Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Maybe you'd like to address the fact that the rapist was an illegal alien? You of the millions that you assholes are flooding our country with?

Oh, and by the way...there was zero reason she had to go to a different State.

Yeah....this may be why they took their own sweet time arresting the guy....letting that tid bit of info. out ruins the narrative they were setting...
Stop twisting my words, fucktard.

10 year olds are raped every day. By their fathers, uncles, brothers, baby sitters, cousins. It just doesn't make the news that often.

But you can be sure the right wing propagandists will hype the shit out of this particular rape, purely because it was an illegal.
You admitted that it only pisses off right-wingers, meaning it doesn't piss off left-wingers. You said it. Don't get pissed at me for pointing it out.
It's true. PII (personally identifiable information) like the former commenter demands from the individual in the article isn't legal unless said individual chooses to disclose this information.

Sure. Whatever turns your crank, magaturd. :cuckoo:
Details of the crime that exclude the victim's name, her parents and siblings names, her phone number, email address, residence address, etc., would not be considered PII. I'm kind of an expert in this as I work with and train my staff and make sure we follow HIPAA ever single day.

There are experts that know more than me but you're clearly not one of them.
The only doctor was the doctor in Indiana who performed the abortion. There is some question about why the children's services worker didn't get a doctor in Ohio.

There was a doctor in Ohio who called the doctor in Indiana. The children's services person didn't call the doctor in Indiana, the Ohio doctor did.

All three of those are guilty of crimes.
Why didn't she get an abortion in Ohio? Because Roe v Wade was overturned, you dope.

The victim’s story of traveling out of state for the abortion made headlines around the world following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
After the court decision, Ohio activated the state's Heartbeat Law, which bans most abortions around six weeks or when the first fetal heartbeat is detected.

Now, let's take the perp who raped the child. He has been in this country illegally more than 7 years at least! Yet, you want to blame Biden for this? LOL

Interesting how Democrats' priority in this story was not that a 10yo American girl was raped by an illegal pedophile but rather that this girl could not have a medical abortion in Ohio.
What was the name of the Ohio doctor because he is certainly going to be prosecuted.
It's been in the news from July 1 when Dr. Bernard first got in front of a camera. It's always been part of the story.

On Monday three days after the Supreme Court issued its groundbreaking decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist, took a call from a colleague, a child abuse doctor in Ohio.

Geeez. Ask you wife about how regular periods were, if at all, at that age? We're talking a child here. You really should be asking why Ohio AG David Yost went on Fox New and called the child a liar.
I’m actually wondering why the so called adults would be waiting around for her next cycle. After they claimed she was raped. This new info isn’t making any of them look better. So far after the illegal rapist the worst people involved are the parents and this doctor. What an absolute cluster fuck of stupid.

This isn’t going to end well for you. Nothing is adding up or even making sense here.
Details of the crime that exclude the victim's name, her parents and siblings names, her phone number, email address, residence address, etc., would not be considered PII. I'm kind of an expert in this as I work with and train my staff and make sure we follow HIPAA ever single day.

There are experts that know more than me but you're clearly not one of them.
I actually am
Stop twisting my words, fucktard.

10 year olds are raped every day. By their fathers, uncles, brothers, baby sitters, cousins. It just doesn't make the news that often.

But you can be sure the right wing propagandists will hype the shit out of this particular rape, purely because it was an illegal.

No, because you progtards made it political.

You dumb bunny.
It's been in the news from July 1 when Dr. Bernard first got in front of a camera. It's always been part of the story.

On Monday three days after the Supreme Court issued its groundbreaking decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indianapolis obstetrician-gynecologist, took a call from a colleague, a child abuse doctor in Ohio.

Still no name for the doctor. Doctors are mandatory reporters. Who is the Ohio doctor?
First you claim she didn’t have to leave the state and now you claim she wasn’t 6 weeks pregnant… after first claiming it was all a lie

You people are fucked

Actually it's you that are fucked. First until today there was nothing to substantiate the story other than a know activist liar. Second if you bothered to read, you would know I admitted my mistake on the calculation. Third, why don't you answer the question I asked, ie, why wasn't she tested for pregnancy sooner? And fourth but not least, the OH AG said she would have been eligible for an abortion under their exception. Now, fuck off and die commie.

Actually it's you that are fucked. First until today there was nothing to substantiate the story other than a know activist liapr. Second if you bothered to read, you would know I admitted my mistake on the calculation. Third, why don't you answer the question I asked, ie, why wasn't she tested for pregnancy sooner? And fourth but not least, the OH AG said she would have been eligible for an abortion under their exception. Now, fuck off and die commie.

Perhaps the Ohio doctors weren't trusted to keep the rapist's identity a secret.
He's not gonna run any numbers or read anything that cuts against his soapbox. To quote Boon from Animal House during Belushi's "Germans bombed Pearl Harbor" speech: "forget it, he's rolling"

It was my mistake, according to dates quoted it would have been 49 days, not 39.

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