Arrest made in Ohio 10 year old rape case

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Wrong as always, dummy. You are embarrassing.
If that were true (which it isn’t, of course) you could support your typically baseless claim that Ohio denies medical treatment. 🙄

Farty. You’re always retarded. But you don’t have to always be dishonest. Give honesty a try.
If that were true (which it isn’t, of course) you could support your typically baseless claim that Ohio denies medical treatment. 🙄

Farty. You’re always retarded. But you don’t have to always be dishonest. Give honesty a try.
Of course it is true, which is why they were forced to travel to another state.

You squealing twats think you can create a reality by flapping your trumpsuckers.

This is what Trump has done to your brains.

You freaks probably would have given her ivermectin and told her to prepare for the wedding.
Look at the squealing idiots.

Can't even admit their own fulfilled fantasy law forced a 10 year old to travel out of State to abort her rapist's baby.

Which is odd, considering how they have been celebrating the Dobbs decision like sorority girls after a group lobotomy.

These people's brains have been turned to mush. Just an embarrassment to our country.
Absolutely it is. Amoral and wishy washy. Making moral determinations for others based on whatever tingle it gives you in your colon. Weak sauce, bereft of intellect.

You are a self parody. Again, you hapless retard, repeating your false claims is just reiteration and doesn’t serve to make them anything other than false.

By the way, your far too stupid to grasp this, but other aren’t so I’ll share it so they can enjoy another laugh at your expense. Decisions on what is moral is as fundamental to all of us as what allegedly isn’t a matter of morality. Your inability to make a distinction is what’s wushu washy.

Damn, but you make yourself an even more obviously worthless scumbag troll with every post. So, keep posting. 🤣😂

Your complete libtardation and off-topic bullshit aside, the topic of this thread is the case of a raped 10 year old girl. Despite your mindless jackass hee-hawing nonsense, it is perfectly possible to validly maintain that generally abortions are immoral, but nonetheless concede that some abortions are morally justifiable.
Just How many abortions ARE performed on ten year olds? would you have any idea EvilCat Breath
No. I don't know where these people are from. In these outlying villages in South and Central America this isn't rape, it's courtship. In these villages there would be no abortion. The baby would be born or not. Mother would die in childbirth or not.

The illegal confessed immediately. Likely he doesn't even know he did anything wrong. He was ready to be a proud papa.
fortfun said:
Irrelevant. I know you are going to sissy out soon, but try to hang for a minute.

So, how many 10 year olds forced to give birth is fine with you? We know it's at least one.

irrelevant is it. It's not irrelevant if the rapist is an illegal and in this country doing this. It's cultural where he comes from.

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