Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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They overturned a case that gave individuals rights. They made the law. NORMALLY they don't take away personal rights ... in fact, they've never done it before ... unless you had a right to segregated school
They don't have the authority to give individual rights and the court in Roe was wrong - and they knew they were wrong. The current Court just fixed it.
I am sure the FOX News personalities are apologizing profusely.
Not a single Fox News talking head said the story was false and I challenge you to provide a quote to prove otherwise.

They said that if it was true then there must be police reports as required by law. They actually did research and could not find any police reports and they reported the question, that's all.

As it is today, we still have not seen any indication that any required report was made before Jesse Watters first raised the questions of police reports on Monday, July 11.
Guess it wasnt made up
Now this has happened and the story is real, can we discuss why the state made this CHILD go through this shit?
Hold on a minute here. We’ve been hearing about this case for weeks now. Suddenly we have a perp once it’s gone this viral. And somehow the parents of this child supposedly were right on the case and reporting it. But it went beyond the six week limit?

There are some shit people involved here for sure. I’m not sure the ones selling this story aren’t the shit people.
Was Fox claiming it was a hoax?
Nobody on Fox said it was a hoax. They raised valid questions and the only reason the guy is in jail today is because Fox raised those questions. Anyone who cares about little girls being raped should be happy Fox questioned the missing police reports.
There was a report filed but apparently LE wasnt informed. He should have still checked with DCS.
Wrong. The mother went to DCS to get her money - you know, her rights to American tax dollars as an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city. She did not go to report a rape.

And DCS is required to notify the police. I posted the law and you must have read it because the post you quoted was later than, and referred to, the post where I posted the law.

The doctor was required to notify the police as well. No legally required notification of the rape was made.

So why didnt the child who was raped by an illegal alien get the abortion in Ohio? Because Sociopaths dont give a damn about people, just like you, it is only the cause that the progressive elites care for.

CBS"news" called the rapist an Ohio Man...Despicable what the Lame Stream Media is doing to cover for the shitter in chief...
Ohio 10-year-old's alleged rapist is Guatemalan illegal immigrant: ICE source

A 10 year old is raped, think about that Coyote, by an illegal alien that Joe Biden's administration allows into this country. Do you approve of Joe Biden?
Why didn't she get an abortion in Ohio? Because Roe v Wade was overturned, you dope.

The victim’s story of traveling out of state for the abortion made headlines around the world following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
After the court decision, Ohio activated the state's Heartbeat Law, which bans most abortions around six weeks or when the first fetal heartbeat is detected.

Now, let's take the perp who raped the child. He has been in this country illegally more than 7 years at least! Yet, you want to blame Biden for this? LOL
Yep. Leftist friend of mine stated similar things for this garbage in the state I live in. I told him not to believe me or the MSM, and emailed him the actual document from the state, so he could read it and see it first hand.
And is your leftist friend still a leftist or did he realize the lie that is the left?
Hold on a minute here. We’ve been hearing about this case for weeks now. Suddenly we have a perp once it’s gone this viral. And somehow the parents of this child supposedly were right on the case and reporting it. But it went beyond the six week limit?

There are some shit people involved here for sure. I’m not sure the ones selling this story aren’t the shit people.
Geeez. Ask you wife about how regular periods were, if at all, at that age? We're talking a child here. You really should be asking why Ohio AG David Yost went on Fox New and called the child a liar.
Especially those of either kind who think that ten year-olds can have an "affair" with a grown man.
In that case, we would have to deport Joe Biden.

Wrong as always.

The deleted a constitutionally protected, unenumerated right.

But you are so ignorant, you don't even know what that means.
Wrong. The Constitution is quite clear in the 10th Amendment that all unenumerated rights are reserved to the States.
Guess it wasnt made up
Now this has happened and the story is real, can we discuss why the state made this CHILD go through this shit?
Maybe you'd like to address the fact that the rapist was an illegal alien? You of the millions that you assholes are flooding our country with?

Oh, and by the way...there was zero reason she had to go to a different State.
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