you support abusing a child for partisan political purposes?
Now, why would a "Doctor" say that there was no medical reason for a TEN year old to NOT carry to term?

This is starting to sound like a manufactured issue, where the libs used a TEN years old child, to get control of the news cycle.

Do you support abusing a child for partisan political purposes?
Maybe its a lie. Im just going by what is reported. :dunno:
Care to take a crack at explaining how that 10 year old is raped by that illegal if you liberals don't let him into the country in the first place?
A ten year old girl is raped and has to flee the state she lives in to get an abortion because of crazy abortion laws

So much for your concern for the children huh?

Apparently your concern begins and ends with the politics
This is starting to sound like a manufactured issue, where the libs used a TEN years old child, to get control of the news cycle.
You cynical partisan hack

A ten year old girl gets raped and pregnant and has to flee to another state to get an abortion and you claim it's a "manufactured issue"?

Sick bastards
Now this has happened and the story is real, can we discuss why the state made this CHILD go through this shit?
Perhaps a more informative discussion would be about all the resources right wing media committed suggesting the story was wrong. And those right wing commentators who implied it was a fraud. Like Jesse Waters on Faux. Or Rep. Jim Jordan, who deleted a tweet saying the story was a lie.
Will Waters face repercussions for misinforming his audience? Of course not. That is the business plan at Faux. Tucker Carlson said the story turned out not to be true. The WSJ editorial board did likewise.
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Perhaps a more informative discussion would be about all the resources right wing media committed suggesting the story was wrong. And those right wing commentators who implied it was a fraud. Like Jesse Waters on Faux. Or Rep. Jim Jordan, who deleted a tweet saying the story was a lie.
Will Waters face repercussions for misinforming his audience? Of course not. That is the business plan at Faux.
yes, because thats more important than the child. Dumbass
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