Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Now this has happened and the story is real, can we discuss why the state made this CHILD go through this shit?
It is supposed to be that the people of the state approve of the laws.

Abortion in Ohio is illegal after embryonic cardiac activity can be detected, which typically occurs around six weeks of pregnancy. On April 11, 2019, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed the Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection Act, which bans abortion in the state after embryonic cardiac activity is detectable. On June 24, 2022, after the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade, judge Michael R. Barrett lifted a preliminary injunction that had blocked state officials from enforcing the law against certain abortion providers, allowing the Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection Act to take full effect.
Interesting, it appears that this was a fairly recent law. Was there any push-back during the interim between promulgation and the Supreme Court adjutment?

It appears that this ten year-old girl had to go through this, because of the tremendously vulgar conditions of the Central American immigration process to the United States.

I saw a report that the law allows for abortions in such situations. I am wondering how often does child rape occur and the stratification identity.

The horrendous situation could have been avoided if the brilliant scholars would have delivered a reliable government charter for the shit-hole country the people are fleeing.
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Yes, they used the force of the law. She could not get treatment. Are you really this stupid? Own the results of your right wing dumbfuckery, dickhead.

Yost said on Fox News that Ohio's law also allows an exception for a medical emergency and "this young girl, if she exists and if this horrible thing actually happened to her – breaks my heart to think about it – she did not have to leave Ohio to find treatment."

He would be the guy in charge of prosecuting the law, he said they would have allowed it. But I'm so glad you guys could use the case of a 10 year old being raped to push for your abortion laws.....Jesus you guys are sick. And Just more great morality from humanity.
And apparently, all that shit about nothing being reported in Ohio was a LOAD OF SHIT
We do not know why the reporting was skewed. Maybe, it was in an effort to protect the victim. When was the accused suspect arrested?
Citing detectives, the newspaper reported that police were first made aware of the girl’s pregnancy through a referral filed with the local child services’ branch by her mother on June 22.
Did these mother fuckers lie about this child for political reasons?
Partisan campaign strategy.
The accused is an illegal immigrant.

So there is something to piss everyone off.
It won't piss off democrats, they will be thrilled........Trump was wrong, illegals are super great people that cross the border and become doctors.!
Of course it does, just as this event exists. You are a fucking moron.
First you say that some non-existent Ohio law that somehow prevents people from getting medical treatment, and when challenged to cite the law, you don't do it. (obviously because no such law exists)

Then you backed way the fuck off and claimed the law was cited in a post this thread. And when challenged to cite that post, you cannot link to it, because it simply does not exist.

And you are so fucking stupid that you think you are right because that's just typical of slow learners such as yourself.

So why didnt the child who was raped by an illegal alien get the abortion in Ohio? Because Sociopaths dont give a damn about people, just like you, it is only the cause that the progressive elites care for.

CBS"news" called the rapist an Ohio Man...Despicable what the Lame Stream Media is doing to cover for the shitter in chief...
Ohio 10-year-old's alleged rapist is Guatemalan illegal immigrant: ICE source
The man charged with the rape of a 10-year-old girl in Ohio is a Guatemalan illegal immigrant, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) source told Fox News Digital on Wednesday.

A 10 year old is raped, think about that Coyote, by an illegal alien that Joe Biden's administration allows into this country. Do you approve of Joe Biden?
First you say that some non-existent Ohio law that somehow prevents people from getting medical treatment, and when challenged to cite the law, you don't do it. (obviously because no such law exists)

Then you backed way the fuck off and claimed the law was cited in a post this thread. And when challenged to cite that post, you cannot link to it, because it simple does not exist.

And you are so fucking stupid that you think you are right because that's just typical of slow learners such as yourself.
He does that, but remember he thinks people evolve into being better more moral people and without any objective moral's hilarious.
I'd like to know the immigration status of the child, her country of origin and parental status too. This has the potential to be even worse than we are being told. Is this child a sex slave?? Is she without parents. Haven't heard of any. How did these folk get word of this child and then intervene in her situation? Let's get a name and position of ALL involved
You don't have any legal right to that information unless it is disclosed by the individual.
It won't piss off democrats, they will be thrilled........Trump was wrong, illegals are super great people that cross the border and become doctors.!
The part about a ten year old having to leave her state to get an abortion pisses off the Left.

That she was raped by an illegal immigrant pisses off the Right.

Like I said. Something to piss off everyone.
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